Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“She has a nice ass. What the fuck can I say?” He shrugs.

“Say whatever you want. Just gag her, she’s a screamer.” I nudge him. She’s not a screamer. More like a moaner. I’m not going to tell him any differently though.

Setting our alarm and locking up behind me, I follow them down the corridor and onto the sidewalk only to come to a screeching halt when he stops by the biggest black truck I have ever seen. Maybe I don’t know this man like I thought I did. This is a country boy's truck for damn sure.

“Don’t say a damn thing, Elliott. Trust me, I would much rather be in my Mustang,” he says when he notices the shocked expression on my face.

“Whatever you say, cowboy.”

“And knock it off with the cowboy shit.” He raises his brows, and I burst out laughing. God, it feels good to laugh. The smile on my face fades when I see the Jeep parked on the street right in front of my house. It's Kaleb. I'd recognize that Jeep anywhere.

I don't waste any time marching straight to his door, yanking it open, and unleashing on him. “So now you're fucking stalking me? Kaleb, you have to learn fucking boundaries. You can't just show up in front of my house and watch me. You don't think I'll see your goddamn Jeep when you park directly in front of my house?” He has already stepped out of his Jeep and slammed the door. He has turned so that my back is against the side of the truck, and fuck if he hasn't already smashed his hard body against mine. My deep breaths hit him in the face as he just watches me closely.

“What were you saying?” Fuck if I know, because when he's near me, I can't do logic, especially when he's this close. My mind starts the insanity of wanting to touch him even though the reason I'm over here is to tell his ass off.

“I was saying…. You can't just watch me.”

“Oh, but Jade. Watching you is exactly what I want to do. Your perfect skin…” He moves his hand down my arm, sending chills all over my body. How does he do this to me? My mind was so clear from the few days at my parents’ house, now I can't even put him in his fucking place.

Our eyes are locked. His other hand begins to slide down my other arm, skipping slightly as he covers my wrap. I let my eyes fall to his chest and watch as it rises with each breath he takes.

I swallow hard and finally speak. “It's fucked up, Kaleb. I can't deal with fucked up. I need something normal. I don't want to worry that you're tracking me and watching my every fucking move.” A smirk lands on his face, and I watch him contemplate his next sentence.

“Jade, I was simply stopping by to check on you. That is it. I haven't heard from you since you ran from my bed. I know you have shit you're dealing with, and I'm just worried about you. But if I ever wanted to track you, I could.”

“I know you could, and I don't want that shit in my life. If we’re going to see each other at all, you have to leave the technology to the level of normal people, Kaleb. I'm not kidding. A cell phone or email, that's it.”

“So we’re seeing each other?” He backs off just slightly, still pressed up against me, just not as tightly.

“I didn't say that. I'm just laying down the ground work if we’re going to consider it. Even if we’re just friends, I need boundaries and you…. You don't seem to have any of those.”

“You have no idea the restraint I have with you, my sweet Jade. I can deal with your rules, but you need to deal with mine.” My eyes move to his again, and I wait for him to continue. “You can't fucking run. You want normal… Then you have to communicate like normal, and when I want to taste your fucking body, you let me. Because remember, Jade, I want you. I can deal with your rules outside the bedroom, but I make the rules inside. Beyond that, I don’t give two fucks how we set it up. I just want to know you're on the same page as me.”

I don't know if we’re on the same page or not completely, but I nod in agreement, because honestly, my body wouldn't allow any other reply.

His mouth lands on mine, and his arms pull me closer to him, even though that didn't seem possible in the moments before. His kiss is passionate, and I find myself matching his intensity. He feels good and wrong at the same time. Like I'm playing with an explosive that will go off any second. Of course, it could simply be the fact that Harris is nearby and has to be seeing all of this. Shit.

I push Kaleb off of me and breathe deeply, pulling my thoughts together. What am I doing? Do I want this with Kaleb? Yes. Do I want to deal with the pissing contest between the two of them? No.

I look over and see Mallory smiling the biggest damn smile of her life, while Harris is loading the back of his truck with harsh movements. I know he's pissed about this, but he's going to have to get over it.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books