Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“Sterling doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.” I shut the line of questioning down.

This week I officially received the promotion I’ve been waiting for: team leader of Trebook’s tactical unit. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. To say I wasn’t happy would be a lie. The team wanted to make a big deal out of it, celebrate the appointing with a big night out, but I wouldn’t let them. While I may officially have the job, I still need to prove myself and keep my head above water in my new role.

These last few weeks have really put me on my ass. Since my chat with the lieutenant back at the training base a few weeks back, I’ve done a lot of thinking and realized I’ve worked so hard for this position, and the only person fucking up any chance of me succeeding is me.

“You’re fucking whipped, admit it. You haven’t been at The Elephant for two weeks.” Hart weighs in on the conversation just as I see two teenage boys in a heated argument out the corner of my eye.

Is that Mitch? I twist my body back as we pass them, hoping for a better look.

Shit, I think it is.

“Who are these little punks?” Fox asks, picking up on my interest in them.

“One of them lives over at Boys Haven I think. Double back, Hart,” I order, hoping it’s not Mitch but some other kid who looks like him. Hart doubles the block in record time, before slowing and pulling up beside them.

It’s the hoodie he’s wearing that seals the deal. The black and red symbol on the back of his shoulders flashes in my mind from the night I found him leaning over Liberty.

Fuck, it is him.

“Hey, Mitch, what’s happening?” I ask as I step out of the cruiser, interrupting their conversation.

“Ahh, nothing much.” Mitch steps back, his eyes frantically sliding from the three of us to the punk next to him.

Okay, this doesn’t look too good.

“You remember me, Mitch?” I ask, knowing full well he knows who I am. I’m the guy who convinced him to make a report against his brother.

“Yeah, you’re the douchebag officer who has the hots for Liberty,” Mitch retorts as Fox snickers off to my side, but I don’t show any emotion.

The little shit.

“Yeah, something like that. So what are you doing on this side of town, Mitch?” His shoulders slump at my question, his hands gripping on the sides of his worn jeans.

“Just walking along, minding my own business.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal, but I can tell in his panicked eyes something’s up.

“And what about you, what’s your name?” I direct my gaze to the kid standing next to him.

The kid barely looks eighteen and thinks he has enough swagger to give me attitude.

“I don’t have nothin’ to say.” He evades my question, his brown, sunken eyes not quite meeting mine before the little punk-ass starts to walk off, calling Mitch along with him.

“Mitch, can I have a word with you over here for a minute?” Hart steps into their path, cutting off their retreat.

“What for? Is he under arrest?” The thug steps forward, only to retreat when my hand finds my holstered Glock.

“He’s not. I just want to have a chat. You stay there,” I warn, giving Fox the nod to keep an eye on him.

“Nah, Mitch. Don’t go with this pig. This is some bullshit.”

“It’s okay, Victor.” Mitch steps forward, allowing me to speak to him privately.

“What’s going on, Mitch? You in some kind of trouble here?” I lower my voice, so the little fucker Victor can’t hear.

“I’m fine. Honestly, but you should probably go.” He loses his attitude and shows his vulnerability.

Something is definitely up. This kid Victor is either packing or has something on him.

Something I can hold him on and possibly get some information traded.

“Does Liberty know you’re out and on this side of town?”

“No, and you can’t tell her.” I look over and see Fox and Hart keeping Victor occupied and out of the way.

“You know I can’t do that, bud. Now, does this kid run with Dominic?” His nonverbal reply tells me what I need to know.

“Okay, I’m taking you back to Boys Haven,” I tell him, motioning him over to my cruiser.

“Please, Hetch. Don’t do this. I have this sorted.” I’m sure he thinks he has it sorted, but I’m 100 percent certain he most definitely does not.

“Get in the car, Mitch. I’m not gonna argue with you.” I open the back door and motion for him to get in. His scowl tells me he’s pissed, but I can’t be worried about it right now.

Once I’ve closed the door, I turn back to Fox and Hart just in time to see Victor take off.

“Fox keep on him. Hart, stay with Mitch.” I don’t wait for his reply, but take off after Fox while calling it in. “331. We have a pursuit on foot.” I catch up to Fox without breaking a sweat and overtake him as Victor cuts through a backyard.

River Savage's books