Fleeting Moments

Heath. Standing there, waiting for me, looking gorgeous and perfect and everything a man should be. He smiles when he sees me, and I take in his dimple, and his silver eyes, and the way his whole face lights up, and I send a silent prayer of thanks to whoever put him in my path. Seeing him there makes me realize that some moments are good, and others are bad, but they all matter in one way or another.

Even when we don’t realize it, even when we think that things couldn’t get any worse, life will throw us a moment that suddenly helps it make sense. It pieces it all together, it puts it all back into perspective, and you start to wonder how you ever wished for a different path.

As I stare at Heath, I know he was my moment. He was placed into my life at the exact time I needed him the most. Not just to love, but to help me discover who I am, and he’s done that every second since he’s been in my life. He’s helped recreate me. He’s made me better. He’s fixed what I didn’t even know needed fixing.

My man.

My love.

My moment.


Bella Jewel's books