Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

“No. Well, I don’t know. Why can’t they just fly in a normal plane and drive to the ranch? Just because this rancher has his own landing strip and Nate wants flying hours . . . ugh.”

I buried my face in my hands. I could feel my chest tightening as I struggled for air.

My mother pulled my hands away from my face and held them. “Is that why you’re so on edge? You’re worried about him flying up there?”

I couldn’t hold the secret in any longer. “That’s part of it, but I’ve been keeping a secret from you.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh. Okay . . . well let me get myself ready for this.”

She licked her lips and then pressed them together as she closed her eyes. Was she saying a prayer?

Oh. God. She thinks I’m pregnant!

“I’m not pregnant, Mom.”

Her body slumped over as she sighed. “Thank God! Your father would beat Jase’s ass.”

Trying not to giggle, I shook my head. “Well . . . he still might, if I know, Daddy.”

Her eyes lit up and she smiled from ear to ear.

“Jase asked me to marry him.”

She yelped as she slammed her hands over her mouth. Then her hands dropped and she started crying.

“My baby is getting married!”

I quickly glanced around to see who was witnessing her breakdown. A few older ladies smiled and gave me a polite nod. “Okay, Mom . . . maybe we should grab lunch.”

She jumped up. “Lunch? We have to start thinking about the dress! Let’s go.”

And just like that, I created a monster I was positive I wouldn’t be able to contain.

“Where are we going?”

Looking over her shoulder, she laughed. “Home, of course. We need to make a game plan!”

Rolling my eyes, I moaned. Maybe this was the perfect distraction I needed. My mother on a mission.

Yay. Me.

Once I was safely in my car, I dragged in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Holy hell. I’m not going to make it.”

My phone rang in my purse as I quickly dug it out. Seeing Jase’s name, I smiled.


“Hi there, beautiful. How was your day with your mom?”

Dropping my head back, I moaned. “I caved.”

Jase laughed. “Was she happy?”

“So happy that I just spent the last two hours mapping out a detailed plan on what wedding dress shops we were going to visit. Of course, it all depends on what time of year the wedding is.”


“I asked the same thing! I did tell her it would be by the lake on your family’s ranch. She loved the idea.”

Jase chuckled again. “Hey, can you meet me where we decided to have the house built? Gunner is wanting to finalize a few things so we can get started building the house.”

My stomach fluttered. “I can’t believe we’re building a house together.”

“You don’t think we’re moving too fast, do you?”

Staring straight ahead, I smiled. “It feels right.”

“So right. But you know I can sell this land and we can build anywhere you want. It doesn’t have to be here in Llano.”

My chest expanded as Jase spoke. He was so caring of my feelings about everything. It made me love him even more. “No. I want to live where you grew up. The idea of raising our kids in your backyard makes me happy.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”

Jase cleared his throat. “The way you love me leaves me breathless.”

With a chortle, I shook my head and started my car. “I feel the same. I’m leaving my parents’ house now. I’ll head straight to the land and meet you there.”

“Sounds good. Be careful driving, sweetness.”

“Will do. See ya in about forty minutes.”

When I drove down the dirt road we had made coming out to the land, I couldn’t contain the excitement building. Jase and I were building a house. We were getting married.

I reached over and pinched myself.

“Still not dreaming.”

Pulling in behind Jase, I quickly jumped out of my car and made my way over to the site we had picked to build our two-story house. I wasn’t sure what Gunner needed. I thought we had signed off on the plans last week.

My eyes danced between the little table that was set up and Jase who stood there holding a box.

“Wh-what’s going on?” I asked as I walked up and saw the picnic basket on the table.

“I thought maybe you’d like to have a picnic.”

My entire body tingled. “Jase! This is so wonderful!”

His face beamed with pride as he pulled the chair out for me to sit down. “But first . . . you need to open your gift.”

“What’s the gift for?”

“No reason other than I love you.”

My heartbeat quickened. I’m living in a fairytale. “You’re spoiling me!” I said with a slight giggle.

He set the box down on the table. Before I had a chance to open it, the lid popped open and the cutest boxer puppy tried to jump out. There was a pink bow tied around her neck and she barked as soon as she saw me.

“It’s a puppy!” Jumping up, I swept her up into my arms.

“It’s a girl,” Jase said.

Holding her up, I looked at her adorable white and black face. “She’s beautiful.” Turning to Jase, I reached up on my tippy toes and kissed him. “I love her already!”