Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink #5)

Tabby ran a hand through her hair and sighed when she remembered that she hadn’t put it up in its normal ponytail that morning. Apparently, she’d been really off-kilter. She was just about to put it up again when the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

She wasn’t alone in the Montgomery house anymore. The elder Montgomerys had gone out for a walk and left Tabby to her own devices. But someone was with her now.

She turned on her heel, yet she already knew who stood there. She’d always known when he was near. It was a fault of hers, not so much of a gift.

“Alexander,” she said softly before clearing her throat. “I didn’t know you’d be coming early.”

He stared at her, his gaze holding that dark depth of loss she’d never been able to fully decipher. “I thought I’d help.” His voice was low, a gravelly sound that did horrible things to her.

“Oh, you don’t have to. I have it handled.” She could have slapped herself for putting that hurt look on his face, and she quickly backpedaled. “But I’m glad you’re here. I might have it handled, but help is always appreciated.”

He smiled at her then, but it didn’t reach his eyes. It never did. “Thanks, Tabitha. Just tell me where you need me.”

He was the only one who called her that; just like she called him Alexander while everyone else called him Alex. She wasn’t sure why, but she’d never wanted to shorten it.

When he kept staring at her, she found herself unable to breathe again. But that wasn’t too surprising. After all, she could never catch her breath around Alexander Montgomery.

That’s what happened when you were near the person you loved—the one you knew didn’t see you. At least, not that way.



“Fuck me, yes, that’s it, right there!” Maya arched her back, one leg wrapped around Jake’s hip, the other stretched over Border’s shoulder. She was on her back, spread very carefully so she could wrap around both men. Thankfully, Border currently had his cock deep inside Jake’s ass so they were pressed back to front and Maya was able to have them both between her legs. She never knew there were so many positions that could get her off.

Luckily, her men were set on finding each and every one.

“Love you, Maya,” Jake panted before he kissed her hard. He rocked inside her, his cock stretching her ass since he’d wanted to fill her there this morning. Earlier, Border had been in her cunt while Jake had fucked her ass, but now, Border was filling their lover while Jake kept at it.

She freaking loved all of these positions.

“Love you, too,” she panted. She squeezed her inner muscles and Jake let out a groan.

“Fuck, do that again,” Border called out. “Jake just squeezed the hell out of my dick when you did that.”

She swallowed a laugh as Jake reached between them and pinched her clit. She came then, her body shaking and going limp with exhaustion. Her two men followed quickly, and she found herself on her side in Jake’s arms while Border walked into the restroom. Before she could whimper that she needed him too, he came back with three warm, wet towels to clean them up.

That was their Border, all dominant and demanding one minute, super sweet and caring the next. She loved the dynamics of his brain, of his emotions. Hell, she loved him.

She loved him just as much as she loved the way Jake made them laugh before making them cry because he could find the sweetest things to say, the most precious things to do to make her knees go weak.

Each of them as a couple had their own things, their own way to be together, but it was the three of them as a unit that was perfection. She rested her hand over her belly, and Jake and Border slid theirs over hers.

“We’re having a baby,” she whispered.

“Hell, yeah, we are,” Jake said. “You think we can do this without fucking things up?” Though his voice was teasing, she knew he was serious.

“Yeah, I think we can try,” Border said dryly. “That’s why there are three of us. There’ll always be two others for when one of us drops the ball.”

Maya laughed and cuddled close to her two men. She’d never once thought that when she’d seen Jake in that bar all those years ago, she’d end up here. She’d never dreamed, never wished.

And yet, somehow, her dreams, her wishes had all come true.

Maya leaned into her brother’s side as Alex surveyed the house. “You miss the crazy?” she asked, aware that everyone in the room was working very hard not to walk on eggshells around him, but they were doing it anyway. At least they were trying to not shut him out. Alex was theirs, damn it.

“I missed you guys more than I thought,” Alex said softly before kissing her temple. “Thank you for picking me up.” He paused. “And dropping me off, too.”

She turned to him, surprise filling her that he’d say something about that at all. She opened her mouth to speak, but he shook his head.