Fleeting Moments

Just before it reaches me, he pulls out.

“Heath,” I rasp, my body burning as my high slips away.

“Roll over.”

“But . . .”

“I’ll decide when you come. Now roll over,” he orders, his cock jutting up against his belly.

I meet his eyes. “No.”

He grins and reaches down, taking me and flipping me over, pressing a hand to the middle of my back to hold me in place. “I think you like defying me,” he growls, as he slides his cock into me again. “Because I think you like how it feels when I take charge.”

He’s right. I do.

I curl my fingers into the bedspread and arch as he fucks me, hard and deep. I try not to let him know I’m nearly ready to come, but he knows—he knows even before my body starts winding up tight. He pulls out, panting.

“God dammit,” I gasp. “Stop it.”

“Tell me you’re sorry.”

“Fuck you, Heath.”

“Do it, baby.”

Damn him. “I’m sorry, now keep going.”

“Mean it.” He leans down, swiping my hair from my neck and breathing against my ear.

“I’m sorry,” I say, turning my face so I can meet his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

His eyes flash. He smacks a quick kiss to my lips.

Then he fucks me until I come.



It’s been a quiet week.

Heath has been busy investigating, and I’ve been busy working, as well as dealing with lawyers. I’ve been attending my book club meetings and have met some lovely people, which has helped to pass the time. Gerard is still insisting on having someone look into our marriage to make sure I wasn’t having an affair, but knowing Heath has that covered is good. I haven’t spoken to Gerard and have refused all contact outside our lawyers.

“You’re all done for the day.” My boss, Amy, smiles as my shift finishes on Saturday night.

“Thank you.” I sigh. “I’m exhausted; it was a busy day.”

“It was. Go home; enjoy your weekend. Are you on again Monday?”

I nod. “I sure am. I’ll see you then.”

Once I finish up the remainder of my work, I get changed and head out. I’m going past the warehouse tonight because I want to see Heath. I’ve had no more than a few minutes with him since last week, and I’m desperate for more. I tie my hair in a ponytail as I walk towards my car. I’m happy, airy, and feeling good about everything in my life right now.

And because of that, life decides to throw me a moment.

Because life is an asshole.

Four men step out from an alley, and I recognize the blond man from last time first. He smiles at me, but it’s terrifying. “Hello Lucy.”

I turn to run, but one of his minions lunges forward and grabs me, throwing a hand over my mouth so I can’t scream. I try to kick backwards but he’s strong. The three other men shadow him as he drags me into the alley and down it. Oh God, are they going to rape me? I squirm harder, fighting and biting, doing whatever I can to free myself from his grips. Nothing works. He’s like a stone.

Panic rises in my chest as I consider all possible scenarios. None of them are good.

We reach a white van, and the door opens before we come to a stop. There are two more men inside. I’m tossed in without hesitation, and I crash to the floor. I push up, scurrying towards the open space, but run straight into the barrel of a gun. I scream and throw myself backwards as the men pile in. I’m surrounded, with nowhere to go. I couldn’t get past them if I tried.

“Let me go,” I scream as the door is slammed shut.

“Sit still and stop screaming,” the man holding the gun growls, “or I’ll kill you.”

“What do you want from me?” I cry angrily to the blond man.

“I want my brother.”

“I beg your pardon?”

He grins. “Oh, he didn’t tell you?”

“Who told me what?”

His grin turns into a full-blown smile, and it hits me like a damned sledgehammer. I stumble backwards and look up at him, really taking in his face. The shape of his eyes, the curve of his jaw, the dimples, but mostly . . . the smile. I’m not familiar with him, as I first thought, but now it’s more than clear why I thought I knew him.

This man looks like Johnny.

And Tank.

And Heath.

“Nice to meet you, Lucy. I’m Josh.”

Oh God—he’s the fourth brother.




I don’t say another word. I peer out a small slit in the covered windows to see we have arrived at the space they occupy in the woods. I think I’m in shock. It all starts making a great deal more sense now. For whatever reason, Josh thinks Heath is dead, and now he obviously knows that isn’t the case. What I want to know is why he’s taken me and what exactly happened between the four brothers.

Bella Jewel's books