Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

Jesus, exclusive with a woman? What the fuck am I thinking?

My heart falls into what I assume is my stomach as I wait for her reaction. The lust swimming in her eyes is replaced with something else like she too is analyzing me for my reaction.

“Okay.” She finally answers when the silence grows heavy. The word is simple, uncomplicated, yet more complex than I care to admit. Deciding now isn’t the time to consider what I just proposed, I cut all conversation and continue to eat her out.

Only when I've made her come twice with my mouth and cock another three, do I truly realize how deep I am.

Fuck me, Sterling was right.

Hook, line and sinker.

“Team A will breach the front entry, and Team B is on rear,” I tell Fox and Hart as we do surveillance in preparation for the high-risk arrest warrant we’ll be executing later today at one of The Disciples known hangouts.

“Let me guess, you want Team A?” Fox asks from the backseat in our unmarked SUV.

“How did you know?” I almost laugh at his scowl, not feeling one bit guilty about it. The dog that guards the perimeter of the old house looks like one mean son of a bitch, one I want nothing to do with.

“’Cause your pansy ass is scared of dogs.”

“There was a dog?” I ask, keeping my face straight.

“You’re a *,” he grumbles under his breath, ultimately letting it go.

The purpose of today is to do a tactical reconnaissance. On top of detailed plans provided by the detective working Liberty’s case, I wanted to get some groundwork of the area and see what, if any, obstacles we might come up against, i.e. big fucking dogs. And also see if there are any lookouts we need to be aware of.

Ever since the night Dominic and his boys threatened Liberty, I’ve been doing some digging, speaking to a few boys down in the gang unit and turns out, while Dominic is a smaller fish in the grand scheme of things, he still has ties to some seriously dangerous men higher up the food chain. And because, like most street gang leaders, they leave the hard work up to their “soldiers”, we’re going to have a hard time pinning anything on him. Doesn’t mean we’re not going to try. Today we begin the first round of trying to flush the fucker out and get something on him.

“ETA this is going down?” Fox continues to jot down his notes.

“Tommy wants to go in after dark.” Warrants at night work a little differently. While we do have the element of surprise, suspects can get away a little easier.

Richard “Tommy” Tomelson is head of the narcotics unit. His boys have been sitting on this place for a while now. If he thinks going in after dark is our best play, then we will.

“There goes my night.” Fox sounds relieved more than annoyed.

“Don’t know if you’re happy about it or not.”

“Vanessa is coming around to pick up some shit.”

Vanessa is Fox’s ex-wife. Wicked witch of Trebook as Fox has been known to call her. I’ve personally never met her, but from the stories I’ve been told, she definitely lives up to the name.

“You still having issues with her?” Hart asks after I tell him to head back to the base so we can brief the two teams.

“When am I not? She’s just trying to get in my head. We’ve been divorced for two years, and she still finds a way to come over every few months.”

“Seems like she has you on a short leash, Fox.” I weigh in on his situation. I’m not as experienced in the relationship department as these guys; my longest relationship was in high school when I was head over ass in love with Amy Theo. I chased her for weeks before she finally relented and let me take her out. We lasted two years until her dad took a job across the country and left. We tried the long distance thing for a few months, but it never worked out. Since then, I’ve played the field and had a few girlfriends, but nothing serious enough to interest me in settling down.

Until Liberty.

“She thinks she has me on a leash. She comes around, throws her attitude around some, and then ends up in my bed.”

“You’re a sick bastard.” Hart shakes his head in laughter.

“She may be a bitch, but she’s a good lay.” He shrugs, not in the least apologetic about it. “What about you, boss? Sterling thinks you’re holding out on us with the sexy neighbor of yours.”

Fucking Sterling and his big mouth.

It’s been two weeks since Liberty caught the wrong idea about Kota. Two weeks of sleeping in each other's bed, fucking every chance we’ve had.

Two weeks of falling deeper into the rabbit hole, falling off the face of the earth, and only showing my face for work, or when Liberty complains I don’t feed her enough.

Two weeks of telling myself I’m getting in too deep. Too fast.

River Savage's books