Live Me

“Are the girls coming?” I asked Jace.

“Yep. They’ll be here in three . . . two . . . one . . .” He flicked his wrist toward the door and snapped. Sure enough, Sandra and Jessie came floating through its frame.

Thankfully, the break in Sandra’s leg wasn’t that severe and she didn’t need the cast for too long. She still harbored a slight limp and a small scar beside her eye, but other than that, you’d never know anything had happened to her. Physical therapy three times a week had done wonders. Jeremy hardly ever let her out of his sight, which made me smile when he filed in behind her.

Jace did the honors of introducing everyone, and instantly my old crew was socializing with my new one. I took a moment, looking at my sister, boyfriend, and all of my friends lining the bar. My vision blurred, and I turned so no one would notice the mist covering my eyes. For someone who had spent so much time trying to push people away and remain alone, I sure was surrounded by a lot of love.

I busied myself for the next few hours as everyone took a turn at the mic for karaoke night.

Everyone but Blake.

And his fine ass was walking in that direction.

This should be entertaining. I propped my chin in my hand and leaned on the bar.

A quick, fun drumbeat started, and Blake threw his rocker fingers in the air, air banging his head to a cute little bop as the intro to Cheap Trick’s, I Want You To Want Me played.

Blake circled his hands around the silver stand like a rock star and looked right at me, seductively purring the opening line into the mic.

I threw my head back and laughed, coming up to yell in Rick’s ear, “Be right back.”

Pouring a bottle from each hand, he shouted back, “Sure thing.”

I scooted out from behind the bar, through the throngs of women who looked like they wanted to throw their bras at my boyfriend, and headed toward the awful voice crackling from the speakers.

But it was Blake’s voice, and that made it beautiful.

Blake squinted his eyes, accentuating the infliction in his words with feeling and emotion. And then . . . he scrunched up his nose and wiggled his ass, telling me he’d come home early from work if I told him I loved him.

My eyes never wavered as I howled in encouragement and mouthed, ‘I love you’.

He let out a rocker’s yell, lost in the role. Wincing, I laughed, as I continued to stare in awe at the man of my dreams as he played the air guitar. Blake slammed to his knees as the tempo slowed again. He crawled toward me, finishing off the lyrics. When he reached my feet, he slithered up the length of my body, flushed and huffing, and then he claimed my lips.

“I don’t think I’ve ever wanted you more,” I spoke into his mouth.

Blake broke the kiss and yelled into the mic, “You hear that, guys? She wants me!”

The place erupted in a roar, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped onto his waist. “Always. You fucking rock.”

Blake laughed. “I told you I can’t sing.”

“No, but you were right. You make for a hell of a show trying.” I winked.

We made our way back over to the group, who by now were sloshed and rowdy. Blake set me on my feet, and Abby slurred, “Oh my god, Eva. I love your boyfriend.”

I laughed. “Thanks. He’s pretty amazing, isn’t he?” I smiled at Blake.

Abby smacked my arm. “Yes! He’s so much fun. His friend’s not too shabby, either.” She bit her straw and moved her eyes to Eric, nudging me with her shoulder.

“Uh-oh. Still on that?”

“I wish I was.” Her gaze roamed the length of him before she clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes going wide. “Oh my God. What’s wrong with me? What did you put in these drinks?” She squinted, inspecting her glass.

I put my hand on top of it and pushed down until it rested on the bar. “I think you’ve had enough of those.”

“Yeah, maybe.” She scratched her head and shrugged. “I’m gonna go potty. I’ll be right back.”

A while passed, and I noticed Abby still hadn’t come back. I hoped she wasn’t sick in the bathroom. “Hey, Rick, can I have another minute?”

“You got it.”

My eyebrows knitted together as I searched the faces in the crowded bar. None of them belonged to my sister. Walking to the next room, I went up on my tippy toes, craning my neck when I spotted her. She was backed into a corner, her chest rising and falling heavily as Eric stood, enveloping her, with his head drawn down and slanted, obviously ready to go in for the kill. I had to think fast.

Did I want this to happen? This was my chance to get her away from Damon. But with Eric? The guy was a player who’d been with half the female population.

But she liked him, right? And I wanted her to have fun. I also wanted her the fuck away from that scumbag.

I ducked my head and moved to get closer and hear what was going on.

Celeste Grande's books