Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

“Listen to the words,” she demanded.

You’re saying I’m fragile I try not to be I search for something only I can’t see “Will you dance with me?” Her voice pleaded as she whispered the question.

I learned then that even the toughest motherfuckers had weaknesses and mine was standing in front of me asking me to dance.

I didn’t fucking dance.

But now I did.

My feet surrendered my soul, taking the steps to bring me closer to her and give her what she needed. I’ve been feeding off her light for so long, taking the sweetness of her greedily because I’m addicted to the hope she sparks in me.

Hope that there was a shred of decency buried beneath the leather.

Repay her.

Give her back her wings.

Make it better.

Looking at her now, the selfish reasons that brought me here faded away and were replaced by the need to put her first. To put her before me, to give her back her light and pull her from the sadness that had her crying in solitude.

Just this once I could do the healing and not the reaping.

My hands moved down her back, cupping her ass beneath the t-shirt that barely covered her and I rocked her against my body.

“Blackie,” she breathed.

“Lacey,” I groaned. “I didn’t come here for this,” I said, slipping my fingers beneath her lace panties.

“I know why you came here,” she said, pulling back a fraction as her gaze dipped to my lips. “But I will do everything I can to change your mind,” she promised.

It wouldn’t take much.

“Do you remember the first time we started calling each other Leather and Lace?”

Honest to God, I wish I did. I wish I remembered every goddamn thing about me and her, then maybe I’d understand why she even gave me a second glance.

“No,” I said.

“It was the first time you took me up to see my dad and the first time I got you to smile,” she said as she continued to rest her head on my chest. “You had a chocolate shake waiting for me in the car and I forced you to take a sip,” she continued.

I vaguely remembered stopping at Carvel on the way to pick her up. Jack rarely allowed Lacey to be around the clubhouse but the few visits she made he had one of the guys rent an ice cream truck. Wolf would pass out ice cream cones all day and chocolate was her favorite. I improvised with the shake, an attempt to remind her of good memories of her father and not the shit one she was about to make visiting him in jail.

“I was trying to persuade you to have a taste, and in your ‘don’t fuck with me’ tone you called me Lace,” she reminded me.

“I see how well my ‘don’t fuck with me’ tone works on you,” I muttered as I pinched her ass then squeezed both cheeks again. What I wouldn’t give to bend her over and take that sweet cunt from behind.

She deserved better than that.

All the shit you see in the movies.

Things I’m not capable of doing.

“I’m not scared of you,” she pulled back, cocking her head to the side as her eyes bore into mine.

For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why.

“I never was nor will I ever be afraid of you, Leather,” she said, threading her fingers through my hair. “I probably should be and not for the reasons everyone else fears you,” she added, pausing a beat before she inched closer.

I need you to love me,

I need you today

Give to me your leather

Take from me my lace

“Foolish girl,” I whispered.

“Shhh,” she said. “Let me hang on just a little more.”

But that time I saw you

I knew with you to light my nights

Somehow I’d get by

I didn’t say another word, and we both hung on, dancing to the song that seemed written just for us.



She pulled back slightly, brought her fingertips to my face before she leaned in and pressed her soft lips to mine. The instant her mouth was on mine I remembered the way she felt last night, how her inexperienced body eagerly arched into mine. I cupped her face with my hands, holding her still as my tongue swept across the seam of her lips, prying them apart. I felt her nails dig into the back of my neck as my tongue slid into her mouth tasting all she offered.

I came here to apologize for taking something I didn’t deserve. I came here with every intention to make things right with Lacey—being here with her in my arms I realize now that last night wasn’t going to disappear. It’s always been easy to forget the consequences of my actions and give into temptation.

I broke the kiss to look at her because looking at her was almost as intoxicating as touching her. Her eyes fluttered open, her lips swollen and wet, pursed as she brought her hands from around my neck to rest on my chest.

“I can feel your heart beat,” she said, lifting her eyes back to mine. “The only thing that makes me a foolish girl is wishing it’ll beat for me one day,” she murmured.

What the fuck was I supposed to say to that?

Janine Infante Bosco's books