Live Me

With that, Blake lost all control. He dropped my leg, and I wrapped them around his waist, knowing what he liked. I used them to hoist myself up, allowing him to penetrate me as deep as possible. My body held tight to his erection as tension built until neither of us could hold on to it any longer. We came together, my channel clenching, milking his hot arousal deep within me. Somehow we never lost eye contact the whole time until he fell, burying his face in my hair and kissing a soft line up my neck.

We laid in silence for a few moments, trying to gain a hold of our breathing. Blake wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, tucking me deep into his side, kissing the top of my head. I needed him that close, unable to see my face as a tear leaked out of the corner of my eye and rolled into my hairline.

Blake pulled back, looking at me. “Angel? You okay? Did I hurt you?”

“No, you were perfect. Everything about this day was perfect. I’m just happy. I never thought I’d be happy again, and I never thought something that was always so disgusting to me could feel so good and so beautiful.”

“That’s all it’ll ever be, baby. I knew we would be that good together. In my gut. I just knew. Now you know, too.” He tapped me on the nose, the way he liked to do.

Complete contentment washed over me as the long day made itself known and my eyelids weighted down. Blake traced small circles on my shoulder blade with his thumb as I sank deeper into him. I blinked rapidly to stay awake, nervous my night terrors might find me, but eventually I succumbed and sleep took hold.

I felt something. Eyes? A presence? Where was I? My eyes burst open and I sucked back a breath.

Blake’s hand shot out, soothing down my arm. “Calm down, Angel. It’s just me.”


I sat upright, holding the sheet protectively to my chest. I looked around the room as memories of last night came flooding back, and I finally relaxed back into the bed. Blake propped his head in his hand, the sheet draped low on his hip, showcasing his bare chest, and I bit down on my lip, soaking up the beauty of him.

I looked around, noting how dark it still was. “Did you sleep?”

“Nope. I couldn’t.” Blake looked down, worrying his lip.

“Why not? You feel okay?” I asked, immediately concerned he was having second thoughts.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He patted my hip. “I just . . . I was nervous is all. I didn’t want to wake up and find you gone. That you had regrets or something and ran out on me.” He shrugged, his gaze skirting away.

“So you stared at me all night?” I frowned at him in the moonlight.

“Something like that.”

It was my turn to comfort him. “Blake, I told you I’m with you now. Sleep, crazy.”

He sighed, knowing I was right. “Old habits I guess. But I’m glad I did. You’re cute when you sleep.” He smiled his adorable smile and kissed my nose. “You murmur and breathe heavy, and I’m pretty sure I heard my name once or twice and something about a cupcake.”

That made my mouth water. Why’d he have to mention those damn cupcakes? I hadn’t had one since . . .

Blake reached behind him, pulling something off the nightstand and setting it in front of me. “Do over?”

A cupcake sat majestically in its clear container. I scrambled to a sitting position and crossed my legs in front of me, nodding my head emphatically.

Blake popped the lid, and swiped his finger through the cream, leaving it raised in the air for me to do what I liked. “This time, you’re getting the full experience.”

I pushed up on my knees and took his finger, putting it to his lips to trail the icing there. His breath weighted, and I smiled before licking it off and sucking his lower lip into my mouth.

Blake growled. “So you’re playing dirty, I see.”

“Filthy,” I panted.

“Well, then, let the games begin.” Blake picked off a piece of the edge and popped the cake in my mouth. I giggled and then broke off a piece, doing the same to him. Blake’s next slice was bigger. It was the whole length of the cupcake including the icing. He brought it to my lips and I widened my mouth, trying to accommodate it. When I couldn’t, I decided to start nibbling from the bottom, sucking on Blake’s fingers along the way.

Before I could finish, Blake’s mouth came crashing into mine, trapping the oversized bite between us. His tongue mingled with bits of cake and icing in my mouth, creating the most delicious concoction I ever imagined. He pushed me back on the bed, both of us devouring each other. When he broke the kiss to retrieve another piece, our faces glistened with moistened chocolate.

He took the next bit of icing and brought it to my neck, trailing it down and then around my nipple before dragging his tongue along the same path. Blake sucked and nipped, eating the cream off me as all of my sexual parts awakened. My nipples pebbled, my breasts became fuller, and I was soaked again between my thighs.

Celeste Grande's books