Live Me

I nuzzled my face into his chest, panting and in a state of euphoric shock. “You spoil me.”

“No, I treasure you. I just know how to properly express it.” He reached around me and pressed the button that would allow us to ascend the rest of the way. When the doors parted, Blake swiped his thumb along his mouth, which still glistened with my juices, erasing the evidence of my lust that still clung to his lips. With a wicked grin, he stepped out onto the rooftop, taking me with him.

With legs like jelly, I followed. “Wow.”

He smiled down at me. “See why we couldn’t skip this?”

I gazed in wonder, trying to catalog every detail of this night into memory. It felt like we were on top of the world, walking across the pinnacle of the city through the clouds. Set up like a lounge, tables and cushy white couches lined it. The city glowed beneath us and I was secretly jealous this wasn’t my rooftop. It was still fairly early so there weren’t many people around and that was fine by me.

We ordered drinks at the bar and chose an out of the way table overlooking the bright lights of the skyline, the smooth voice of Frank Sinatra playing in the background.

“This is amazing. You’re amazing. Where’ve you been all my life?” I admired Blake.

“Life?” he scoffed playfully. “What life?” Then his eyes were serious. “I don’t think I lived until you. I thought I did, but now I know I was only just existing. Gliding along, waiting for you.” He brushed at my lips, seeming to study me. “You’re my life now. My feelings for you are deeper than you could ever imagine.”

What do you say to that? I stared at him, my mouth close to touching the table.

He let out a soft chuckle at my loss for words. “I’ll be right back.” He pushed up, closing my mouth for me, and I leaned back in my chair, embarrassed.

I watched the tight muscles of his backside walk away, loving the smooth strides he took. The man was perfection and it blew my mind that he was mine. I intended on showing him how grateful I was of that fact later. This felt like a dream I would wake up from to find it was all something I’d conjured up in my mind. Things like this didn’t happen to me. I reached down, pinching myself on the hand, expecting to wake up a sweaty, shaky mess, but it never came.

Blake returned moments later. “Penny for your thoughts?”

I felt a glisten in my eye as I struggled to keep my emotions at bay. “I love you.” I threw my hand over my mouth. I hadn’t meant to blurt it out, but as I watched the knowing smile spread across his face, that dimple I loved so fucking much showing itself, I lowered my hand and looked at him with determination. “I love you, Blake.”

Blake scooped up that hand and kissed my knuckles before turning it around and pushing his lips into my palm. “Dance with me.”

I looked around, self conscious even though there wasn’t more than a stray couple here or there. But, if I was being honest, I was a little disappointed that was his only response to the most raw and honest thing I’d ever stated in my life. Didn’t he know what a big step that was for me?

At my hesitation, Blake stepped behind me, sliding back my chair. “Please.”

I could never deny him of anything and after the day he’d given me, it wouldn’t be right to let my insecurities ruin the moment. I slipped my hand back into his and allowed him to lead me onto the dance floor.

The deejay nodded in acknowledgment, and Blake answered with a wink. God, I loved when he did that.

The familiar tune of a piano began, and Blake smiled a sexy, knowing smile. He dragged his hands along my hips, spinning me to rest in front of him, and then settled his hands on the soft curve of my lower back, holding me tight to him. He curved his body, coating mine, brushing his nose along my jaw before nestling his face in my neck. I melted into him as John Legend’s, All of Me filled the expanse of the rooftop.

“Listen to the words, Angel. I can’t sing, but it’s everything I’m feeling right now.”

I didn’t have to listen. I knew every word by heart.

Blake hummed into my ear, every now and then singing the words that were most important to him. He told me how confused I made him as he tried to figure out my mysterious mind. Asking for the one thing I never thought I could give—all of me. This explained the extent of his love for me, and it took away all of my insecurities. That was why he ignored my admission. He was answering in his own Blake way. Telling me he even loved the rough edges, the bad parts.

I buried my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck and covered his mouth with mine, emotion seeping from every pore.

Blake pulled back and brushed away a stray hair the wind had blown across my forehead, placing it behind my shoulder as he sang, “You’re my end and my beginning . . .”

Celeste Grande's books