FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“Kaleb. Fucking stop.” She has a pissed-off look on her face, and my cock is already rock hard waiting for this, so I hope like hell she’s not about to tell me no. My eyes soften with hers, and I lower my head until we’re eye to eye. My voice is deep and my words come out soft even though I feel like I’m being choked.

“Jade. I need this. I need to feel you again. You’ve been driving me crazy. You’re the only thing I could think of out there. I told myself that if I ever had the chance to hold you again, I’d never let you go.” She slides her arms around my waist and tucks her head against my chest. There’s no doubt she can feel my heart racing as I try to calm it down on an exhale. I place my lips on her head and kiss her hair. I have to inhale her scent. She’s so fucking intoxicating.

“I love you, Jade. I don’t mean to seem insensitive, but right now, I just want to feel you. Show me how much you missed me.” And with that, she takes a step back and raises her shirt over her head. With a quick reach behind her back, she’s dropped her black lace bra to the floor and begins working her shorts and her little black panties down her long legs until she’s tormenting me even more. They hit the floor at her feet and she steps out of them leaving them with her shoes. She’s completely naked, waiting for me to make a move. She’s all mine and knowing that makes me the happiest man alive.

“Kaleb Maverick. Please let me show you how much I’ve missed you.” She slowly opens the buttons on my shirt then slides it over my shoulders with care. She places soft kisses over my shoulders and is extremely cautious with the bandage across my lower back. “You see. I go crazy if I see you’re being hurt. I won’t be the one to hurt you by not taking care of these wounds. If we do this… We have to be careful.”

“Jade Elliott. I’ll give you your calm sex now, but one day soon… I’m going to fuck you until you’re damn sore. Hell, we’ll both be sore, and I won’t give a shit if it hurts us both to walk for days.” Or crawl. Or never climb out of bed again. I’m ok with that fate.

“I look forward to that.” She moves to face me, and I trace my fingers along her neck, down to her nipples. I brush over the peaks and watch them perk up to the hardness I missed feeling.

She unbuttons my pants and slowly works them down until I can step out of them with ease. “Now, lie down, so I can take care of you.” I obey, but fight myself to let her have this control. I’ll do it just this one time.

I watch her as she moves over me, continuing to kiss across my skin while she positions herself on my hips. My cock is standing hard, but she sits just in front of it, allowing it to bump up against her ass.

“I missed you. When they pulled the chopper up, my heart sank because I thought I’d never see you again.” I see a tiny tear begin to fall down her right cheek, and it takes everything in me to not take over and show her just how fine I am.

“I’m here now, Jade. I heard you, and that’s the reason I had hope out there. I wanted to feel this with you again.” I pull her hand over my heart, and we look into each other’s eyes while it beats into her palm. She literally holds my heart now, so I can’t think of a more perfect way to start this.

I reach up, slide my hand through her hair, and guide her lips down to mine. Her kiss is soft and gentle, and it’s almost like we’re kissing each other for the first time. She places her hands beside my head and manages to continue kissing me without touching a single one of my bandages. Perfect. This, I can live with.

She rolls her hips up then slides gently onto my cock, and I exhale loudly the entire time I can feel her around me. “Am I hurting you?”

“Fuck, no. Keep going. You feel so good on my dick.” She moves slowly up and down, raising her body into a sitting position. Her tits move as she does and I don't know where I want to put my hands the most, so I spread them over her chest and then move them over her body from there.

She's so fucking gorgeous. Her teeth nip on her bottom lip when I rotate my hips into her. The restraint I have that's keeping me from grabbing her hips and pounding into her over and over is insane. I’ve lost my goddamn mind over her.

She moves up and down on me until I can see her concentration shift. She's close. It's time I handle this shit for her.

I slide my thumb between us and splay my hand over her pelvis. With her clit under the pressure of my thumb, I roll that tender ball of nerves until she loudly takes her release from me and grinds herself harder as she goes.

I watch her eyes. She's trying to watch me, but loses the battle when her release rushes over her. Her moans are loud enough to be heard out in the cabin, and I love that she didn't even try to hold back. I want her to always give me her all.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books