Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

"Don’t act stupid. Quit glaring at Lily. She hasn’t done anything to you," I point out.

She opens her mouth to say something, but no sound comes out. Her eyes fill with tears, and just as I’m starting to panic at the thought of comforting a crying Sabrina, she stands, throws her napkin on the table and hisses, "Well you got your wish. Don’t ever come near me again because I’m done. That’s it. No more. Go to hell."

Watching her run off towards the barn, I vaguely hear murmurs around the table, which I ignore wondering what the fuck brought that outburst.

I’m going to have to go and make sure she’s okay. Women!

Climbing to my feet, Ruben puts his hand on my shoulders to make me stay put. "I’ll go. I’m kind of fond of you and with the mood Sabrina seems to be in, well, let’s just say it might be safer if you stay here.

Chapter Seven


Don’t act stupid. Don’t act stupid.

I’m so pissed with him right now. I can’t breathe. My lungs feel starved of oxygen and the only thing keeping Lucien safe from me, and my temper, is the fact that his parents are out there sitting with them.

Lily is my best friend, and ever since I was first with Lucien back at Kenza? I’ve found it hard to be around her. It’s no secret that Lucien is best friends with her and that he cares for her. But no matter how many times I’m told there is nothing between them other than friendship, I can’t help wonder about it. Hearing him practically tell me off like I’m five years old made me lose it.

The creak of the barn door makes me turn around, nearly losing my balance in my haste. Unfortunately, it’s Ruben instead of the man I wouldn’t mind impaling on a pitchfork!

"Do I need to wave a white flag?" he asks, which makes me laugh as he comes fully into the barn.

I think this is me finally losing it because I can’t stop laughing and the more I laugh the more the tears are streaming down my face. Ruben waits patiently by the door until my laughter begins to fade away and the tears have turned to heartache. Then he pulls me into his arms, wrapping mine around his waist, and lets my tears fall all over him. The realisation that Lucien will always belong to Lily and not me hurts so badly. No matter whatever future we may have had together if Lucien had gotten with the program, Lily would always come first.

"Hey. Come on Sabrina. What did my brother do?" Ruben asks, lifting my head so he can look into my eyes. "Here. It’s clean." He passes me a handkerchief and steps back, slightly.

Wiping my eyes and blowing my nose, I try to get myself together. I know he’s waiting for an answer, but what the hell do I say. No one, other than Ramon, is supposed to know about what Lucien and I have been doing so I’m not about to blurt it out to Ruben. I need to talk though—badly.

“Look, if it helps, I know you and my brother have been doing the horizontal tango, but what I don’t know is what he’s done to screw it all up.”

“How do you know?” I counter.

Ruben looks taken back for a minute before he laughs and says, “Because I’m right. I’m always right.”

I roll my eyes and mumble, “Typical man.”

“Nothing typical about me babe. Now quit stalling and tell me what my dick of a brother has done so I can go punish him.”

I can’t let him do that. As much as I want to skewer the man, I believe Lucien is punishing himself more than anyone else ever could. “Leave him be Ruben. I’ll get over him.”


I’m startled by his response.

“You are just as likely to get over him as he is in getting over you. You can tell yourself what you want but you two belong together…and if I have to guess I’d say it has more to do with Lucien than you and his hang up from the car fire. He was obviously affected by what happened, but he was coping just fine until the bitch walked out on him. He’s never said why, but it doesn’t take a genius to work it out. As far as I was concerned it was good riddance. I never liked her much and always thought she was with him for his money, but who knows?”

My eyes fill with tears, partly because of Ruben’s words and partly because of Lucien’s history. How could someone who supposedly loved him, walk away when he needed them the most?

Ruben steps into me and places his hands on my shoulders and rubs. “You are nothing like her, and I hope he realizes that before it’s too late.”

“I can’t do this anymore, Ruben. It’s making me sick. There is definitely a pull between us, but, well, never mind. I need a distraction.” I sniffle into a tissue. “And we better get back before they send out a search party for us.”

I wipe my eyes and try to get myself back under control. I feel like a child who cries at the slightest thing, and this needs to change.

Shoving my tissue into my purse, I quickly reapply some lip-gloss and then turn and grin at Ruben. “Okay, I’m ready.”