Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

I smile at his words.

“Mom just called and told me to call everyone so she could go see her new granddaughter. Not sure why she couldn’t wait a few extra hours.”

I chuckle. “Because she’s excited and expects you to be as well, you idiot.”

“I am.”

“Stop whining and tell me about Lily and the baby.” I settle back against my fluffed up pillow.

“Sirena Louise McKenzie was born about an hour ago, and both Mom and baby are doing fine. Not sure about Michael. From Mom’s description, I think he looked as badly as Lucien did.”

Another little girl. I wonder if she’ll look like her brother or sister?

“We’ll go by later. I’m presuming they’re in the same hospital as Sabrina?”

“Yeah.” He yawns. “I’m going back to bed with my wife. Catch you later.”

Hanging up, I notice Noah, already dressed for his day on the site, smiling at me. He’s obviously heard my conversation about the new baby, but I add, “Sirena Louise was born about an hour ago and both are doing fine.”

“Uncles again.”

I nod, the new baby temporarily forgotten.

His jeans hang loosely on his hips while he doesn’t have his belt on. The T-shirt fits him like a glove with the pinpricks of his nipples showing through the shirt.

“If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to be climbing back into bed with you, and you’ll miss your meeting.”

Hearing Noah mention my meeting, I glance at the clock beneath the TV on the wall.


“I’ll go and start the coffee,” Noah offers and disappears.

I smile because I’m not blind…I noticed the large bulge behind his zipper.

Sighing, I reveal my matching one as I quickly go through my morning routine, desperate to join Noah in the kitchen.

It doesn’t take me long to finish in the bathroom and, once dressed in my dark grey pants, pale grey shirt and loafers, I let the tie dangle around my neck as I head out to find Noah.

He has me stopping at the edge of the kitchen when I see breakfast laid out on the kitchen table; bagels, cream cheese, jelly, coffee and juice.

“What?” he asks, blushing.

I don’t think I can smile wider than I am right now. Moving over to him, I cup the back of his head when he tips his face up to me. Leaning down, I kiss his beautiful lips. “Thank you.”

Taking my seat opposite, I sip the coffee before spreading the cream cheese onto the seeded bagel. I’m not too health conscience and can eat pretty much anything at any time of day so I dig in. Having Noah prepare this for me has a smile playing around my lips.

“I don’t think I want anyone else knowing about the security cameras that were installed overnight.”

Noah nods in agreement, his mouth filled with food.

My initial intention had been to let everyone know they were there in the hope that nothing else would happen. But like Noah had said, if they know they’re there then what’s to stop them from taking them out first. So, after some discussion, I’m going to try the secretive route first and then see what happens.

Nothing seemed at fault when we checked the floor the girders had fallen from, which begs the question of how the hell did they fall to the ground floor?

With a frown marring my brow, I suggest, “See how it goes, and try not to worry too much. I’ll get through my meeting and then we’ll talk about hiring some security guards.”

“You think that’s a good idea? Having men traipsing about the site who have no clue about the construction process.” Noah makes a good point.

I finish chewing a piece of the toasted treat and answer, “It’s one way to keep everyone safe, but you do have a point about their safety. Fuck, if I knew how else to sort this out, I would do it. I thought going directly to Griffin would stop everything, but the girders falling were more serious than anything that’s come before. Let’s see what’s going on today and take it from there. I don’t want to fall behind schedule if we can help it.”

“I hear you. Well, you know where I’ll be if you need me.” He winks.

I chuckle and finish the last of my bagel. “Thanks for breakfast.” Standing, I make quick work of the dirty dishes and put everything else away before I meet Noah by the front door.

We stand side-by-side and look into the hall mirror. Me dressed for my meeting, and Noah dressed to get busy doing manual labor. We’re the same inside, but outside, we are so different. When we first met though, I was dressed similar to Noah—in jeans and work boots. I prefer to get dirty with the men and I never ask them to do a job that I wouldn’t be prepared to do myself. That’s why I go out as site manager instead of working at the McKenzie building in downtown Lexington. But seeing Noah dressed as he is today is sending my head spinning and all I want is to rip my pants and shirt off before I replace them with jeans and T-shirt.