FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

She starts to move over me again. We both feel the plane descending and look at each other, knowing our time is limited. She lifts herself off of me, sliding down my body until she covers my cock with her mouth. I growl when her warmth covers me. Christ, look at her. She’s making sure she pleases me and has no idea she already does in a way no one else can.

She takes me as deep as she can, trying to keep from gagging. Then she swallows, and I feel it at the tip of my cock. I swear that was a direct switch for me to come inside of her.

“Jade. I have to do this right. I want to be inside you the first time I come again. Come here, baby.” I grab her shoulders to get her back on my dick. Her eyes grow wide with mischief, and she lets out a little groan when I slam her back down onto my cock. It only takes a few more thrusts into her hot center and I'm coming deep inside her just as the plane lands on the ground.

It was rough, but I wouldn't have wanted to land any other way.

“I love you. Remember, whatever you see on those tapes…. That I love you and I'm here for you.” She kisses me on my cheek, and I grab the back of her head to guide her lips even closer to mine. We kiss for what seems like ten minutes without a care in the world. I know the others are all already off the plane. In fact, if I weren’t so eager to see those tapes, I'd start on her again.

It's different now that I know I have a long time with her. Before, I had to push for more every time we were together. Now, I can relax, knowing she’ll be by my side when shit gets handled.

“I love you too, Jade. I'm not sure what I hope to see on those tapes.” She climbs off me and starts to get dressed.

“We’ll deal with whatever it is.” I watch her every move until she's covered, then bend to get my own clothes. I work my pants over the one bandage on my right thigh. I'm thankful I survived that hell, let alone being able to live a normal life. I know my brother didn't take it easy on me. I'm guessing he knew inflicting pain on my body wouldn't be true torture for me. My women would be the best way to get to me, and he fucking knew that.

I smooth my hair and beard just before I open the door, expecting an empty bird. Instead, I open it to Pierce and Jackson finalizing the information with the pilots in the main cabin. Fuck.

“Nice of you two to provide the music for our flight. I rather enjoyed that.” Jackson’s ass would be the one to listen in.

“Did you learn something, asshole?” This is the first time he’s had a chance to listen in on me fucking someone. I’ve never been one to be so needy I couldn’t wait until I was in the privacy of my own house, but Jade has changed that. She’s changed me. I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough of her.

“Ice sounds like she can handle the big, bad Fire all by herself.” He smiles and fake punches her in the shoulder. She instantly punches him in the side to retaliate and gives him her own hell.

“Jackson. That's what it sounds like when a girl is satisfied. I can talk you through a woman’s main pleasure points if you need me to.” He laughs at her comeback and throws his arm over her shoulder.

“Ah, shit. I love this girl, Maverick. We needed another smartass.”

“Hands off, fuckhead.” He doesn't listen to me and starts walking with her to the door to exit the plane. He’s damn lucky I like his twisted-up ass.

“You ready for this?” Pierce asks the minute we all step off the plane.

“More than ready. While you set it up, I’m going to call my mom.” We walk straight to the office within the confines of our own compound. Jade squeezes my hand tightly, and I kiss her on her forehead before I let her go with them. I need to talk to my mom on my own.

Snagging my cell from the front pocket of my jeans, I slide the screen to find her name, then place the phone up to my ear while I hold my breath for her to answer.

“Hey, son.” Her cheery voice instantly brings a smile to my face. “How’s it going, mom?” I begin my pacing, back and forth in front of the office, my free hand running through my hair while I stress about what exactly to say. If I keep this shit up, I’ll wear a path in the damn grass right here. I figure I may as well start with the most important thing.

“I met a woman. She’s the one, mom.” Her sharp, screeching scream has me pulling the phone away from my ear. It’s followed by a string of curse words mixed with ‘when can I meet her’ and ‘it's about damn time’.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books