Live Me

I’d lost count of how many times I’d gone around, but my legs were beginning to feel rubbery, and I had a sharp pang in my side that wouldn’t let up. I stopped, grasping the pain and panting. I turned my nose up to the gray sky, closed my eyes, and wrapped my arms around myself, helping my heart rate descend.

Feeling better, I started the slow trudge back to my apartment, focusing on the music flowing into my ears. I smiled as Eye of the Tiger by Survivor began to play. The song did its job of perking me up. Feeling thoroughly exhausted but better, I picked a flower and tucked it behind my ear, then decided to grab Jace, order Chinese, and watch True Blood reruns. I could never resist an afternoon spent with some sexy vamps.

“Well, look who finally decided to show her face,” Jace said, opening his door. “Hurry up and get in here before you embarrass yourself. You look like road kill, honey.”

I snickered, tripping over my own feet as he yanked me inside by my arm. “Nice to see you, too. So glad I stopped by.”

He turned and looked me up and down. “What the hell happened to you?”

“Can we not talk about it? I’m finally starting to feel a little better.” I walked past him to his kitchen and peered into the refrigerator.

He gave me a doubtful glance. “If you say so, but I just need to let you know, I’m really worried about you, Eva. No joke. I don’t know what to make of all this.”

I screwed the cap off a bottle of water, and took a long gulp. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine. Really. I’ve gotten over worse than a stupid crush.”

“That’s the thing, you haven’t gotten over any of it.” His eyes were lit with concern. “You’re still having those god awful dreams. You finally have a chance at a real relationship, but you’re pissing all over it. And what happens when you go back home, huh? Or are you planning to never see your family again? Have you thought any of this through? You really need to tell them, Eva.”

I slammed the bottle down on the counter, tears budding in my eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you I can’t? Stop asking and just be here for me, okay?”

His shoulders lost their sharp edges, and he huffed. “Fine. For now.” He waved a warning finger at me. “But we’re not done talking about it.”

“We never are.” I frowned, picking up the bottle for another sip.

“And, just to let you know, if you ever shut me out again the way you did last night, I’m ripping out your va-jay-jay hairs one by one.”

“Pfft.” I spit out a laugh full of water. The look on his face told me he was not happy I wasn’t taking him seriously and I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh, I just . . .” I stifled another bout of giggles and wiped the water dripping from my chin. “Go on.” I sucked in my cheeks, trying not to laugh again.

“Uh huh,” he huffed. “Laugh all you want. Just don’t try me, missy. You won’t be laughing when you feel the * burn.”

At that, I laughed outright. When I’d finally got ahold of myself, I looked at my best friend adoringly. “I’m sorry I upset you last night. It’s just sometimes I need to work through stuff on my own. Don’t be mad.”

“I’m not mad, Eva. I’m nervous. And I wouldn’t care if you were actually working through stuff and not on some drawn out suicide mission. You’re giving me early wrinkles for Christ’s sake. Do you see these lines?” He pointed at his temples and the imaginary creases he believed were forming there. But we both knew his genes were way too good for that.

“Oh please, stop it. You’re gorgeous and you know it. But point taken.” I jabbed him in the ribs with the water bottle. “Now, come back to my place and you can braid my hair while we drool over Eric and Sookie. Well, Eric.” I corrected with a smirk.

“Okay, but you’re not off the hook just because you’re distracting me with visions of a hot vampire Viking.”

I sat on the floor between Jace’s legs as he braided and unbraided my hair countless times. It was one of his favorite pasttimes. We’d gone through our ritual of what we would do if we ever got our hands on Eric, voiced our shared jealousy of Sookie, ate Chinese, and fallen asleep curled up together.

When I woke the next morning, Jace was already showered and bouncing around my apartment. I, on the other hand, felt like someone had taken a baseball bat to my entire body. Between the prior night of beating the shit out of myself, the first run I’d taken in longer than I cared to admit, and then a night spent face down on the carpet, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to move from the spot on the floor I was stuck to like a chewed-up wad of gum.

“Oh boy, am I in trouble.” I rolled myself onto my back and winced. “Why do you look so good already?” I scowled.

“Honey, I always look good. Trust.” He reached his hand down and hoisted me to a standing position with one sharp tug. “Gimme a kiss. I’m going home.”

I kissed him and rubbed the knot at the back of my neck. “See ya later.” I started to walk him toward the door then stopped. “Hey, Jace?”

He turned, his hand on the doorknob. “Yeah?”

Celeste Grande's books