Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“I'd never take a personal issue on a mission. We have an understanding as far as I'm concerned. You know Jade is mine, and I'll understand that you have a spot in her life that won't cross any lines.”

“She made it very clear today that she's worried about trying this with you, but also talked about how she hopes you two can coexist out here.” Well fuck, next to hearing her finally admit she wants to see what we can build together, that’s the best goddamn news I’ve heard.

“I can understand that. It's chaos for a person to come and go in the military. We may both eventually go separate ways, but it doesn't hurt to make the best of the time we have together now. However, I’m not planning on going anywhere. I care about her, I really do.”

“I agree. And for what it’s worth, I believe you.” I don’t respond to that. In fact, the silence becomes lighter as we both take big swigs of our beers. He tosses the cap into the fire, and I watch the flame as he continues to talk.

“The next few days will be mission-free. I want zero agendas. I want no schedule, and I plan to take each moment for what it is. I need relaxation, and this looks like it will be all I have before I walk away from my career to help you.”

“This wouldn't be happening if you weren't the best.” That’s the fucking truth. Harris and I may have started out on opposite sides, but this man knows his shit. And he’ll respect the boundaries. He’s proven that. I respect the man more for having this talk with me and for not being afraid to tell me how he feels.

“I know.” I stand. I need to go to bed, and it's time to hold my girl. My girl. I really like the sound of that.

“She's down the hall, second door on the right.”

“Good night, Harris.” I pick up my bag as I pass back through the main entry and open the door to her room quietly. There's a dim nightlight, allowing me to see her on the bed. I move slowly, trying hard not to wake her. Slipping off my shoes and jeans, I finish dropping all of my clothes on my side of the bed. Right before I reach for the covers, she begins to stir.

Her movements become faster and her moans louder. It's as if she's saying ‘no’ over and over. I know better than to climb in bed with a soldier during a nightmare, so I sit on the edge of the bed and try talking to her. She doesn't snap out of it and only becomes louder. Her face is scrunched up, and I reach to touch her head in hopes of pulling her out of it. She screams just as I touch her. Her eyes fly open, and she jumps up from her sleeping position and punches the fuck out of my back.

I stand, knowing I'm fucked because I'm butt-ass naked, praying she doesn't attack again. The door flies open, and Harris is standing in the doorway, while I'm holding my dick behind my hands. This isn't exactly how I thought this night would go.



My heart is racing and my adrenaline is pumped. I'm ready to kill anyone in my path as I unleash hell on my attackers. I can hear Kaleb talking in the background, and I know if I can get through this, he’ll be here soon.

All of a sudden, a loud slam of the door pulls me from my apparent nightmare. I come to and see Kaleb standing naked with Harris in the room. “What the fuck did I miss?” My voice is panicky.

“You were having a nightmare,” Kaleb says. His tone is worried. My body is covered in sweat, and I stand on the bed just to regain my composure of where I even am. It takes me a few moments to remember I'm at Harris’ ranch and that Kaleb is here. Shit, that sounds like a real fucking nightmare. Not to mention that Kaleb is naked.

“Why aren't you wearing clothes?”

“Because I was climbing into bed with you when you started hollering. You were having a nightmare, and I value my dick enough to not go near you when you're not clear.” Harris chuckles from the doorway. That shit isn’t funny.

“Jade, I'm out. See you in the morning.” Harris closes the door, and I close my eyes at the absurdity of this entire situation, trying to calm my beating heart.

He's still standing with both hands covering himself. My eyes travel across his chest, and I finally lie back and pat the bed next to me. He looks at me with a little uncertainty before he exposes himself to me and moves the covers to get in beside me. Damn, he’s hot, even all disheveled-looking and worried.

“I sleep naked in the States,” he admits.

“Of course you do.” I may have had a nightmare, but I’m sure as hell alert now. Especially with him standing there gloriously naked.

“What were you dreaming about?”

“I can't remember.” I truly don't remember. I've had a bad dream every night; half I remember, the other half I just wake up from with my body covered in sweat.

He slides in and drapes his arm over me before he moves even closer. I feel disgusting and quickly move to take a shower.

“I'm covered in sweat. I'm going to shower. I didn't think you'd be here until tomorrow.”

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books