Live Me

And then the part came that hit home.

He cupped my face, acknowledging what had happened in my life, assuring me he’d be there for every mood, and my heart burst at the seams, no longer in denial of what this was. All I’d ever yearned for was to be understood and not have to hide anymore. But I didn’t think it’d ever be possible. And yet here I was, dancing with the man who had stolen my heart somehow and begged me to let him love me.

There was no question. No pretense of anything but what I felt in this moment. “You’ve had me for a while, longer than I even knew, but now I’m telling you . . . I’m yours, Blake. All of me. Even here.” I lifted his hand to my chest, knowing that was the piece of me he’d been waiting for.

A huge smile split his face as he tightened his arms around my waistline, and spun so my legs swung out to circle us. “I love you so much, baby.”

“I love you, too. All of you.” It felt so good to finally say it.

Blake stopped turning then. Sentiment washed over his features as his mouth lowered to claim mine. Licking along my lips, he spoke into my mouth, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“I’ve been waiting for you to say that,” I replied, breathless.

He laughed at my impatience and set me on my feet, giving a swift wave to the deejay before leading me back to the elevator. I blushed, remembering our first escapade in here, but then a familiar warmth spread throughout my limbs knowing that was just the beginning. Blake rubbed circles over my palm with his thumb the whole way down. His face gave away nothing as to what else awaited me, but anticipation hung heavy in the air and in my belly. I was wound so tight, I didn’t think I could wait the next few feet to be near him.

Guiding me from the elevator, he slipped a key card into our room and stood back, extending his hand. “Ladies first.”

When the door split at its seam, soft music seeped through and streaks of candlelight danced across the walls as I entered the corridor lined in different colored rose petals. A king-sized bed sat proudly in the center of the room, and hundreds more petals were scattered across it. My heart swelled in adoration as I stood there, taking in all of Blake’s efforts.

I felt his presence come within inches of me, and then his hands were on my shoulders and he was kissing the top of my head. “This makes seventy-seven. One for every day I’ve adored you. They all have different meanings. The yellow is for the friendship we share, the pink my gratitude and admiration of you. Orange is my desire . . . there may be a few extra of those.”

He winked at me, picking up a light purple petal and placing it in my palm, and a tear rolled from my chin, coating it. “Those symbolize love at first sight and the white, that’s a symbol of truth and loyalty. It means I am worthy of you and that’s probably most important of all. But the red,” he picked up the one single rose that lay across the top, “that’s for my enduring passion. True love is stronger than thorns. I won’t let anything come between us. Ever.” He feathered the soft bud down my arm. “You like?”

“I . . . love.” I brushed a tear from my cheek.

Blake reached around to my chin and angled it toward him, taking my mouth in his as he wrapped his arms around my middle. I reached back, weaving my fingers into his hair.

He placed his forehead to my temple. “None of my plans could ever surpass the gift you’ve given me tonight.”

“Blake, I’m going to remember today for the rest of my life. There’s nothing more you could’ve done to make it any more special.”

His dimple lightly skimmed his cheek. “Well, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. The night’s not over. I’m not done with you just yet.”

My heart skipped a beat at the insinuation in his words. “Well then, by all means, show me.”

I turned, placing my hands over the hard curves of his chest, and licked a line up his neck before nipping at his strong jaw. I gave him a nod so he knew he didn’t have to be careful with me like he always was. Tonight I wanted it all. I was here. Mind, body, and spirit, and I didn’t want to be treated like a fragile piece of glass.

Blake cupped my face in his hands and gently massaged my mouth with his. Feathering around to my back, he slowly lowered my zipper until it rested right above my backside. Slipping between the silky fabric and my skin, he rubbed his thumb over the dip of my spine, the tips of his fingers brushing the top of my ass and sending a chill rocketing through me. I molded into his touch, pushing my breasts against him, anxious to feel his skin on mine.

“I so enjoyed you in this dress, but I think it’s time we lost it.”

“Yes,” I breathed.

Celeste Grande's books