Fleeting Moments

I close my eyes a second and small snippets of memories come flooding back. They flick back open, and I look to him. “Josh . . . is he . . . is he . . .?”

“He’s locked away and facing some charges that’ll make sure he stays that way.”

“And everyone else?”

“Hopefully getting the help they need, though it can’t be forced on them. At least they’re free of his brainwashing now.”

“Hayley?” I croak.

His eyes grow sad. “She’s okay. In a bad way, but okay. She’s in here and so are a few of the other girls.”

“Can I see her?”

“I’ll find out.”

“Will she be all right?” I ask, my eyes begging with him to say she will.

“I don’t honestly know, but she’s going into the care of a wonderful older couple who have years of experience with traumatized kids. I think it will all work out.”

“And all those other kids?”

“Child services has stepped in. That’s all I know so far.”

I nod, swallowing the thick lump forming in my throat.

“What I do know is that if it wasn’t for you, none of them would be where they are now and they’d still be being subjected to that horror. You saved their lives, beautiful girl.”

Tears roll down my cheeks.

“I was so fucking scared when I saw that knife go into you. I thought . . .”

“Hey,” I whisper, reach up to cup his cheek. “I’m okay.”

He puts his hands either side of my face and presses his forehead to mine. “I love you, Lucy. I wish you knew how much. I’m so proud of you, and I’m so damned grateful you’re in my life.”

He catches a tear with his thumb and we hold each other’s gazes for a while until my mother’s sob can be heard behind him. “They’re so beautiful together.”

Heath grins and murmurs, “I think she’s waiting for her turn.”

I smile weakly up at him. “She can wait a little longer.”

Then I bring him down and press his lips against mine.

Because I’m never letting this man go.


“Hi there,” I whisper, stepping into Hayley’s room. “Remember me?”

She looks over to me, her dark hair falling over her forehead and spilling down her cheeks. Her eyes aren’t as dark as I remember and her cheeks have some color in them. There is an older couple sitting beside her bed, and they smile at me as I enter. I’ve been in the hospital for a week, and I’m leaving today. It’s the first time I’ve been able to come and see Hayley. She wasn’t allowed visitors other than her foster family until now.

“Lucy,” she says, her voice soft. “Of course I remember you.”

“Can I come in?”

She nods, and I move into the room and stop beside her bed, looking down at her. “How are you feeling?” I ask.

She shrugs weakly. “I’m not sure.”

I smile in understanding. “It’ll take time. I’ve heard you’re going home with a lovely couple.”

She gives a little half-smile and turns, glancing at the older couple. “This is Margret and John.”

“It’s lovely to meet you,” I say to them both.

“Likewise, dear,” Margret says, her soft brown eyes locking with mine. “We heard you did a very brave thing getting these girls out.”

I shrug lightly. “I did what was right.”

“You saved their lives,” John says. “Not everybody would have taken that risk.”

I look back to Hayley. “I’d do it again.”

I reach for her hand. She flinches a little, but lets me take it.

“Thank you,” she croaks, “for helping me. Not just to get out of there, but to realize that the feelings I had inside were right and what was going on was bad.”

“You should always trust your instincts, Hayley, no matter what you’re doing in life because they’ll always lead you right.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m going to leave my number with Margret. When you’re better, you can call if you like.”

She smiles, and it makes her even more beautiful. “I’d like that.”

“Maybe we can go and get ice cream together.”

Her eyes light up. “That would be lovely.”

“I think so too.” Margret smiles as I hand her Heath’s number so she can contact me. She takes my hand and squeezes it, and I understand the gratitude she’s expressing.

“I should get going,” I say, smiling back at Hayley. “Take care of yourself.”

“I will,” she says softly.

“Talk soon, Hayley.”

I leave the room and press my back against the wall, looking up to the ceiling and smiling as I exhale the deep breath I feel as if I’ve been holding onto since this started. After a few minutes, I push off the wall and move down the corridors until I pass the reception desk.

Then I see him.

Bella Jewel's books