Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

Whoa, different?

“Fine, whatever. I have to get back to work anyway. My new boss is an asshole and sent me home with hours of work. Make sure you're at Mom's this weekend.” She points her skinny finger at me, waiting for some kind of reassurance.

“Already told you I’d be there, Kota.” My irritated tone isn’t lost on her; she just doesn’t give a fuck about my mood. Or my sex life.

“And if you ignore my calls again, you’re going to get more than a visit from me.” She rises up onto her toes and places a kiss on my cheek. She’s all bark with her attitude, but I still take the moment to wrap my arms back around her.

“Love you, stupid big brother.” She squeezes me a little harder than normal.

“Love you, too, annoying little sis.” I return her tight squeeze with my own, before releasing her. She turns on her way-too-high heels and saunters off without a backward glance.

I stay standing there between our two apartments for a few minutes, unsure if I should head back to my apartment and fester in anger, or go to Liberty and have it out with her.

I mean, what does she take me for? Yeah, I love the company of women, but two in a day is a bit over the top. Sure things may have looked compromising from her angle when she came up the stairs, but she didn’t have to spit her bullshit disgust my way. If she took a breath before lashing out, she would have realized the situation.

I fester for a few more minutes, running the scene over in my head before my need and curiosity to see her again wins out. I make my way to her door, knocking loud enough to give her a taste of what sort of mood she will find me in.

“Open up, Liberty.” She doesn’t answer in enough time so I knock again, this time louder. “I’m not leaving until you open the door,” I warn, then wait for another few beats before the door slowly opens and a red-faced Liberty looks up at me.

“What the fuck was that?” I cut to the chase, stepping past her into her apartment and closing the door behind me.

“I'm so sorry, Hetch. You have no idea how embarrassed I am.” She starts to pace in front of me, wearing track marks into the carpet with her sexy fuck-me heels.

“I have no idea? Are you fucking kidding, Liberty? You just told my sister my cock was inside you this morning.” She shrinks back at my tone like she’s afraid, but I don’t have it in me to feel guilty about it. She needs to know that shit is not okay.

“I wasn’t thinking. I reacted.” Her wide, innocent eyes plead with me for some understanding, but I’m not sure I have it in me.

“You reacted? What are we, teenagers?” The words are a reflection on what she’s making me feel, not the truth.

You’re a real asshole, Hetch.

“You know what, screw you. I fucked up, okay? Yeah, I reacted. And you have every right to be pissed. But don’t come in here on your high horse making me feel like shit for feeling something.” My cock hardens the moment she sasses me back, and the pull I’ve been fighting since I walked out of her apartment this morning no longer seems like such an issue anymore.

Two large strides are all it takes for me reach her. Fisting my hand in her hair, I pull her head back in one sharp tug and crash my lips down onto hers. Her mouth opens instantly, swallowing my growl of approval. Our tongues dart out to greet each other as if the time that’s passed was years rather than hours.

Her taste invades my mouth as I sweep my tongue over hers, controlling the smartness right out of it.

Ever since I left this morning, I’ve thought about tasting her again but wasn’t sure if it was wise. Between last night and this morning, things became intense, fast. Never in my adult life have I felt such a strong connection to a woman so quickly. I knew this morning when she looked up at me, her face flushed with ecstasy, her * filled with my cock, I was in too deep. I freaked out. We had a moment, and when she had the balls to address it, I shut it down and shut her out.

Now what the fuck am I doing?

Not wanting to answer the question, I continue to control her mouth, drawing more of her taste into my own. After a few more seconds, Liberty’s hand comes up between us. At first, I think she’s gonna pull me close to her, mold her body closer to mine. But I’m left disappointed when the kiss is abruptly cut short as she pushes me back, breaking our connection.

“Hetch, this is a bad idea,” she pants, as the confusion swimming in her eyes morphs into the same uncertainty I saw when she walked up those stairs five minutes ago. I didn’t understand at the time, and maybe I still don’t, but I know I don’t like it. I don’t like this unsure version of her. Where she doubts herself. Doubts my attraction to her.

“Stop that shit right now.” I reach out, grabbing her hand and dragging her back into my space. She doesn’t pull back, but she doesn’t look up either.

River Savage's books