Fleeting Moments

“Not going to happen.”

I cross my arms and glare at him. He smiles and walks towards me, sitting on the edge of the bed. I stand. He’s repulsive, and I don’t want him anywhere near me.

“Did I ever tell you the story of why my brother was turned into the arms of Satan?”

“Get out.”

“He’s younger than me, but he was always the troubled one. He never obeyed our parents and was always leading Johnny and Tank astray. We went to church every Sunday, but he refused to co-operate. I met Mathew there.” He looks to the man at the door and I glance at him, recognizing him as the one from the mall. “He taught me the way. He knew right away I was the one to lead us all into Heaven’s gates.”

“Jesus, you really need to get some help,” I mutter, crossing my arms.

“My parents passed away, and he took us all in to save us from going into the foster system. I was leading my brothers down the holy path when Heath stepped in. He was so angry. So violent. I knew it was already too late for him. I tried to lead him, tried to help him, but he simply wouldn’t allow it. I had to punish him.”

The scars on Heath’s back flitter into my mind, and vomit rises in my throat.

“You . . . you whipped him.” I gasp.

“I did what I had to, with the help of Mathew, to banish the devil from his soul. Tank stepped in and interfered; Johnny turned against me. Heath had gotten into their minds. I was too late. They disappeared, and I didn’t see them again until Heath was nearly thirty years old and they moved back to town. I had a dream after I saw him in the street; it just so happened we ended up in the same city. God told me that I needed to save my brothers, that it was time to eliminate Heath from the world.”

I think I’m going to vomit.

“So I hired a professional to end him. It turns out, my poor corrupted brothers went in to protect him and had the professional tell me the job was done. It never felt right. I always felt as though something was amiss, like I wasn’t totally satisfied and my brothers never came back to me like I had been told they would. I was being investigated, people were asking unusual questions, and I knew, I just knew that he was still alive.”

What kind of sick monster is he?

“At the time, I was busy claiming my land for the return of our holy one, until he interfered and stopped my mission. Now I must end him before it’s too late. I have my orders; I will carry them out.”

“You’re sick!” I spit. “You killed innocent people.”

“I sacrificed their souls. They’ll all be saved when my mission is complete.”

“You need help, seriously!” I yell, backing up. “Get out of here.”

He throws his head back and laughs. “I do like a challenge.”

“I’m not a challenge. I want nothing to do with you, creep. Your brothers, they’re stronger and they’re more determined. They’ll bring you down; you can guarantee that.”

He steps forward, and I put my hands out in front of me, as if that’s going to stop anything.

“I do not fear death, sweetheart. But they should.”

With that he turns and exits the room, his men following behind him. He slams and locks the door, and I lower to my knees, trembling.

This is so much worse than I’d first imagined.


I don’t eat. I don’t trust a single thing on that plate.

They’re likely to drug me to get me to do what they want. I’d bet money that they drug half these people to keep their minds in a state that’s easy to be manipulated. That thought is terrifying. I wonder what these people would really think if they got away from this place and cleared their heads? Would they still believe in this nonsense, or would they actually see what’s right in front of them?

The door unlocks later that afternoon, and I don’t expect the person who enters.

It’s Hayley.

She steps in with a tray in her hands, her eyes darting around nervously. I leap up, but manage to slow myself down as I move closer to her. I don’t want to freak her out. “Hayley,” I say softly. “It’s nice to see you again.”

She looks to me, and then turns and stares behind her. She walks in and puts the new tray down and picks up the still full breakfast one.

“Hayley,” I prompt. “Please.”

Her eyes meet mine. “I’m afraid,” she says softly.

“I know. I know you are. So am I. I need your help.”

She shakes her head a little, glancing behind her again. “I c-c-c-can’t help.”

“You can help. You can leave this door open by mistake for me. I need to get out of here. I need to help my friends. They don’t deserve to die, and that’s what he’s going to do to them. Do you understand?”

Her eyes get big. “If he says that’s what needs to happen, I cannot defy him.”

“Do you really believe that?”

Bella Jewel's books