Instead of You

“I took a sleeping pill, but the thoughts wouldn’t stop. They wouldn’t let me be. So I took another. That one managed to put me to sleep, but I just remember waking up from a nightmare, crying, and wanting to just sleep. I’m so tired, Hayes. So tired. So, I took two more. I think. I think it was two more. But, honestly, it could have been more. I’m not sure.” Her eyes darted up to meet mine then, red rimmed and wet, but so completely clear and focused. “I never wanted to die, Hayes. I just wanted one night of not feeling. One night of numbness. I just wanted to sleep. I promise.”

She finally broke down and cried. I stood from my chair and wrapped my arms around her, holding her as her body shook from the sobs. I’d seen my mother cry a lot over the last few months. But she’d always been crying from the loss of her husband and son. This was the first time she’d cried because she was acknowledging her grief and recognizing the fact that it was unhealthy.

For that reason, I cried along with her.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Three days had passed since I’d seen Hayes. The last time was in the waiting room at the hospital. I’d been so confused by that person. The one who wouldn’t let me stay and help, wouldn’t let me try and comfort him. But my mom dragged me out of the waiting room and then fretted over me the rest of the day.

Those hours we’d sat in the waiting room had been painful at first, not knowing what was happening or if Mrs. Wallace was going to be all right. My mom was frazzled, coming down hard on herself for not checking on her sooner. So, in an effort to distract ourselves, we started talking about anything but Mrs. Wallace.

That meant we talked about Hayes.

I told my mom everything. Everything. From the beginning. Starting at fourteen when Hayes was my best friend’s cute older brother, to our first kiss at Cory’s party, to where we stood that day, and everything in between. The best part was my mom listened, understood, and didn’t pass judgment. I didn’t get a lecture on getting involved with someone so soon after Cory’s death, and I didn’t even get a lecture about it being his brother. She just listened and then comforted me in her mom way.

“I was worried you wouldn’t accept a relationship between Hayes and me,” I’d said, sitting in an uncomfortable chair in the waiting room.

“Why, sweetie?”

“Ever since I could remember, you and Mrs. Wallace had been pretty clear you wanted Cory and me together. Being with Hayes seemed like it would be off-limits.”

“McKenzie, Chelsea and I had the same dream every woman has with her best friend—that their kids will grow up and fall in love. But if you hadn’t been with Cory, it wouldn’t have mattered. What matters most, to Chelsea and to me, is that our kids are happy. If Hayes makes you happy, then I’ll love him like I would have loved anyone who treated you right.”

I let out a sigh, my head falling back to rest against the chair. “I hope Mrs. Wallace feels the same way.”

“McKenzie, Chelsea loves you. She loved you with Cory, and she’ll love you with Hayes. It might shock her, she might be surprised, but I really think she’ll be grateful you’ll still be a part of her life.”

Later, when we’d gone home, she’d baked me cookies, fed me ice cream, and watched a Twilight marathon with me.

Saturday and Sunday passed with only one-word texts from Hayes, and I tried desperately to understand his situation, to think about how he must have been feeling and what he was dealing with. But every text I got from him that said, “Good,” or “Fine,” made me more nervous. He wasn’t good or fine. I knew he wasn’t. It wasn’t possible.

Mrs. Wallace had texted my mom Saturday afternoon saying she’d been released from the hospital, but that she and Hayes needed a bit to settle in before they got visitors.

I was a mess. Hayes pushing me away had me feeling insecure and useless. But my mom was handling the situation like a pro, constantly telling me that they needed their space to heal—especially Mrs. Wallace—and that’s what got me through until Monday.

I’d been on pins and needles all day, knowing that when last period came around, I’d get to see him. I wouldn’t get to talk to him, to hold him, or kiss him, but I’d be able to look him over and gauge how broken he was. I’d get to use my eyes on him for a whole period, and at that point, I’d take whatever I could get.

The day dragged on and every class felt as though it took twice as long as normal. When it finally came time for the last period, I was practically sprinting.

I walked into the room and didn’t see him, but that wasn’t unusual so I took my seat and waited. And waited. When the bell finally rang and Hayes was nowhere in sight, I panicked as Mr. White walked to the front of the class.

“Due to unfortunate circumstances, Mr. Wallace will no longer be able to finish out the term here with us. We wish him the best and I know he’ll succeed with whatever endeavors he pursues in the future. Now,” he said, turning back to his desk, “Please open your text books to page 411, and we’ll pick up where Mr. Wallace left off.”

Never had words turned me cold like those. Never had I suddenly felt as though stones lined my stomach, as if I were tied to my desk and unable to move. My lungs were heavy, making it hard to breathe, and my heart was pounding as though I’d just run a marathon.

Hayes wasn’t here.