FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“I’m good. Just thinking about what I’m going to tell my mom. I thought I knew what I was going to say to her about the extra security I’ve put on her, but right now, it’s bothering me. I know I can’t tell her the truth. I just pray like hell she can’t hear the lies in my voice. She’s good at picking up on shit.” It takes strength to not turn and look at her when I speak. I’m sick and damn tired of seeing pain mixed with anger, fear, and all kinds of bullshit when I look at Jade.

This is all too much. Fuck. I want that son of a bitch to be dead so damn bad and to get my life back on track. It’s time I finally fucking get to live. I don’t want to be scared I’m going to be sent off somewhere and get a call or return home to find out that monster has done something to my family. Fuck him for making me feel like a * out there. There’s a part of me that hopes he isn’t dead so I can kill him myself.

“Hey. Look at me, Kaleb.” Jade laces her fingers through mine and whispers softly into my ear. I look at her, like she requests. This time, there is no fear. It’s unconditional love staring back at me.

“If he’s not on that tape, you know we’ll get him. As far as your mother, I’ll go and stay with her if that will make you feel better. It’s time I meet her anyway. This woman who has made you into the man you are. The man I love.” She’s right about one thing. We will get him. However, she is wrong if she thinks I’m letting her out of my sight. I’m a selfish man when it comes to her. I’ve found happiness with this spitfire of a woman. She’s the one who gave me strength to hang on to in the darkness. She gave me a reason to live. I would have given up so hell no, she isn’t going anywhere, except tied to my bed, and I mean that literally.

“I appreciate that. But fuck, no.” Her eyes soften even more from my hard stare. She gets me. She knows why I need her by my side. I have to have her near me for many reasons, but right now, I want to fuck her. Plain and simple. I want to bury my face between her legs and scrape my beard across her muscled thighs, and have her ride my cock until we both get that release we’re craving.

“It was worth a shot.” She shrugs and I slide my hand slowly up her stomach and over her chest. I pinch her nipple as I brush over it, and she gasps. Her inhale literally lights my insides, and we both know I’m far from done. This is the beginning of what I have planned for her. I continue until I have a firm hold of the back of her neck, tugging her into my hard body. Thank god the guys aren’t looking or paying any attention to what I’m about to tell her.

“I’m going to fuck you hard. It’s going to hurt. We’ve both been through hell these past few weeks. I’m on edge and you’ve been scared. The way I see it, it's the only way to work that out of our systems. I need to pull your hair and take that sweet ass. I want to fuck your mouth, and god knows I’m burning to get deep inside that sweet *. I want it furiously. I want it hard. So hell no, you are not going anywhere except to my bed.” My grip loosens on her neck. I look down at her and there she is. Her glare is tempting as she matches my fierce desire. If I didn’t know her like I do, I’d be frightened I’d scare her away talking to her like this. I wait while she gets her labored breathing under control. I know it’s coming. I welcome it.

“Sir, yes sir. But Kaleb, don’t make me wait for days before I feel you again.” Good god almighty. I fucking love this woman. That’s it. I can’t take another fucking second of this torture. I’m a needy man when it comes to sex, and I’ve been restricted. I don’t do well with limits and boundaries.

“Get that sexy ass to the very back of the plane. I don’t give a fuck if we have to do it on a seat, but I can’t wait another fucking second.” She looks at me with a smile on her face and worry in her eyes.

“Are you sure you’re ready?”

“Fuck, yes, I’m ready. Go.” Just like all the other times we were together, she causes this urgency inside me that just makes me want to fuck her for days. It’s ridiculous how consumed I get, just like I am right now. We’re going to fuck on an airplane with part of the team possibly watching, and I don’t give two fucks. I just want her in my lap with my cock buried deep inside her.

I watch her sexy ass walk down the small aisle and actually thank god out loud when she opens a door to a small room with a full-sized bed. With one hand, I rip the fucking black comforter off and toss it to the floor.

“Kaleb. I don’t want to hurt you.” She’s worried about hurting me? Fuck. I’m about ready to show her exactly what the word hurt means, in the most pleasurable way.

“Stop. I fucking need you to remember I’m a damn man. I’m not a goddamn *. You ride me. I’m dying to see those tits bounce in my face.”

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books