Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

“Now Lucien, you need rest,” Sabrina admonishes.

My brother rolls his eyes, which Sabrina catches. Her frown is short lived as he kisses his way out of trouble.

Ignoring the cuddling duo on the bed, I shove Sebastian out of the way so I can see my nephew.

He’s like any other baby—small. Babies frighten the life out of me to hold. I’m always afraid that I’ll drop the little bundle. I never do, but they are so damn small.

“Here Ramon, take him,” Carla offers, and Sebastian, knowing my fear, starts laughing.

Carla’s scowl soon shuts him up or rather dims the noise.

“Let me up guys.”

Noah helps Carla up from the chair, and with her eyes, she directs me into the chair she’s just vacated. “Now…hold your nephew.” She grins.

Alexander is placed into my arms and the air leaves my lungs. He’s so precious and I’m so thrilled that Lucien has the family he never thought would be possible. Taking off the small white mitten from Alexander’s hand, I look at his wrinkled fingers and smile in delight when he grips my offered finger. “He’s perfect,” I whisper, close to tears.

Noah sits on the chair arm next to me, and slides his arm around my shoulders while he caresses Alexander’s head with his other hand. “Beautiful,” he says, and I hear the smile in his voice.

Getting my emotions under control, I finally meet Lucien’s gaze. “I don’t have the words to tell you how happy I am for you.”

Lucien nods as he swallows back his own emotion at my words while I turn to Sabrina. “Thank you for making my brother’s life whole.”

Sabrina openly wipes the tears from her face. “I love him, and Alexander. They’re my world.”

“I know…Tell me, how’s Mom been?” I ask, and start to laugh when Sebastian snorts, and Lucien laughs.

“She forgot her own name earlier when she was here. Dad had to remind her.” Sebastian shakes his head. “C’mon woman,” he slides his arm around Carla’s waist from behind, “it’s time to go.” He kisses her on the neck while dragging her toward the door.

“God, Sebastian,” Lucien laughs, “can’t you wait until you get her home?”

“Nope,” Seb replies with a smirk. “We’ll see you all later.” Sebastian pulls the door open to find Dante on the other side. He pauses briefly before he enters.

Sebastian dashes out with Carla, not giving her time to say goodbye to anyone, while Dante decides to climb on the bed beside Sabrina.

While Lucien frowns at Dante who smirks, I get to my feet and let Noah take the chair before placing Alexander in his arms.


Holding this sweet baby in my arms, I ignore the others in the room and enjoy the feel of him against me. He’s heavy enough to know he’s there, but so light and precious.

My sister had looked perfect wrapped up in Alexander when we’d walked in, and I can’t wait to be an uncle to her children. Until then I hadn’t realized how much I wanted to be a dad—to have a son or daughter to come home to every night. The only way forward for Ramon and I would be to adopt, but I’m not even sure if that’s an option for a gay couple. I guess it’s something to think about and to one day talk to Ramon about…one day. For now, I’m just happy that he accepted me back without trying to push me away. I’d have deserved that, but I’m so damn relieved he didn’t.

“—Sylvia,” I overhear her name come out of Dante’s mouth, which brings my attention back to the others in the room.

“I didn’t know Eric was back.” Ramon frowns and glances at me.

“What did I miss?” I need to know why the look is on Ramon’s face.

Ramon offers me a wry smile. “Eric was with Dante. They bumped into Sylvia on their way in, and apparently Eric dragged Sylvia off to talk to her while Dante came up here. I actually believe that Sylvia has Eric tied in knots.”

“My brother nearly walked into a closed door because of his distraction with Sylvia when he first caught sight of her.” Dante frowns. “It isn’t like him to be so distracted with a woman, so I’m not sure how to take it.”

“That’s why I’m worried. He’s never had a serious relationship.”

I find that hard to believe when he’s in his thirties. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes,” Ramon, Lucien and Dante answer together.

Okay, then!

“The thing is, I’m not sure what they have but it isn’t a relationship, at least not yet.”

“Lust,” Sabrina offers, and shrugs her shoulders when we all look at her. “Oh, c’mon. You’re all guys, haven’t you been in lust before?”

“All the time,” Ramon admits.

I snicker.

Dante makes a gurgling noise in the back of his throat and Lucien roars with laughter.

Sabrina starts to chuckle. “Well, he wasn’t always a priest.”