Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“Just like I told him before, if he lays one fucking mark on you, I'll kill him. I know we’re never going to be more than what we already are… But that's the reason I'll never let any man hurt you. It's that code we live by. We protect our team. Jade, you're a part of my team forever, and I would die making sure you're safe.” He ends his words staring right at Kaleb. Kaleb stares back, and I watch the two of them exchange so many things without a single word leaving either of their mouths.

“Do you two need to beat the shit out of each other and battle this out, or should you just whip your dicks out and measure? Better yet, we can have you stand side by side and see who can piss the farthest. I’ll let Jade judge the piss, and I can always judge the size. I mean, boys, we can work this out.” Mallory stands next to them both, looking up and instantly softening both of their demeanors. They look down at her and smile. I laugh out loud at her craziness, and then she continues. “What you need to do is invite him to Alabama. Give Jade the chance to see where this is going for her, while you get the benefit of watching him close on your own terms.” She points and touches Harris’ arm with the tip of her finger. “Damn, that's hard. Okay… Stay focused, Mal. And you, Mr. Maverick. You need to remember it will be me first you have to deal with if she's so much as crying over you, then I'll let this big gorilla over here at you if there's anything left.” Both men turn to look at me as she continues to talk. Their faces are amused, and her tiny frame walking in front of them both, taking charge, is a sight I needed to see. This is damn hysterical.

“I'd poke your arm too, but I don't think I can handle that again. A woman can only take so much sexy as all hell men in her apartment, especially when they look like the two of you, and trust me, I mean that in a very good way. Now, let’s all play nice, get our asses in that truck, and burn up the road. Okay, boys? This girl is using her vacation days on a road trip with her best friend. We were supposed to be Thelma and Louise—without jumping off the cliff at the end, of course. Now we have so much testosterone, I'm not sure we’ll even get to where we’re going.” She walks toward the door, hoping they'll follow, but they don't right away.

“Maverick. You're more than welcome to go with us to my ranch in Alabama for the weekend. I have plenty of room at the ranch house.” Harris follows Mallory out the door, and I don't miss his smile when she passes in front of him.

Kaleb and I are left alone in the house. I want to know what he's thinking, but won't ask. Instead I say, “So what do you say? Feel like going to Alabama?”



Hell, yes, I want to go to Alabama with her. I want nothing more than to spend time with her away from all of the stress we’re dealing with, but I have a job. The orders came in this morning, and it's something that needs to be done now. It won't take more than a day, but I have to handle it myself. In all honestly, I should've done it before I ever drove to see her, but I had reached my limit of not knowing how she was doing.

“I'd love to meet you there. I can be there tomorrow.” Her smile falters just slightly, but she attempts to hide it. I like that she wants me to come with her, and it just sends a fire inside me to get there even sooner. She's so fucking beautiful. I thought that in the pictures, which were no comparison to her in the desert and now seeing her in civilian clothes with her hair down, which makes me just want to wrap my hands into that hair. She's wearing more makeup than usual, which I could go either way with. She has a natural beauty that doesn't need enhanced as far as I'm concerned.

“Okay. I'll send you the exact address and you can come later.” I move in on her as she starts to talk. She's mine. She just made it official, and I want to take her into my arms and celebrate the best way we know how, but that'll have to wait. Her slight smile has me hopeful that this trip will be the breakthrough we both need. And Christ, she looks so much better than the last time I saw her. Her color is back. Her spark that drives me crazy, even her attitude is different. Everything about her strikes me straight to my chest.

“I'll be there as soon as I finish up some loose ends… And then I'm all yours.” Pulling her closely against my body reminds me of how perfectly we fit together.

“I'll be waiting!” She seems relaxed and at peace in this moment. I can't help but notice her arms around my waist, sliding lower until her hands are full of my ass cheeks. She gives them a squeeze, then kisses me on the lips before she pulls away. “I'd better get out there.” Her beautiful eyes light up when she speaks.

“I have to go anyway. I'll see you soon.” I lay my forehead against hers for a mere second, then kiss that same spot.

We both walk outside, and I watch her get into the truck before I get into my driver’s seat. She's so different here at home now that she’s had a few days to herself. I had no idea how much I'd love that.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books