Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“Let me fill Sue in real quick.” He nods and I leave him there, heading into the rec room. Sue has the boys calmed down now, all arguments diffused by the time I find her. I quickly fill her in on the Mitch situation, telling her to keep an eye on him, before heading back to Hetch.

When I get back to the entrance of my office, Hetch is standing in the corner reading one of my textbooks on child behavior. He doesn’t notice me right away, so I take a second to check him out in his uniform. A skin-tight navy T-shirt stretches across his back and biceps. Black military-type pants, which fit better than any pair of jeans I’ve ever seen on a man, and black kick-ass combat boots that for some crazy reason do something to me, complete his delectable ensemble.


“You okay?” Hetch turns, either sensing my presence or hearing the soft moan I let past my lips. Judging by his dimples, I’d say the moan.

“Ahh, yeah. Sorry. Umm, can I get you a drink or anything?” I ask as I step into my office.

“I’m good.” He closes the book, places it back on my bookshelf, and then pulls up the seat in front of my desk.

“Right.” I close the door behind me, then quickly move to my desk to tidy up a little, suddenly conscious of my mess. “Sorry about the mess. We have a lot going on around here this week with the new Big Brother program starting up in a few weeks. I wasn’t expecting anyone.” I know I’m rambling as I try to sort the paperwork into some sort of controlled chaos, but I can’t stop

Hetch in front of me on a normal day makes me nervous. Hetch in front of me because of issues with Mitch makes me a wreck.

“Liberty, sit down and just breathe,” he orders in his special Hetch kind of way I’ve come to like. It’s the reprieve I need to take stock of everything.

“I’m sorry, you’re right.” I fall into my chair, forcing myself to stay calm. “Okay, how bad is it?”

“The kid we picked him up with was carrying enough cocaine to be charged with intent to distribute.”


“What about Mitch?”

“He was clean. But who knows what would have happened if we didn’t pick them up.”

“Oh, God. How could he be so stupid?” My breathing skyrockets at hearing how deep Mitch is getting involved. “After everything we’ve talked to him about, I don’t get it. I’m trying so hard here, Hetch. I don’t know what else I can do to help him.” I reveal more than I probably should.

“Seems to me you’re doing everything right, sweetheart.” I ignore the soft flutter in my stomach at the sound of his name for me and try to stay focused on the issue at hand.

“I don’t know, Hetch. One minute I’m checking in with his caseworker, letting her know he’s been doing well, the next I have to pull rank and give him extra chores and take his community visits away. I don’t think it’s sticking.”

“I think it’s sticking. I just think there are other factors playing a huge part here.”

“What do you mean?” I sit up a little straighter, unsure what he means.

“I mean, Dominic’s hold on Mitch is a bit more complex than you might think.”

“What’s more complex than family? Trust me I get it.”

“It’s more than family to him. Mitch confided in me, but it’s more to do with you, rather than him.”

“Me? What do I have to do with it?” I sit back, more confused than I care to be.

“Dominic’s using you over him.”


“Yeah, he’s found Mitch’s weakness, and he’s using it.”

“I don’t understand.” I shake my head, still trying to figure out what exactly he means. “Why would he be using me over Mitch? I mean, we’ve had one run-in so this doesn’t make sense.”

“Mitch cares for you as much as you care for him. He’s doing it for you. He doesn’t want to follow his brother’s footsteps. Dominic knows he can’t make him, so he’s using other forms of getting him to play.”

“He’s threatening harm to me to get Mitch to join his crew?” I stand, not realizing how loud my voice has risen.

“Relax, Lib. It’s going to be okay.” He tries to reassure me, but it doesn’t help. Mitch is doing this shit because of me? To keep me safe.

“It’s not okay, Hetch. This is getting way out of hand. I’ve worked so hard the last six months with him. He’s come so far, and now Dominic’s going to drag him down. I can’t stop him from seeing his brother. Other than banning him from coming to the house. I can’t stop him from getting to him at school. On rec time. I mean where does this leave me? I’ve no resources for these kinds of issues. The department doesn’t give a shit. I’m at my wits’ end.” I finish my rant only to find Hetch standing in front me, holding my face in his hands.

“You need to bring it down a notch, babe. I know this is overwhelming, but it’s gonna work out.”

River Savage's books