Fleeting Moments

“Go home.”

“Oh my god,” I screech, shoving him harder. “You’re such a jerk. I was saying goodbye, I was letting him go. You want to know why I was doing that?”

“No,” he barks.

“Because I’m in love with you, you fucking dick.”

The entire room stops, dead silent. Including him.

“Yeah,” I say, my voice quieter now. “That’s right. I’m in love with you, and I was closing a door tonight. I was letting him go kindly because regardless of your insane jealously, I loved him once and he deserved that respect. Now, I’m going to leave because I want to punch you in the face so badly my palm is twitching.”

Someone barks a laugh.

I turn.

Heath takes a step and before I know what’s happening, I’m being hauled up and thrown over his shoulder. I squeal as he slaps my ass so hard pain radiates through me. “Don’t ever speak to me like that again,” he growls, storming towards his room. Then he slaps me again.

“Ouch!” I snap. “Stop it.”

“I’m not done.”

He gets into his room and slams the door shut, locking it. A minute later, the music starts up again. Heath takes two big strides towards his bed and tosses me down. I land with a bounce on my back, looking up at him.

“Clothes off.”

I blink, then snap, “Bite me.”

He takes a step closer, his face full of threat and very real promise. “Don’t tempt me.”

“I’m not tempting you. We’re not having sex, remember?”

“That’s off the cards now.”

I open my mouth and gape. “It is not!”

“Baby, it is. You just told me you loved me.”

“Yeah, well,” I scoff, putting a foot to his chest as he moves closer. “I lied.”

He grins.

I roll my eyes.

“We’re doing this, and it’s going to be hard and deep because I’m fucking pissed off.”

“So am I,” I retort. “More than you.”

His grin turns wolfish. God.

“I don’t know how that can be,” he says, grabbing hold of my pajama bottoms and jerking them down. “You were kissing another man.”

“Excuse me, that man was my husband, and I was doing a good thing,” I retort, kicking, but his hand curls around my ankle and holds me firmly in place.

“Then you show up here yelling at me,” he murmurs, tossing my pants and reaching for my panties.

“You deserved that,” I say, squirming.

“Then,” he hisses, leaning over and jerking my panties off. “You come into my warehouse in your cute-as-shit jammies.”

“Well, I didn’t have time to change.”

He exposes me with a flick of my panties and I’m bare before him, nervous as hell. He stares down at my sex and growls low in his throat before taking my legs and throwing them over his shoulders.

“I’m going to make you come until you beg me to stop, as punishment.”

“Whatever,” I say, but my voice is breathy.

He grins and drops to his knees, then he’s between my legs, his tongue lapping at my pussy without hesitation. I bite my bottom lip to keep from crying out, because that’s what he wants. I bite down so hard sharp pain radiates through my mouth, but I don’t moan. He licks with ferocity, flicking my clit and then moving down and diving deep inside me.

Don’t squirm.

Oh god, it feels amazing.

“Playing stubborn, baby?” he murmurs against my flesh. “I guess I’d better up my game.”

He finds my clit again and sucks deeper at the same time as he slides his finger inside my sex, curling it upwards and finding that spot. A little gasp escapes my lips and I quickly clamp them closed, but not before I hear his triumphant little hum as he devours my pussy. Why does he have to be so good at this?

He fucks me with his hand and eats me until I can’t hold it back any longer. I try, really I do, but the pleasure is too much. A moan escapes and I come, hard. My entire body shakes as ripples of pleasure radiate through my body. Heath moves quickly after that, jerking his jeans down and bringing my ass to the edge of the bed.

Then he’s inside me, fucking me with ferocity. His dick is so big, stretching my body as it fills me. He knows how to work it, he knows how to angle his hips—he just knows how to make me feel so damned incredible. I gasp out his name, not even trying to hold back anymore. He’s angrily fucking, and it’s hot. His entire body is wound up tight, his muscles bulging, veins popping out from his skin. He is so damn sexy. It takes my breath away.

“Harder,” I gasp.

He slows down.

“Fuck, Heath, harder!” I cry, squirming.

“That would make it too easy for you,” he pants.


He slows down, dragging his cock in and out at an agonizing pace. I push up on my elbows and try to take hold of something, anything, to get him to move faster, but he’s standing and I can’t reach him. I glance down at his dick sliding in and out of me, glistening with my arousal. God dammit, that’s hot. I gasp and drop back down. Even at this slow pace my orgasm is building.

Bella Jewel's books