Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

I have to blink a few times, and once my brain clears, I realize I’m watching Noah hanging on for dear life from a steel girder on the fifth floor. Dangling from his other hand is a petite person…obviously a woman.

“Sound the emergency alarm,” I shout to Jackie as I finally start to act instead of standing here in shock.

Running from the office into the building, other workers are on their way out. I don’t stop. I do hear others racing up the stairs behind me, and I just hope they’re following to help.

All possibilities are running through my mind as the image of Noah hanging on for dear life plays on repeat in my mind.

Finally, reaching the fifth floor, I witness Noah being dragged back on to the concrete floor by one of the electricians. His name escapes me in my panic but all I feel is gratitude for the man.

Slowly getting to his feet, Noah looks in my direction as though he senses me, and my heart stops before starting again.

He’s safe.

Not thinking about anything other than having Noah in my arms, I find my feet moving toward him. When he’s in arm’s reach, I grab hold of his offered hand and yank him to me. My arms go tight around his neck as I feel his breath hit my neck seconds before his arms wrap around my waist. He holds me tightly.

I’m not so completely wrapped up in him that I miss the gasps from the crew, who are milling around. I didn’t want everyone to find out like this because not everyone is comfortable being around a gay couple, but I guess our relationship is no longer a secret…and I don’t give two fucks what they think. They don’t like it, they can leave.

But holding the man I love when I nearly lost him is causing my self-control to slip beyond anything before. It’s certainly going to be a long time before I’m able to leave his side.

Inhaling his scent into my lungs, I ask the question that’s bothering me. “Who is the woman?” I glance over to where one of the guys has her wrapped in his jacket while she sobs into her hands.

“Angelina Griffin.”

My heart stutters. “What?” I turn my head again and look at her. It’s probably been ten years since I last saw her, and she looks nothing like the young girl that doted on her brother.

Over the years, I’ve often wondered how she was doing. From the look of things, she hasn’t been doing all that well.

“I don’t know what’s going on. How did you end up…out there?” I wave my arms around, unable to vocalize the emotions and thoughts running through me. I couldn’t wrap my mind around what had happened.

“I’m not sure. She suddenly appeared up here and started rambling. I thought she was going to jump, but then she seemed to be thinking and perhaps leaning toward me when a gust of wind whipped through the site. It sent my ball cap flying and she lost her balance. Scared the fucking shit outta me.” Noah’s hands shake as he points around while telling me what happened.

The police and EMT’s arriving put a stop to everyone standing around. I don’t wish to leave Noah but I need to talk to the police and see if they can find out what’s going on with her. Is she the one who hired the bastards that are fucking with the McKenzies? If her father has been filling her with all his lies over the years, then I guess she blames me for her brother’s death.

“Ramon, we need to talk,” interrupts Jim. I glance at him and nod. He’s a detective on the force and he would have come up here on Jackie’s request.

It’s about time Jackie took a look as to what, or rather who, was in front of her face, instead of her quest to find someone with money. Jim might not be loaded but he’s been single a very long time, and he only has eyes for Jackie. He turns into a bumbling idiot when she’s around.

“I know,” I say to him and nod…despite how he is with Jackie, he’s a professional first.

The EMT’s take Angelina away.

I look back at Noah and see the tiredness around his eyes. He’s had a shock today. I may have not been dangling from the fucking building, but it was one hell of a shock seeing him doing so.

Slipping my hand into Noah’s, I give him a slight tug and get him moving. I indicate with my head for Jim to follow us.

It’s slow going with the place crawling with rescue and emergency personnel, but when we finally reach my office, I turn to Jim. “Can you give us five minutes?”

He nods.

As soon as the door closes, I wrap my arms around Noah again. I nearly lost him today. My eyes fill with tears as I hold him tightly against me. His arms contract around my waist and he keeps me locked in our embrace.

A few tears escape, which I try to wipe away before he sees but he knows me better than anyone.

Noah slowly pulls away, even though his hands stay on my arms. “I’m fine, Ramon.” He offers a wry smile. “I’m probably bruised in one or two places, but I’ll survive.”

Turning away briefly, I grab a Kleenex and dry my face. I admit, “I don’t think I’ve ever been as frightened as I was seeing you up there…I need a drink.”