Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

“Door was open,” I said, walking closer to her.

Her legs were bare, and she was wearing an over-sized T-shirt, her hair fell in waves around her face, the loose strands fell into her eyes but she didn’t seem bothered, or even to notice.

I wish I never touched her.

I should’ve known once would never be enough.

I tucked my gun into the back of my pants, took a seat on the coffee table in front of her and lifted one of my hands to her face, brushing the hair away from her eyes before I cupped her chin and forced her to look at me.

“Don’t cry,” I said huskily.

She bit down on her lower lip and looked away so I wouldn’t see the tears shining in her eyes.

“I’m fine, Blackie,” she insisted. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

“That’s not why I’m here,” I rasped, bringing my other hand to her face and cupping her cheeks with my palms as I forced her to turn back to me.

She blinked at me but her eyes were blank.

I tore my gaze away from her as my eyes took another sweep around the room before finding hers again. I knew that look, seen it every time I went on a bender and looked at myself in the mirror afterwards. I shook my head, dismissing the thought. There was no way Lacey would do something like that.

My Lace was too pure for poison.

Not the manufactured kind.

Or the type standing before her, aching to touch her.

Something flickered in her eyes but she remained silent as she stared back at me. I swallowed, forcing the lump lodged in my throat down and pushed the dark thoughts that ran through my head away. I gently caressed her cheeks, noting the contrast in my skin compared to hers. My rough hands, covered in faded ink, slid over her soft, reddened cheeks. She reached up, wrapped her hands around my wrists and shoved my hands away from her.

“Go away,” she hissed, inching away from me before she slowly stood up.

My eyes traveled the length of her, taking in the shirt that barely covered her ass and left her long legs exposed, reminding me how they wrapped tightly around me last night.

“You don’t want that,” I said, tearing my eyes away from her legs as she turned.

“You have no idea what I want,” she retorted.

I shoved my hands into my pockets as I stared at her thoughtfully, trying to figure out what was going on inside her head and what the hell had become of my angel. Oh that’s right… me.

I did this.

“Tell me what you want,” I said, shrugging my shoulders even though I knew I was walking into a ring of fire. I’d give her anything.


Just to see her smile.

“I want you to leave. I want you to turn around and walk out that door. I want you to forget about the reasons you came here and more than anything…” she paused, her eyes glanced around the room as she drew in a deep breath before finding their way back to mine.

“What?” I asked as I stood tall, taking a step closer to her. Then another.

Dangerous territory, man.

Fucking lethal.

“I want you to forget whatever you’re about to say,” she admitted, causing me to freeze mid stride. “Please,” she added.

Her pleas from the night before replayed in my head.

Look at me.

Do you see me, Blackie?

I wanted to see her, to know what she was hiding behind the smile she gave the world, the smile she gave me, the one I lived for.

Give me your smile, girl.

She continued to look at me with a tortured expression on her face, eyes like her father’s not just in color but in torment. I knew that look better than anyone, had seen it countless times but never in her. I’ve talked Jack off the edge, dragged him out of his head and silenced his maker but that was Jack.

This was Lace.

My angel.

And I was the reason she looked so conflicted. There was no maker to blame, just me.

Say it.

I see you.

“I see you, Lace,” I whispered.

“A lot a good that does me,” she said.

I shook my head.

“No good at all,” I affirmed as I extended my hand, taking hers and pulling her against me. “You’d be better off if I never laid eyes on you,” I added, squeezing her hand before I lifted my free one to her cheek. “Too late,” I hissed. “Cause girl, I see you and now I can’t fucking forget you,” I admitted.

The song changed on her iPod and music filtered through the speakers. I watched recognition spark in her eyes as she turned her attention to the speaker.

“Did you ever hear this song?” She asked softly, her voice blending into the music.

“No,” I said, taking a step toward her, bending my knees and bringing us to eye level. I leaned my forehead against hers, taking our joined hands and bringing them behind her to rest against the small of her back.

I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing but I couldn’t stop.

My lips grazed her temple as she pressed her body against mine, dropping our joined hands to wrap both her arms around my neck.

Janine Infante Bosco's books