Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

She groans. “I forgot all about my mom. She isn’t going to be happy about this whole situation. She’s not really the most understanding of people.”

From what I’ve heard, that’s a bit of an understatement. But I’ll be damned if I let anyone upset her. “Don’t worry about your mom. I’m going to be with you when you see her and I promise to put her in her place if it’s required. As far as I’m concerned, you’re my responsibility now, which means I protect you.”

She rolls her eyes.

“Lucien, although I kind of like the idea of you protecting me now, I’m not sure I need it from my own mother. She can be…difficult for want of a better word. I just don’t want to get her back up anymore than it will be when I tell her I’m pregnant.”

Is she for real?

I stand and loom over her with my hands on either side of her head. “She is your mother and should be damn well happy that she’s going to be a grandmother. If she’s anything else, then I’m not going to stay quiet.”

She reaches out and places her hands on either side of my face. It takes everything in me not to move out of her reach, but I promised to try, and if this is how she wants to start, then I’m sure going to hold still. It might be different when she tries to touch me anywhere else on my marked skin.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” she whispers. “I wish you would believe me.”

I close the gap between us and place a tender kiss on her lips. “I’m trying, okay. I wish it was easy, but it isn’t. I’ve been like this for close to six years so I’m not sure I’m suddenly going to wake up one morning and be back to the way I was before the fire.”

“I don’t expect that.” She brushes the hair from my forehead. “We’ll take it slow, but you have to let me try to help you.”

“I will.”

I kiss her again, meaning I really will try.

“Well, it’s about time you got your act together,” Ramon announces.

By the look on Sabrina’s face, she’s just as surprised to see him in the room as I am. I certainly didn’t hear the door open. I was lost in the woman who is currently holding my hand, caressing along my scarred thumb.

And yes, Ramon notices, although he tries to hide the fact.

I kiss Sabrina on the knuckles before dropping into the chair beside her bed, not wanting to let her go.

Ramon stands at the other side of the bed and leaning over, he kisses her on the cheek before asking, “Are you really, okay?”

“I’m okay. Just tired.”

“Do I need to move in with you?” Ramon asks Sabrina while smoothing the blanket over her.

“I’m good Ramon, thanks.”

“She’s moving in with me.”

Two pairs of eyes focus on me.

Forcing myself not to fidget under my brother’s stare, I add, “She needs looking after, and…we’re getting engaged.”

Ramon starts laughing. “You my brother were looking for any excuse to keep her in your life. Now that she’s given you one you’re jumping at the chance. I honestly thought it would be more difficult for you to come round, but I guess I was wrong.”

I see the curiosity in Sabrina’s eyes, which I choose to ignore. I’m not going there and I wish my brother had kept his big mouth shut. He knows what he’s doing. Although his heart is in the right place, I really wish he’d keep his thoughts to himself instead of blurting them out in front of Sabrina. God knows what he’s been telling her behind my back.

“So you’re going to be living in sin,” Ramon asks, dragging a chair over before sitting in it and facing me. “I mean, Mom isn’t exactly going to be happy with that situation, especially with Sabrina having a bun in the oven.”

“Christ, Ramon,” I splutter.

“What?” he asks with a look of innocence.

My eyes narrow. “You know what! Don’t you have something better to do, instead of pissing me off?”

“Actually I do. I’ve come to visit with this beautiful woman…not you.”

“Lucien, don’t say anything else,” Sabrina tightens her hand on mine in warning, “and you,” she points at Ramon, “stop trying to work him up.”

“It’s working.”

“I need to rest and stay calm, which isn’t happening if you two are winding the other up. So please stop.”

“Okay, truce,” Ramon says. He gets to his feet and walks around the bed coming to a stop in front of me. Holding his hand out, which I take, he hauls me to my feet and tugs me into a hug. “Congratulations. If anyone deserves Sabrina and this baby, you do.” He pats me on my back before taking his seat again, leaving me shaken.

That’s the closest he’s ever come to showing his feelings towards what happened to me.

I need to get out of here.

“I’m going to give you a few minutes,” I say, my voice gruff.

I see the surprise on Sabrina’s face, but understanding on Ramon’s.

Quickly kissing Sabrina on her forehead, I whisper, “I won’t be long,” to reassure her that I’ll be back.