Breakaway: A friends to lovers romance.

Collapsing on the bed, I ran a hand lightly over the peaks of my breasts and slid the other into my panties. My neglected body spasmed on contact. Colton. Colton. Colton. I moaned his name over and over in my mind as I attempted to relieve the arousal that had me on the verge of tears. My body shook, exploding almost instantaneously. As I came down from the last wave of pleasure, my eyes fluttered open to find Colt lurking in the doorway, paralyzing me with the heat in his stare.

I tried distracting myself by staring at the shadows dancing on the wall above his head. But they disappeared, and the room was bathed in complete darkness as Colton’s hand reached behind him into the bathroom, flipping the switch. Tears sprang to my eyes. I couldn’t believe he just saw that. Seconds later, the bed dipped with his weight as Colton climbed in beside me. My heart pounded against my ribcage at a furious pace. My throat went dry. I was on my back, gazing up at the ceiling, fighting back the urge to cry, and he on his side with his head propped on a hand, staring down at me. Our eyes locked and my pulse sped up. I would have absolutely died of mortification if he so much as smiled.

“Colton,” I whispered, my voice shaking with want. Could he hear the desperation? Did he have any idea how badly I needed for him to put his hands on me? God, I hoped so, because I didn’t think I had it in me to say the words.

“Allie,” he answered, trailing the back of his hand along the side of my face. I felt the hairs on the nape of my neck rise as Colton traced a thumb over my lips, down my neck, along the V-neck of my shirt. Goosebumps broke out across my skin as he then took the hand that I’d just used to get myself off and lifted it to his mouth, sucking the tips of each of my fingers individually. I’m fairly certain I came again. “So good,” he moaned before feathering kisses along my collarbone.

Colton moved lower, skimming his thumbs lightly across my breasts, sending a jolt of electricity straight to my core. His full lips brushed mine in a whispered kiss. White hot need heated my blood. His warm tongue touched mine, and I dissolved into a puddle beneath him. Colton groaned into my mouth, deep and throaty.

His kiss was mint flavored. Delicious. I wanted to eat him. To drink him. To lose myself in that moment, never to be found.

“Shhh.” Colt licked his lips, and I felt a hand slip beneath the hem of my shirt. My body jerked in surprise as his fingers splayed across my middle. His skin was so warm against my own. When Colton brought his lips back to mine, it was with renewed hunger. The scruff on his chin scratched my skin as he devoured my mouth. I couldn’t have cared less if he rubbed me raw, just so long as he never stopped kissing me.

“Wake up, Al.” I felt his fingers dancing across my back before a gentle tug on my ponytail whipped my head back. I tried to open my eyes, but the light was blinding. Squeezing them shut tight, I grabbed the pillow from beneath my head, pulling it over my face.

“Go away.” His laughter was infuriating...and also wonderful. Oh, how I missed being woken up by this frustrating boy. He always was an early riser. I, on the other hand...not so much. “Too early, Colt,” I grumbled, curling up tighter into the blankets.

Before I knew what was happening, the comforter and pillow were lifted off my body and thrown across the room. “Get up,” he instructed, walking over to the closet and pulling one of my Texas State tees from a hanger and tossing it to me on the bed. Then he moved over to his dresser, opening the drawer, which housed my shorts and lounge pants. He hummed as he rifled through my belongings as if he did this every day.

“What are you doing?”

A pair of black running shorts flew over his shoulder, landing on the bed beside me. “Get dressed...and hurry...I wanna take you somewhere.” I started to protest but forgot everything, including how to breathe, when he flashed his pearly whites my way. It was unfair how gorgeous he was, and boy did he wield it like a weapon.

I brought both fists to my eyes, rubbing the sleep away. After a yawn that could have woke the dead and a good long stretch, I gave him my full attention. “Why are you picking my clothes? And where are we going that has us dressed for the gym?” Honestly, I didn’t care where we were going because Colt looked amazing in his dry-fit Under Armour top and matching shorts. He had a sweatband around his head with his curls flopped over in the most adorable way. Even his tennis shoes coordinated with his outfit. I swear he had fifty pairs. I’m not even exaggerating. I’d never known another man with as many shoes as Colton Fowler.

Colt flopped down onto his stomach beside me on the bed, propping his chin in both hands. “We’re going on an adventure.”

“Where to?”

“It’s a surprise.” I felt the sting of his hand as it connected with my ass. “Put your hair up. Don’t waste time with makeup.” Colt glared at me as I tried to refrain from rolling my eyes. “I mean it, Al. We have to get moving.” His nose scrunched. “Do spend a few minutes with the toothbrush, though.” His fingers pinched his nose, and he cringed.

“Dick,” I mumbled, my ass still burning a little where he’d just slapped it. Oddly enough, I wanted him to do it again. What the hell was wrong with me? I cupped a hand over my mouth, huffed into my palm, and then cringed. Morning breath to the tenth power. Snatching up the clothes, I scrambled out of bed and made a run for the bathroom.

“It’s three in the morning!” I screeched, finally noticing the time on the bathroom clock. Was he insane?

His answer came from just outside the door. “It’ll be worth it. Trust me.”

“You know how grouchy I get without my sleep,” I warned, pinning my hair up in a knot on the top of my head. I’d only got three hours, and it showed in the bags under my eyes and the paleness of my skin.

“I’ve got a cup of coffee waiting for you, princess.”

“Thanks,” I answered, pulling out my Caboodle from beneath the sink. I knew he said no makeup, but I couldn’t leave the house in this condition. Ignoring his huffing and puffing, I worked at lightning speed, applying a quick layer of concealer, powder, and mascara.

Colton gave me “the look” as I came out of the bathroom, clearly unimpressed. “Can’t you ever just do what you’re told?”

I grabbed the Yeti cup from his hand, taking a long swig then moaning with satisfaction. Perfect. “Is that a serious question?” I asked, setting the coffee on the dresser behind him and using his shoulders to balance myself as I hopped around, sliding my feet into my Nikes.

“Guess not,” he answered upon seeing the daggers I was shooting his way. “Let’s go.”

“This better be good, Colton.”

“You woke me up in the dead of night to go traipsing in the woods?” By that point it was 4:30. I’d been awake for over an hour and was only giving him a hard time.

Heather M. Orgeron's books