Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

The way he protects her makes my heart light and I’m thankful she found him. All I’ve ever wanted for my sister is for her to find someone who puts her above everything else, and it looks like he does just that.

Carla certainly sounds like she’s given her heart unconditionally to Sebastian and she couldn’t stop talking about him when we finally managed to have a brief conversation. I feel almost giddy with excitement over seeing her.

Hopefully she won’t be as pissed as she can get. I’ve never seen anyone with a temper like my sis’.

Coming to a stop outside Carla and Sebastian’s home, I admire their large cabin. It’s a sprawling wooden building with a wraparound porch. The flowers on display will be my sister’s touch. She’s had green fingers since she was in first grade. I smile at the memory of the lectures she’d give Mom about the right fertilizer to use, and the best time to plant the sunflower seeds that Mom loved so much. Mom always had a black thumb and my sister was the resident gardener of the family.

I’m glad she hasn’t lost her touch. It’s clear that she has put her knowledge to use and surrounded her home with color.

Carla has a colorful personality, and her home matches.

As I climb out of my vehicle, I spot Carla on the porch watching me.

When she realizes it’s me, her whole demeanor changes. Within seconds, she drops the watering can, races across the porch and jumps into my outstretched arms. I wrap them tightly around her and hold her while she clings to me, and cries.

Her sobs continue as my emotions start to get the better of me. Before I drop her, I take her to the porch steps and drop my ass down onto them as I pull her into my lap.

My arms stay around her, as her head goes against my shoulder. I bury my face in her neck and let my tears mingle with hers.

She is a grown woman but she’ll always be my baby sister. To have her back in my arms after no communication for close to two years causes my heart to flood with emotions that I tried to forget to make our separation easier.

“I’m sorry,” I mumble against her.

“Don’t.” She pulls away and retrieves a Kleenex from somewhere. She wipes her face before she passes me fresh Kleenex. “Put the past behind us. You’re here now, in one piece. I don’t ever want to go through that again so this is the only warning you’re going to get—you do that to me again, you best stay gone.”

I pull her back into my arms. “I promise not to disappear like that again.” I kiss her on the forehead before helping her up.

She slips her arm around my waist as mine wraps around her shoulders. I let her lead me into her home.


Listening to Sebastian droning on about the business at the site, I’m having trouble concentrating. Eric seems pissed with me and I get the feeling it has something to do with Sylvia—although, that makes no sense.

Sylvia is looking gorgeous and I noticed that she’d had her hair done. A splash of color in her already luxurious shades and there is definitely more style cut into her long locks. She’s always perfectly put together, and I can never understand why she only ever accepted dates with me.

I told her from the start that I was looking for friendship and not a relationship, but somewhere along the way, she got under my skin, as I know I did hers.

The thing is I don’t know what the hell to do about it. My heart well and truly belongs to Noah. But there’s something about Sylvia that calls out to me. It’s been years since I was between a woman’s legs and I hadn’t missed it when Noah was around…but once he left, things started to change for me. When I was first with Sylvia, I put my interest down to missing the wetness of a woman’s *. As time went on, I realized I didn’t miss that at all and my interest in Sylvia was something besides lust. Not only that, but Noah is the one who makes me feel completely fulfilled after sex.

But Sylvia is unique. She’s old fashioned at times, and other times she acts as though she’s experienced a whole lot more than I ever have.

In truth, I’ve really missed seeing her and talking to her. Which brings me to the fact that I’ve acted like a dick with her. I’ve avoided talking to her since the gala. I know I hurt her badly that night but I’m such a coward at times that instead of apologizing, I ran at the first opportunity.

Seeing Eric glaring at me when I thought we had a good friendship confuses the fuck out of me. I know he’s pissed with the world right now after receiving a medical discharge. But where has our friendship disappeared?

“If you two could stop sulking, and actually listen to me, this meeting would be over with by now,” Sebastian points out, exasperation clear in his voice.

“I’m listening.” I grin.

Sebastian glances at me and gives me his ‘yeah, right’ look.

I grin knowing he’s trying to be the professional here, when usually he’s the one giving Michael shit.