Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

I sigh in relief. “That I can handle.”

Noah quickly glances at me after my response.

“Let’s go up and have a look around.”

He nods and starts to unlock the door when my cell starts to vibrate around my desk with a call.

“McKenzie,” I answer.

“Ramon, Sabrina had a baby boy about an hour ago,” Carla announces, her voice thick with emotion and I’m sure she’s crying and laughing at the same time. “I tried to call you earlier but you weren’t answering. I think your brothers have tried as well.”

My heart sinks. “I’m sorry, I’d forgotten to switch the volume back up this morning.” I mouth the information to Noah, who’s waiting patiently by the door. He smiles.

“Is Sabrina doing okay? Lucien? Baby?”

Carla laughs. “Sabrina is doing well, but she’s exhausted. Lucien was a mixture of green and white not too long ago, but he’s now wearing a grin as big as Canada. Alexander Lucien McKenzie is a beautiful little boy, seven pound five ounces…which is an excellent birth weight. And he has a brilliant pair of lungs on him, or so Lucien informed us… Are you going to come down now or leave it until tomorrow?”

I’m desperate to visit my nephew, but I don’t want to tire Sabrina out. “Let Lucien know we’ll come and visit later this afternoon.”

“I will.” She hangs up before any more words can be exchanged.

I grin like an idiot at Noah. “We’re uncles…Alexander Lucien McKenzie.”

His eyes fill at my words, but he blinks them away.

Moving into his space, I cup his jaw with my hand and slap a hard kiss to his mouth. “We are in this forever, you and I, so yes, we’re uncles.”

“I never said otherwise,” he counters, emotion clear in his voice.

Chapter Seventeen


Still no clue as to how the girders ended up from the top floor to the bottom the way they did, Noah and I have given up problem solving it…at least for the time being. Right now, we have a nephew to welcome into the world!

I have a feeling that it’s going to include more than us turning up at the hospital if Sebastian has his way. We’ll probably end up at Kenza to wet the baby’s head in style.

“You are not going out and getting your brother drunk.”

Hmm, or not, with Mom’s words echoing down the hallway.

“Mom, we’re not teenagers anymore. We can handle the liquor. Don’t worry,” Sebastian tries to soothe, for which I could have told him to save his breath.

“Mom,” I interrupt, much to Seb’s relief.

“Oh, you’re both finally here.” She reaches up and hugs me before turning to Noah. “Your sister is in with Lucien and Sabrina. Go and see them.” She gives Noah a push in the direction I’m presuming we need to head.

“I’ll show you,” Sebastian offers and moves in front of us.

“I’ll see you boys on Sunday.” With her parting shot, Mom disappears.

“What did you say to set her off?” I ask my brother.

“I opened my mouth before I thought better of it. She was on at me about getting Carla pregnant so I changed the subject and ended up with a lecture about getting Lucien drunk.”

“Why won’t you tell her that you want to wait?” Noah asks.

I didn’t know that was the reason.

“Because it’s no one’s business but ours.” He sighs. “We want children, but I guess for now, we’re being selfish and have decided to spend another twelve months or so on our own before we even try. I just want her to myself a bit longer, and I don’t see what the hell is wrong with that.”

I put my hand on his shoulder as he stops at the door. “There’s nothing wrong with that, and I’m glad for once that you aren’t rushing into something. Just tell Mom so she’ll stop hounding you.” I grin. “She’ll start on Ruben instead.”

He laughs. “That’s something to think about. I just wish she’d let up without having to have the reason why we aren’t going the baby route explained to her.”

“I get it…anyway, open the door. We want to see our nephew.”

Sebastian pulls the door open and my face splits into a grin. Carla is sitting beside the bed cuddling Alexander, while Sabrina is resting back on the bed with my brother, who looks more exhausted than his wife.

As we enter, I chuckle at the scene before us. Sebastian goes to crouch beside his wife, and Lucien just observes us between eyes that are refusing to stay open.

“Who gave birth?” I ask as I lean over Sabrina to kiss her cheek. “Congratulations, you beautiful mama.”

“Hey, stop sweet talking my wife,” Lucien grumbles.

Noah briefly kisses Sabrina on the cheek before kissing his sister and crouching to look at the bundle in her arms.

I turn back to Sabrina.

She smiles, snuggling more against her husband. “We’re both tired, but I’m on a high with all the drugs they pumped into me, whereas Lucien is ready to sleep for a week, I think.”

“I’ll sleep when you’re both home with me.”