Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink #5)

Maya kissed his chin. “I wouldn’t let him leave me. I was never in any danger.” She kissed his chin again, and he lowered his head so he could kiss her fully. “You were the one in danger, idiot.” Her voice broke. “Never do that again. I don’t like crying, and it seems to be all I’m doing lately.”

Jake gripped Border’s hand as he used his other to cup Maya’s face. “I’m so sorry I was an idiot before when you were telling us you’re pregnant. I never should have let you leave.”

She shook her head. “It was a shock to all of us, and not a single one of us handled it well.”

Jake kissed her again before kissing Border. “I love you, Maya. I love Border, too. I can’t wait to have this baby. I know it wasn’t in the cards, but we’re going to do this. I want to watch you get bigger and grow round. I want to be by your side through it all, and I want Border with us. I want you to move in, and I want us to take the next steps.” He winced. “And I just said I want a lot.”

Maya started to cry then, and he cursed. “I want all of that, too,” she said through a laughing sob.

“I want it, too,” Border added as he wrapped his arms around both of them. “I love both of you. Just so you know.”

“And I love the both of you.” Maya laughed, this time, a little less wetly. “We’re freaking crazy, but I know if we try, we can make this work. I can’t imagine my life without either one of you, and I don’t want to even try.”

“Then it’s a deal,” Jake said softly. “The three of us. We can do it.”

“We’re going to do it,” Border added.

Jake kissed them both again, his body slowly coming down from the adrenaline. He had the two people he loved most in the world in his arms, and he was going to be a father. He was so damned happy, and it didn’t even matter that he was standing in a field where some freaking asshat had kidnapped him. He, Border, and Maya were going to make it work, together.

That’s all that mattered.

Though now other people were starting to come closer, and he knew he needed to bring up the levity just a bit so they could get home in one piece and love each other to the full extent.

“I guess that means we can’t miss the Montgomery dinner in a few days,” Jake said dryly.

Maya slapped his side. “You never want to miss free food. Plus, Tabby is organizing this one so we just need to show up. Now let’s get you checked out so we can cuddle.”

“Just cuddling?” Border asked, his voice deep.

Maya rolled her eyes. “For now, big boys. Let’s check our Jake here to make sure he’s healthy.”

Jake kissed her again and gripped Border’s ass. “Sounds like a fine plan to me.”

And it did because he had Border and Maya in his life, and soon, a new one to join them. He had more than he ever thought possible. And all it had taken was him falling for his best friends.

Both of them.


For Tabby, there was nothing better than organizing to calm her nerves. Though her palms were a bit clammy and her stomach hadn’t fully settled in months, she was as soothed as she was going to be.

Making sure things were in their place allowed her brain to quiet so she didn’t have to think about certain things that she’d rather not think about. Thankfully, between her job with Montgomery Inc. and the multitude of Montgomery dinners and events, she could organize and plan to her heart’s content.

Of course, being near the Montgomerys was why her hands were clammy, and her stomach hurt in the first place, but it wasn’t as if they knew that.

They didn’t know much of anything about her.

And she was fine with that.

That was her plan, after all.

Today would be the first event with all of the Montgomerys on this branch of the tree. She’d done other gatherings that included some of the smaller branches, but it had been a while since all eight Montgomery kids were able to make it.

Actually, it had been since Miranda and Decker’s wedding.

She remembered that day vividly. As did many of them since what happened that afternoon had altered the course of the family dramatically.

Today, though, today would be happy and perfect if she could arrange it. And if there was one thing she was good at, it was arranging things. Today, Miranda and Decker had something they wanted to announce, though Tabby wasn’t sure what it was. She wasn’t sure the youngest Montgomery was pregnant yet, but she could be wrong. Maya was pregnant, she knew, since the other woman had blurted it over the phone. They planned to announce today that the three of them were having a baby, and Tabby couldn’t wait for the rest of the family to find out. The Montgomerys were anything but traditional, and a new baby within a triad relationship was just par for the course. That baby would be loved so hard, and he or she would never feel alone. What more could anyone ask for?

The Montgomery gathering was also special for another reason.

It would be the first one Alexander Montgomery would attend after his stint in rehab.

She prayed everything would work out for him. She prayed for that often.