Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“How? Tell me how?” I want to believe things will find a way of working out, but right now, I can’t see it happening.

“We’re gonna bring him in, sweetheart. We have plays in motion. The little prick we picked today up is gonna flip on Dominic, so we might be able to get him on something. And I’m gonna help with Mitch.” His thumb starts stroking my cheek in a soft circular pattern and for a second, it helps soothe me, until I realize him becoming involved will only complicate things.

“Hetch, you can’t get involved.” I try to pull out of his grasp, but his hold stays firm.

“I can and I will, Lib.”

“How, Hetch? How do you propose you get involved?”

“Well for one, I can spend some one-on-one time with him.”

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“Why the hell not?” He pulls back, like the rejection slapped him.

“Because it’s a conflict of interest. You can’t walk in here and hang out, you need to be cleared. Plus, after this stunt, Mitch is gonna be on strict house lockdown.” I ramble off all the reasons why it’s a bad idea, completely ignoring the reasons why it could also be a great idea.

“You forget, Liberty, I’m an officer of the law. I’m pretty sure you can clear me.”

“This is true.” I stop trying to fight the reasons and contemplate the idea. He’s right. It would be as easy as a phone call and some paperwork being filled out. “You’d do that for me?”

“For you, for Mitch.”

“But why?” The question hangs in the air between us. Not in an awkward silence, but expectantly. It’s only been two weeks since we fell into bed together. Granted it’s been an amazing two weeks, but it’s hardly anything serious. Besides getting to know each other’s bodies exceptionally well, he’s barely opened up to me.

“Because I like you and despite the issues you’re having with Mitch and the bad decisions he’s making lately, he’s a good kid.”

“He is,” I repeat, without missing a beat.

“So figure it out and I’ll do what I have to do.” I nod, still not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Instead of messing my head up anymore on it, I decide to let it happen. Hetch is right. Maybe having him around here, having one–on-one time with Mitch, as well as some of the boys, would be good for all of them. Especially Mitch.

“I like you, Liam,” I whisper hesitantly, finally making the decision in my mind.

“I know you do.” His smirk is way too cocky for the moment. “I like you too.” His lips steal the words I want to say, in a soft, innocent kiss.

“I missed you.” He steals my lips this time, gently soothing me with the soft caress of a promise.

“You did?” I ask before his lips whisper over my jaw and down my neck. “You only left my bed this morning,” I remind him. We’ve been taking turns between each other’s bed. One night it’s my place, the next it’s his.

“Mmhmm,” he answers, his tongue swirling over the pulse point in my neck. “’Specially missed this. Missed seeing you come to life.” His words in the intimacy of the moment stir a wave of warmth within me and push me further into his spell.

“Jesus, Hetch. You’ve barely touched me and I feel like I’m about to explode.” I try to push him away, but he doesn’t allow it.

“Go out with me tomorrow night.” He pauses, more unsure than I’ve ever seen him before.

“Like a date?” I ask, my growing smile pauses, my heart fluttering faster.

“Yeah, like a date. You, me, food.” He kisses me again, this time, harder.

“Okay,” I answer when he pulls back.

“Okay.” He smiles, giving me his dimples, and for the split second like every other second Hetch has invaded the last few weeks, my world seems complete.



“You ready for this, boys?” I ask when we’re en route in the back of an unmarked tactical van, about to execute yesterday’s high-risk arrest warrant on one of Dominic’s known hangouts. After getting Victor to turn on Dominic yesterday afternoon, we decided to hold off and move on the information today.

After going over the intel, and reevaluating our play, Detective Tomelson and I decided we wanted both teams on this raid. Kaighn’s team will now enter through the back and deal with the dog while my team will breach the front.

“We’re good, boss,” Sterling answers for the team, picking up on my unease.

Normally I’m more collected before a high-risk raid, but knowing there is a lot riding on this arrest, the pressure builds.

“Yeah, we know the play. Gonna get the fucker. We’re good.” Fox encourages, and I force the tension out of my shoulders knowing my team has my back.

River Savage's books