Breakaway: A friends to lovers romance.

Alex pushed up from my lap, cutting me off. “Let’s go.”

“It’s fine, Al. I really,” I stressed, narrowing my eyes at Finn, “really don’t think it’s a great idea.” Things had been going so well since we cut the parties. It was always the same people at these things, and that meant Candy, Lyla, maybe Sally, and a slew of girls I’d hooked up with would be there. Not to mention Stephan. Yeah, no thanks. “It’s a disaster waiting to happen.”

Finn rolled his eyes and waved his hand in dismissal. “It’ll be fine, Fowls. You’re worrying over nothing.”

By that time Allie had completely removed herself from my lap and was sitting up on her knees beside me on the couch. “Is it because of the Hoovers?”

I cleared my throat. “Uh...”

“What is it you think I’m gonna do? I can control myself, Colton Fowler...I mean, unless you give me a reason not to...” Alex trailed off, her left brow darting up in a challenge.

A nervous pit began to form in my stomach. This was a bad idea. “I’m not worried about you doing anything, Al.”

Her face softened. “Are you worried about my feelings?”

“I just don’t see any reason to go anywhere that you’ll feel uncomfortable.”

She scoffed. “Dude, if I’d worried about girls snubbing me, I’d have spent my entire teenage life hiding.”

Huh? “What’re you talking about?”

“I’m just saying...girls have always been jealous of our friendship. It’s nothing I can’t handle. Besides...I’m kinda looking forward to taking a victory lap.” Alex winked, pressing a kiss to my cheek. She held an imaginary spoon in her hand and moved it in a stirring motion.

Fucking wonderful. “We’re staying home, Finn.”

Alex gave me a hefty dose of side eye. “I’m going to get dressed. This is gonna be so much fun,” she squealed before hopping off the couch and bounding up the stairs.

“You’re about to make my life really fucking difficult, Finley.”

He twisted his lips to the side and shrugged a half-hearted apology. “Whoops.”

Two hours had passed when Alex finally came back down. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. She was going to get me killed tonight looking like that. What was she thinking? Her hair was flat-ironed, long, and straight down to the middle of her back. She had a full face of makeup. And she was practically naked.

“Bald as a hairless cat!” she chimed, twirling before me.

“Badow!” Finn walked in from the kitchen, not even attempting to hide the way he was admiring my girl. “When you decide to make a statement, you go all out, Lexi girl.”

Alex’s face pinkened. “Yeah?” she asked, nibbling on that damn lower lip.

“Hell yeah!” my roommate shouted, walking around to see the back. “Need someone to inspect for stray hairs? I’d love to see your bald kitty.”

I lowered my head into my hand, shaking it from side to side. “Too far, Finn,” I muttered.

“I’m good, Finley.”

“Hell yeah you are.” Finn nodded, scouring his eyes over her body again.

“Out,” I growled, moving my eyes toward the back of the house.

Finn held his hands up, palms out. “Chill. I’m goin’. I’m goin’.” He walked a few paces, before turning back in our direction and giving one last poke. “Meeeow,” he purred then disappeared up the stairs to get ready.

“I live with a child,” I muttered as Allie walked over to sit in my lap.

“He’s harmless,” she whispered, running her manicured nails through my hair. The sweet smell of her perfume invaded my senses. She had her tits on display in a red bikini top, and they were right under my nose.

“Which is the only reason he’s still alive,” I agreed, darting my tongue out to lick the creamy white skin spilling over the top of her suit.

“Watch it, mister.” Her eyes narrowed as she squirmed in my lap. “You’ll get my cover-up wet.”

I snorted. “Is that what this is?” I asked, fingering the see-through mesh she was wearing.

Alex nodded, adjusting the useless scrap of barely-there fabric.

“Shouldn’t a cover-up...I dunno...cover something up? Like maybe these?” I cupped a hand over her breast. “Or this,” I added, running a finger up her thigh and tracing it along the top of her bathing suit bottom. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I could feel her pulse racing.

“Colton,” she moaned, squirming in my hold.


“Don’t start unless you plan to finish.” She lifted a hand, squeezing both of my cheeks together, causing my lips to pucker. Then planted a kiss on my mouth before hopping out of my lap.

“You look beautiful, Allie.”

“Thank you, Colton,” she answered wearily, waiting for the but.

“Please go put some clothes on.”

Alex did not go put any clothes on.

Surprised? Yeah, me neither.

Walking into that house with Allie looking like she’d just stepped off the pages of Sports Illustrated was no easy feat. The thought of other guys ogling her body had me on edge. That Stephan would see it...Well, that just made me murderous.

“Colton! My man,” Remy called, greeting us at the door. “So glad you ended up being able to make it after all.”

“Hey, Rem. Thanks for the invite.” He and I did the obligatory handshake/backslap.

“Hi, I’m Alexis.” Allie snaked her hand around my back, introducing herself before I could.

“Hellooo, Alexis. Nice to meet you, babe. You here with Fowls?” Remy was a good guy. I couldn’t fault him for being interested in Allie, but at least he’d had the decency to check before making a move.

In true caveman fashion, I wrapped my arm around Alex’s shoulders, pulling her to my side. “Remy, this is Allie. Allie, Remy,” I offered, a little too late. “And, yeah, she’s with me.”

Remy’s eyes got big in mock surprise. “But...she’s so...brunette.”

Alex giggled, burying her face into my chest.

“I don’t think she’s your type, Colton...” he teased. “Lemme take her off your hands,” he added with a wink.

Rubbing a hand up and down her arm, I placed a kiss on Alex’s forehead possessively. “Allie’s everyone’s type.”

“Touché.” Remy laughed, ushering us inside. “Grab a few drinks from the kitchen and head out back, guys. I’ll see you in a few.”

“He was nice,” Allie offered, squeezing my side tighter as we walked through the throng of people to get to the kitchen.

I’d decided before leaving the house that I wouldn’t be drinking tonight. I needed a level head to get through this. Plus, Allie and I blitzed...together. That scenario hadn’t worked out for us so well thus far. “Beer?” I offered, opening the fridge.

“Yeah. I’ll have one of those Mike’s Hard Strawberry Lemonades,” she said, pointing to the pink, girly drinks on the third shelf. “You aren’t drinking?” she asked with a hint of surprise in her voice when I handed her the drink and pushed the door shut.

“Nah. I’m good.”

Heather M. Orgeron's books