Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink #5)

He stepped onto the newly fallen snow on the porch and the blood drained from his face. Tires squealed in the distance, and he caught a glimpse of a blue truck with gold rims and Jake’s keys and phone lying in the middle of the yard. There wasn’t much snow on the ground sticking yet, but there was enough for Border to know there’d been a struggle.

“Jesus,” he mumbled. “Jesus Christ.”

“Border? What happened?”

Border turned on his heel to see Maya running to him. He didn’t think twice, and moved to her in three quick strides, pulling her close and crushing his mouth down on hers.

“What happened?” she repeated, her voice breathy and her lips swollen.

“I think the people after me took Jake,” he bit out.

Her eyes widened, and she pulled out her phone. “We need to call the cops. They can help. Right?”

He nodded and took out his phone and pulled them both inside. He didn’t like them being so out in the open. “Call them while I call Sanchez.” He’d told her of Sanchez and his work previously, so at least he wouldn’t have to explain that. “Tell them what you know, and that Sanchez will be contacting them.”

He quickly filled Sanchez in on what he knew and took the phone from Maya so he could tell the people on the other line who he was and what he’d seen. If he closed his eyes, he could remember a partial plate. That had to be enough. He hung up on the police, gave Maya her phone back, and went back to Sanchez.

“We need to find him,” Border bit out as he relayed the information again to the detective.

“We will.” A pause. “Holy hell. There’s only one truck with that description and partial license plate in the area. A blue truck with gold rims isn’t exactly inconspicuous. I have an address.”

Border gripped Maya’s hand but tried not to get his hopes up. “That doesn’t mean they’re there.”

“No, but it’s an old farm outside of Aurora. It’s not in commission from what they’re telling me, but there’s space for lots of buildings.”

Border cursed. “Get me the address. I’m meeting you there.”

“You’re not on this case, Gentry.”

“I don’t fucking care. Get me the address.”

Sanchez let out a curse of his own and rattled off the address. “Be careful, and don’t engage without me. You got me?”

“I got you. I’m not stupid.” But if the chance presented itself, he couldn’t say what he’d do. He hung up on Sanchez and looked down at Maya, who narrowed her gaze at him and crossed her arms over her chest.

“You’re not going without me.”

Border shook his head. “I don’t think so. You’re staying here with the door locked and your phone in your hand.” He left her to go to his room where his gun safe was. He quickly put the code in and armed himself. He had a permit for Colorado as well as a license to carry because of his job. Though with Jake in danger, he wasn’t sure he’d bother to follow the law.

“You’re going in armed to get Jake, and you think you can leave me behind?”

He whirled on her. “You’re fucking pregnant with our baby! Yours, mine, and Jake’s. Don’t even think about coming with me.”

Her eyes widened, but she stood her ground. “I’ll just follow you. I won’t go in, and I won’t get too close, but there is no way I’m letting the two men I love be in danger while I stand back doing nothing.”

His heart did that weird extra thump thing at her saying she loved him, but he pushed it aside. When she said it to Jake and him again, then he’d react accordingly. For now, he knew he had a stubborn as hell Montgomery on his hands.

“Fine. You stay in the truck with the keys in the ignition and be ready to drive away if I tell you to. You do not do anything stupid, though this is already beyond stupid.” He cupped her face and kissed her hard once more. “The only reason I’m doing this is because I’m not on point. I’m only going to make sure those in charge get Jake out. This could be nothing, and he might not even be there, but it’s something.”

She nodded, and though her eyes went a bit glassy, she didn’t cry. That was his Maya. Strong as fuck.

When they got there and found Jake, the other man was going to kick his ass for letting Maya anywhere near danger, but he wasn’t sure there was another way. It was the three of them, for now, for always.

“Let’s go find our man,” he growled.

Their man.

Hell, yeah.


Jake’s head throbbed from where the idiot had punched him, but other than that, he didn’t hurt. Though the ties around his wrists weren’t the most comfortable. Jake knew there were legitimate and dangerous people after Border’s charge, but he had a feeling these two weren’t part of the elite crew.

Oh, they probably worked for those in charge, but there was no way these two redneck idiots were criminal masterminds. They’d taken Jake by surprise for sure, but that was it. Between the bright blue and gold truck, and the fact that both of them called each other by name—Steve and Cal—Jake hoped Border could find him damn quickly.