Breakaway: A friends to lovers romance.

When we stepped through the sliding doors leading out to the pool area, we ran right into Candy, who was on her way into the house, presumably for another drink. By the looks of it, she was already well on her way to drunk.

“Colton.” Candy perked up, poking her tits out. Her finger lifted to twirl the lock of blond hair that had been resting on her shoulder. Her tongue darted out, wetting her collagen-filled lips. “Where ya been? I haven’t seen you around.” She stepped forward, running a hand down the front of my shirt. I felt Alex’s grip tighten on my arm, her nails nearly piercing my skin as Candy leaned forward, speaking right into my ear. “And trust me, I’ve been lookin’.”

As I was clearing my throat, I felt Allie’s tiny foot stomp down on my own and whipped my head in her direction. It took every ounce of restraint I could muster not to laugh at the pinched expression on her face. By the grace of God, I held it together. “I’ve been busy,” I responded without looking up from the murderous eyes of the only girl I had any interest in. I lowered my head at the same time that I lifted Alex’s and gently pressed my lips to hers. Her breath hitched as I traced the tip of my tongue along the seam of her mouth. Before I knew it, we were full on making out, and Candy was nowhere in sight.

“That went better than expected,” Alexis said, swiping her fingers over her kiss-swollen lips as we walked hand in hand to an empty table at the far end of the pool area.

Remy’s parents’ house looked like something taken straight from an episode of MTV Cribs. The pool alone had to have cost a small fortune. It was a freeform, natural design with a few rock waterfalls and grottos placed around the edges. There had to be at least fifty people hanging out in and around the pool, and it didn’t feel crowded at all. It was completely dark out and the pool lighting made for a very intimate atmosphere.

Alexis set her huge Coach beach bag on the table and pulled her useless “cover-up” over her head, shoving it inside. Great, now she was even more naked.

Goddamnit, she was too beautiful for my own damn good.

“What’re you scowling at?” she asked, reaching her hands around to her back, adjusting her top.

“Huh? Nothing,” I said, directing my answer to the beautiful mounds of flesh that were just begging for my attention.

“Colton!” Her foot connected with my shin. “Stop staring,” she gritted out, glancing around for onlookers. “It’s just a bathing suit.”

“Oh, don’t ‘It’s just a bathing suit’ me. You’ve got those boobs on display for a reason...and it better be me,” I warned playfully as I reached out, pinching the nipple that was straining against the flimsy material.

“You son of a—” she screamed, cupping her tits in her hands.

“There you guys are,” Blex called as he and Finn walked up, drinks in hand. “Thought you could hide from us?” He harrumphed, frowning at the dense landscaping helping to seclude us from the rest of the party.

“Need some help holdin’ them titties up, Alex?” Finn offered, waggling his brows.

Allie’s hands dropped to her sides, and her angry eyes settled on mine. “I hate you so much right now.”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Al.” I gripped her tiny waist in both hands, bringing her to my lap and nuzzling my nose into the bend of her neck.

Finley snapped his fingers a couple times, drawing our attention. “I’m not gonna stand here all night waiting for your answer, Alex. I’m sure I can find someone around here in need of my services.”

Dude was a fucking idiot.

“Candy was looking a little trashed when we met up with her a few minutes ago,” Allie offered. “Maybe you could go help her out.”

Finn’s face fell. “Bro code, Alex.”


“Don’t go fishin’ where your brother’s been dickin’.” He pumped his fist in front of his mouth, rubbing his tongue along the inside of his cheek to fully paint the picture for her.

Allie’s jaw started to tremble. I made a cut it out gesture to Finn. But it was either too dark for him to see or he was too stupid to listen because his mouth just kept running, mistaking Allie’s silence for confusion.

“She’s Colton’s chick.”

Blex got ahold of Finn before I could. “Learn when to shut the fuck up, Finn.” His head dipped toward Allie, who practically had smoke coming from her ears.

It was that exact moment when Lyla decided to make her presence known. Of course it was. “Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” she teased, walking over to where I sat with Alex in my lap and planting a kiss on my cheek. “Alex, right?” she questioned, knowing damn well she knew her name. “Good seein’ ya again.” Her comment dripped sarcasm. “I see you’re still making it your life’s mission to suppress Colton’s cock.”

Alex shifted in my lap, turning to face our unwelcome guest, and I braced myself for the impending explosion. “You know...I feel really, really sorry for you, Lyla.” Allie’s voice was eerily calm.

Lyla’s lip curled into a snarl. “What for?”

“Didn’t your momma ever teach you not to chase a man?” she asked with a sympathetic smile. “It’s just...Well, it makes you look kinda desperate.” She whispered the last word, patting the top of Lyla’s hand, which was resting on the table in front of us.

Lyla’s head tipped back and she cackled. It wasn’t attractive at all. “You feel sorry for me?” Her hand went to her chest. “You’re like Colton’s fag-hag...and he’s not even gay.”

Holy fuck. I tried to speak up to put an end to this before it got out of hand, but as soon as Allie felt my movement, I was shushed. I looked to Blex and Finn for help, but they both just stood there with their arms crossed, watching the show.

“Lyla, honey. You can be friends with a guy and not suck his dick...” Alex was killing her with kindness, and for some reason, it was really turning me on.

Lyla narrowed her eyes. “Oh, I heard what happened when you walked in on Candy sucking him off. Don’t even try to pretend you aren’t jealous, little miss high and mighty.”

Alex tensed in my arms. “You and Candy are friends?” She didn’t even try to hide the judgment in her tone.

Lyla shrugged.

Allie’s mouth hung in the air for a minute. “Wow,” she said, shaking her head. “Y’all must just do things differently around here. Go deep throat a cactus, Lyla. This dick’s going through a suppression.” She winked, making a shooing motion with her hand. Then she turned to Blex and Finn, who were still standing there, mouths agape. “Apparently, y’all need to teach these bitches some sister code.”

“Alex,” I groaned, shaking with laughter as Lyla stormed off.


THAT LITTLE ENCOUNTER WITH Lyla had me all on edge. The b.j. twins were friends? If that’s what having girlfriends was about, I was happy I didn’t really have any. Thank you very much. Imagining the two of them swapping stories about Colton was making me sick to my stomach.

“Grab me another drink, Finn?” I asked when he walked off to replenish his beer.

Heather M. Orgeron's books