Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“Anything for you, Jade. You have a great time this weekend.” He pulls me into his arms. I could stay wrapped up in him forever, but I need to go. I’ve had a great time with my parents these last few days. Shopping with my mom, lunch and a much needed mani/pedi, which will probably be ruined by the time Harris has me cleaning up pig shit with these damn shit kickers I have on my feet. These things are hideous. It should be fun though; laughing is exactly what I need.

My idea of fun is not rolling around in shit, but hey, after talking to my doctor on the phone yesterday and getting clearance to go back to active duty when I'm called, I probably should live a little and experience things outside of work before I'm back at it. I worked really hard to make the doctor believe I was ok. Deep down I'm dealing with it, but it's something I need to work out on my own. A trip like this will give me more time to process it all.

“Drive safe, baby girl.” After pulling away from dad, I’m enthralled by my mom’s arms. A tear escapes my eye by the time she lets me go. This time, it’s a happy tear.

I enjoy the drive to my apartment and take the time to reflect on everything that’s been heavy on my shoulders. Killing that child. Kaleb. Jason. My parents. It truly feels great to have at least one area of my life taken care of somewhat, but the others are enough to cause my gut to wrench in pain just thinking about them. I wonder if Kaleb is extremely pissed that I left him like I did. One day, I’ll find him and apologize. I think he’ll understand I needed me time to process my living nightmare.

“Well, fuck me. Is that really my roommate? My best friend?” Mallory damn near mauls my ass when I step through the door of our apartment.

“I should be the one asking you that. You dyed your hair. Shit, Mallory. I love it. It brings out the green in your eyes.” Damn, she looks great. Her normal long, blond hair is dark brown, framing her face.

“I do too. I needed a change. You look good too, and you have about fifteen minutes to pack before this friend of yours shows up. He better be as hot as you say he is or I’ll personally kick your ass. Nice boots by the way.” Harris texted me earlier this morning, stating he would pick us up around one o’clock. It’s a little over a six-hour drive to get to Sterett, Alabama, where his ranch is.

“Did you pack yours?” I reply sarcastically, knowing damn well she did. She may be from the city, but I can’t count the times she’s talked me into going to a country bar so she can line dance while I sit and laugh my ass off at the way she shakes her ass on that floor.

“Dumb question. Now go pack. I’m thirsty for a good throttle from a cowboy. Do you think he has a whip?” Her eyes light up when she asks that. Christ. I hope she’s joking. Well, maybe not. The thought of her and Harris hooking up would be great for the two of them. It might even keep him occupied, get his mind off of drilling me about Kaleb Maverick. I inwardly sigh, knowing damn well whether they hook up or not, he’s going to want answers. Answers I can’t give him, because hell, I don’t even know myself. I can’t count the times I’ve picked up my phone over the past few days to call him just to hear his voice, only to toss my phone aside. A part of me wants to wait and see if he will reach out to me, to know if the things he said to me were true, if he wants to try and make this work, while the other part of me is scared out of my mind.

“I’m sure he has anything you need, Mal. Just don’t break his heart,” I tease and saunter into my room. It looks exactly the way I left it. Except for the suitcase on top of the bed Mallory must have retrieved out of my closet. I drop my bag on the floor and make my way to my closet, pulling down a few sleeveless shirts and bending down to grab my favorite pair of pink Converse that are battered and worn. No way in hell am I spending the entire weekend in these damn boots. After grabbing a few pair of shorts and my favorite matching lace bra and panties along with the rest of the things I need, I’m packed and ready to go, just in time for the doorbell to ring.

“Hey. You must be Mallory?” I hear Harris’ deep voice ask.

“Um. I am. Harris, right?” I wait just inside my bedroom door. My hand flies to my mouth to stifle my laugh. I warned her he was hot. Now, for the first time since I’ve known her, she’s flustered. I can tell by the tone of her voice.

“It’s Beau actually. Everyone in the Army calls me Harris. You ladies ready?” Damn, Harris. I can feel his smoothness through these walls.

“All set.” I walk out of my room, towing my suitcase behind me. Mal turns around to face me, her mouth hitting the floor. Yeah, he got to her.

“Jesus Christ. You look, well fuck. You look totally different, Elliott. You clean up good.”

“You do too, cowboy. Let’s hit the road. My shit-kickers are ready for some shit.” I lift my leg to show off my nice, new, ugly boots.

“I’ll have you both pros at shoveling horse shit by the end of the weekend,” he remarks, taking my suitcase from my hand and grabbing the handle of Mal’s.

“After you,” he says all gentleman-like. I roll my eyes when he tilts his head to the side and stares at Mal’s ass in her tight short-shorts when she walks by.

“Pervert,” I whisper.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books