Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

“That I wasn’t,” Dante agrees. “On that note, I’ll leave you to it. I need to go and check on what Eric’s up to with that young woman, but I’ll be back before I leave. I need a cuddle of that little bundle.”

Having been sitting back while they go back and forth, I finally start to laugh. “You sounded about ninety with that comment.”

“Sometimes I wish I was.”

I pause in thought.

Why would he wish that?

Makes no sense.

When Dante leaves, I concentrate on the wiggling child in my arms. He’s starting to wake up and wants his mom if his searching mouth is any indication.

Standing, I pass him to Sabrina, who is already reaching for her child. They make a perfect picture.

Quickly grabbing my cell from my back pocket, I point and click a few snaps. One so perfect, I message it to Lucien.

Ramon had spent twenty minutes one morning programming everyone’s numbers into my cell so that I would always have a way to get in touch with his family.

When Lucien gets the message, his eyes widen in surprise at the image I snapped. It shows the love between him and his wife while cuddling their son.

“Thank you,” he whispers and shows Sabrina.

Ramon slips his hand into mine and our fingers entwine.

“We’re going to go and give you privacy to feed Alexander.” Ramon smiles. “A beautiful name for a beautiful baby.”

Lucien moves from the bed and comes over to us. “Thanks guys. We’ll be at the parents’ house on Sunday, maybe.” Lucien glances at Sabrina. “It depends on how my wife is feeling.” He smiles.

“I think you should miss this Sunday and go the next. Our family is overwhelming at the best of times and you guys are going to need your rest. Mom knows where you are to visit, which she will be doing.”

“That’s what I told Sabrina.” Lucien absently caresses Sabrina’s hand as he sits on the bed.

“I guess we’ll see you in a couple of weeks if not before,” I add, knowing that Lucien will get his way.

Ramon tugs on my hand as we move to the door.

We say our goodbyes and, before I know it, we’re in the elevator and Ramon is pulling me close.

“Tonight I want to lie in bed with you wrapped around me. No sex. Just us both lying together.”

I slide my fingers through his hair and relish the longer length while I return his embrace. His words go straight to my heart where I want to keep them…and him…forever.

Chapter Eighteen


Waking up, wrapped around the man I’m in love with, causes my heart to flutter around in my chest. I’ve only known this feeling with Noah and I’m glad it’s back. It’s back to stay this time.

Last night, having gotten back from visiting our new nephew, we’d eaten takeout and then curled around each other in bed. It was a nice feeling to be able to relax with him. He knows all my quirks, and I know his. Sometimes I think I know what he’s thinking and then he’ll surprise me. I love how it feels having his naked form pressing completely against my front.

It’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to stay unmoving as I lie against him with the sunlight starting to breach the shutters.

Just the feel of him has my morning wood twitching for much closer contact, which I get when Noah shoves his ass tighter against me.

Biting back a groan, I rub his ass and hip with my hand and feel my dick surge against him with the overwhelming need for Noah.

Last night we had explored each other but we’d done it without having sex. All we wanted was that intimate connection we had with no one else but each other. This morning, however, I need him with my heart, soul and body.

Wanting to check Noah’s readiness for me, I slip my hand over his hip and delight when Noah gasps as my hand closes around his solid erection.

I gently bite his earlobe. “How long have you been awake?” I whisper.

“Not long.” Noah places his hand on my hip and holds me against him.

My hand strokes back and forth while my hips rock against his ass; my dick rubs between his ass cheeks where it’s snuggled in warmth.

“I want you.” I kiss the back of his neck and move along his shoulders, feeling him shudder with my mouth and hands on him.

“Then have me. I’m yours.”

As soon as the words leave Noah’s mouth, my cell starts vibrating around the bedside table.

“Answer it,” Noah commands.

“If I answer, this is over for the time being, you know that right?”

“Yeah, but it could be important at this time of morning. Get it.”

He’s right.

I watch Noah climb from the bed and head into the bathroom as I grab my cell.

Checking the caller display, I frown when I see Sebastian’s ugly mug grinning at me. When the fuck he set that picture as his profile, I have no idea.

Shutting the noise off, I growl, “Everything okay?” as I rub at my temples.

“Why do babies appear in the night?” He grumbles.

“What the fuck are you talking about?”


He’s giving me a headache.

“Look, I haven’t had coffee yet, and I have no clue as to what you’re trying to tell me so get on with it.”

“Well, look who woke up grumpy,” he complains. “Lily had her baby during the night.”