Live Me

“Keep it up and you will be.”

“Uh-oh. Sounds serious. I better—sorry—watch what I say—sorry.”

I bent to unzip my boot when a sharp pain stung my backside. I jolted upright, grabbing my rear and turned to see Blake rubbing his palm with his thumb and smiling wickedly.

“You fight dirty.”

“I warned you. Do it again and later you get it without the clothes to protect you.”

I swallowed hard. Was it weird that this turned me on? Every word this guy said seemed to shoot straight to my vagina.


Mother—“I give up.” I slapped my hands against my thighs and dropped myself onto the bench.

Blake inspected his latest picture. “Cute.”

After lacing our skates, he came up behind me, placing his hands on my hips and steering me toward the ice at the foot of the tree.

I walked with my nose in the air, inspecting it while my head rested back on Blake’s chest and I let out a soft, contented sigh. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d felt so relaxed and free.

We stood face to face, holding hands. Blake swiveled his hips left to right in a backward motion as he pulled me straight legged. It’d been so long since I’d been on the ice; I hoped I didn’t wind up like Bambi. But Blake was a pro. The fluid movements of his hips made the muscles in my belly dance, and my eyes couldn’t help but follow the smooth figure eight they created.

“You’re gonna fall if you don’t pay attention,” Blake warned with a playfully boyish face that told me he really didn’t mind the attention at all.

“I can’t help it. You’re just so good at that.” I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his nether region.

“You like that, huh?”

He exaggerated his motions even more, incorporating little circles, and my nipples beaded against my bra. He pulled me to him and I almost fell, but he held on tight. Holding his pelvis flush against mine, he moved me along with him. It felt like a sexual dance. I wasn’t quite sure how he was pulling it off, but somehow he kept us in motion and connected.

My chest expanded, my breathing quickening, and I moaned. I could feel our connection had the same effect on him, and I became conscious everyone else would see it as well. “We’re going to cause a scene,” I whispered in his ear, breathless.

“That’s okay. I’m not shy. Let ’em stare.” He ground into me.

“Women and children, Blake.”

“Ugh, fine.” He dropped his forehead to mine and let out a breath of air, moving to my side to take my hand. “But your ass is mine later.”

“It better fucking be,” I said under my breath, still looking straight ahead.

Blake cocked an eyebrow. “You’re getting brazen lately. I like it.”

I smiled. “For you. Only for you.”

It was my night to work again. I loved the bar, but lately I was enjoying just being alone with Blake. Finals were over and it was almost time to go home for Christmas. I didn’t want to think about what that meant. I just wanted to stay in our own little world we’d created for ourselves where pasts and families didn’t exist.

I’d called my mom earlier to let her know Blake would be accompanying me home but that I wasn’t staying the week because I had to work. She missed me and wasn’t happy about it, but the fact I was bringing a guy home made her ecstatic.

Blake took his regular seat at the bar. I pushed up onto my palms and leaned over to give him a kiss. “You’re early.”

“Couldn’t stay away.” His dimple dimpled.

Eric slid in the seat beside him. I placed a bar napkin in front him. “What’s up? It’s been a while.”

“I stayed away so you didn’t realize you made a huge mistake and chose the wrong boyfriend.” He smiled briefly before wincing from the jab of Blake’s elbow to his ribs.

“Watch it, buddy,” I warned. “My boyfriend doesn’t like to share.”

“I see that.” Eric rubbed his tender side. “Congrats, Blake. Seems you have it all, I guess.” He played it off like he was joking, but I noticed a hint of jealousy laced behind his forlorn expression. It wasn’t something I was used to seeing from the cocky womanizer, and I wondered if there was more to Eric than he let on.

“So what’re you guys drinking?”

Blake’s expression turned menacing, his mouth opening to answer with another dirty drink no doubt, so I placed my hand over his. “No, no. Don’t tell me. Let me.”

Blake cocked his eyebrow and I winked, my ponytail whipping over my shoulder as I spun on my heel to create my masterpieces.

I returned a moment later, balancing a blue drink in one hand and a white one in the other. Eric lifted a questioning brow to me at the blue glass I’d placed in front of him.

“Blue balls.” I grinned.

Blake grabbed his stomach, falling back with a loud laugh. “Oh, that’s priceless. Please tell me what mine is.”

Celeste Grande's books