Liars and Losers Like Us

“Oh trust me, I’m gonna go bananas,” I say.

“I’m going bananas too,” Molly says and throws her hand up for a high five.

“Oh yeah,” I say as she misses my hand.

Molly and I hover in-between the pool table and watch the guys groping video controllers to shoot a bunch of soldier zombies. Molly’s phone rings and she talks for a minute then hangs up. “Everybody, Jane says ‘hi.’ Well, sorta. She said to tell Justin and Sean hi.”

“What’s she up to?” asks Justin.

“Being sad and mopey. She would’ve come but she thinks everyone hates her.”

“I can’t picture Jane as sad or mopey,” Justin says.

Maybe mad and bitchy is at the tip of my tongue but my stomach twinges with guilt. “I don’t think Kallie invited her anyway. It’s probably for the best but that’s all we need to say about that.” I slam the eight ball with my pool cue and it swishes into the right corner pocket. “Molly, wanna come upstairs with me to get the wine I brought? There’s not much left but hey, it’s something.”

“Every since the night you held my hair I knew we were gonna be great friends.” Molly wraps her arms around me.

“Seriously Molly, it’s probably like three sips each.”

“I don’t care Brittany Bree—le’sgo!”

We head up the stairs and shush each other as we pass Kallie’s room giggling. I cannot even explain the noises coming from her room except to say that it sounds, well, inappropriate for us to hear, but probably pretty fun for them.

“That’s a lotta hot drama right there,” Molly says. “I’m so over him but I definitely didn’t need to hear that.”

“Ugh,” I groan. “If I never have to hear Todd having sex again it’ll be too soon. Kallie too, for that matter.” I grab the bottle of wine from my backpack.

“What else you got in there?” Molly reaches toward my bag.

“Nothing, why? Just the wine.” I cover the bag’s opening with my hand.

“Why’re you so defensive then, eh?” Molly raises her eyebrows and smirks.

It feels like I have writing on my forehead. I swipe my palm over my brow just in case. Just in case it says I bought a three pack of condoms at Walgreens after school today.

“You’re totally blushing. You do!” Molly’s grin widens and she grabs my bag and rummages inside. She pulls out the little box. “Whoa, I was expecting cigarettes or an extra can of beer, but I won’t say anything if you have one for me too.”

“Are you serious?” I snatch the box out of her hand. She reaches for the wine bottle and gives it a shake.

“Geez, it is a pretty skimpy bottle. And yeah, I’m serious. I like Justin. He’s cute. And he’s fun. And we almost—promise you won’t say anything?”

“What? Don’t tell me, you guys had sex in the woods?”

“No. But we almost did. We were so close. But Justin didn’t have anything. I’m glad we waited.” Molly’s face is dead serious.

I laugh. “You waited? Do you mean you’re glad you waited a couple hours, so your relationship could reach the next level? That’s hilarious.”

“No, I mean waited because we didn’t have protection.” Molly whispers the word protection.

“I don’t get it. Why would you go out with Todd for a year and not do it but then hang out with Justin Conner for a couple hours … yeah I guess he’s nice, but for your first time?”

“Justin wouldn’t be my first. I didn’t sleep with Todd because, well …”

“Spit it out Molls. If you expect me to give you one of these, I need to know that you’re of sound mind and you won’t regret it.”

“It’s not going to make sense to you, but I’m okay with sex for fun, but when I care about someone, it becomes a bigger deal. I didn’t have sex with Todd because I loved him and I wanted to wait until we’re married.”

“Marrying Todd. That’s sad.” I hand her a condom like it’s a piece of gum. “There you go. Fornicate in peace.”

“It’s not sad. It’s reality. As far as Justin goes, if you look at someone with lust in your heart, you’ve already committed that sin. Like, you’ve already done it, so I might as well, right? So, let’s have fun.” She leans over and flips my hair off my shoulder, then tucks the condom in her pocket. Molly’s smile is big and bright white. As late as it is, she still looks fresh off the page of Cosmo selling lip gloss.

“Yeah, sorry. Let’s have fun.” I smile big, like my face could be on the page after Molly’s. Maybe selling tampons. I laugh and slide one of the condoms into my pocket too.

“Woo hoo!” She raises her hand to give me a high five.

“Woo hoo!” We miss, then take turns emptying the last few sips out of the wine bottle.


“What took you so long up there—what’s going on upstairs?” Sean asks.

Ami Allen-Vath's books