Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“Please.” I fight his hold on me, only for him to hold me tighter.

“Not happening, sweetheart.” I don’t have a chance to argue further when my orgasm explodes and seizes me with a rush of sensation so intense, stars burst behind my eyes.

Blinding me, igniting me, setting me alight.

“Fuck, woman. Never gonna get enough.” He follows me over into the abyss of pleasure with his own release. Body tense, eyes shut, his harsh groan of masculine satisfaction drowns out my soft whimpers, almost taking me back for round two.

What is it about a man’s release that makes you want to climb them all over again?

“Hetch?” I ask when he drops his forehead to mine, our breaths mixing together in the insignificant space between us. We stay connected for a long while, forehead-to-forehead, breath-to-breath, body-to-body.

“Yeah?” His lips find mine in a soft kiss. I don’t want to read into the kiss, but at the same time, I can’t help it when his mouth promises more than a good time.

“What’s happening here?” Abrupt silence throbs between us. The thump–thump, thump–thump of his heart beating through his chest against mine surges between us as the quiet stretches.

“Well, I just came the hardest I’ve come in a long fucking time, and judging by the sexy-as-fuck blush you have going on there,”—he runs a finger down my cleavage—“you came pretty hard too.” He pulls out of me so abruptly it’s almost offensive. The ultimate connection now lost between us.

“Don’t be smart. You know what I mean.” I roll to the side, pulling the sheets up over my body.

Did I read something that wasn’t there?

“Liberty, relax. We’re just having fun here.” He picks up on my unease, sliding the condom off his cock, and tying it off with expert ease.

“I know that. I thought—” My words fall silent when he turns and saunters his naked ass to my bathroom, ending further conversation on the matter.

I don’t know what I thought, but clearly I was thinking wrong.

“So what, he just left after?” Payton asks later that evening when I’m driving home from my meetings at head office. I called to fill her in on my evening and morning with Hetch. Every hot, filthy detail. And every awkward moment after.

“Well, he dressed, told me he was off for the next two days so he would hang around for the locksmith to come change my locks, then he left to let me get ready for work.”


“Yeah.” I chew at my bottom lip, replaying the scene over in my mind. The awkwardness after. The need still pulsing through the air. The want still pulling me to him.

“Well, it’s not like you’re looking for anything serious. So you’re having casual sex.”

“That’s the thing, Pay. At the risk of sounding cliché, it felt like it did mean something. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s this pull he has on me, even back when I first met him at The Elephant. It’s been growing ever since.”

“But if he’s not looking for anything serious, Lib…”

“I know. Ugghh. See so stupid.” I let out a frustrated breath. “I’m so stupid.”

“Don’t say that. You’re not stupid. The man is sexy as all hell. I get it. And clearly his cock is like some fountain of youth. Instead of restoring your looks, he’s restored your insatiable need for cock. Once you’ve had a dip in its luscious waters, you keep wanting to go back.”

“Did you just compare sex with Hetch to the Fountain of Youth?”

“Well, it’s the only plausible reason to justify you acting like Mother Gothel when she realized Rapunzel left her tower.”

“Oh, my God, what’s with you tonight?” I laugh as I pull up to my apartment complex. Even though I know there are no bounds to Payton’s craziness, I still find myself shocked with the shit that comes out of her mouth at times.

“Sorry. Arabella is hooked on Tangled at the moment. And I’ve been drawing so many parallels from it.” She laughs along with me.

This whole conversation has progressed to weird.

What am I talking about? Every conversation with Payton turns weird.

“Okay, you are a weirdo, and I have to go. I just pulled up.”

“Ohh, okay. Are you ready to see him?” My head turns toward Hetch’s car space, my eyes falling on his truck.

“Ugghh, no. I should have stayed at work. I’m not ready for this.” My head hits the steering wheel in frustration.

How do I get into these situations?

“Oh, please, do you hear yourself right now? You had sex with the man. Hot, wild monkey sex. You both had a good time, don’t overthink it.” She makes a valid point. Things don’t have to be weird. Yeah, it might have been the best sex I’ve had ever, but that’s all there is to it. Simple.

“You’re right, Pay. We’re adults. I can totally move on from this.” I steel myself, straightening my shoulders as I release a deep breath.

I can do this.

River Savage's books