Breakaway: A friends to lovers romance.


“YOU ABOUT DONE IN there?” Colton asked, pounding a fist against the bathroom door.

Lathering up my loofa for the second time, I began scrubbing over my skin again. “Be out soon,” I shouted back, making sure to scrub extra hard in all the important parts...under my arms, my breasts, between my legs, you know...just in case. A girl had to be prepared. Finally satisfied that I was not going to get any cleaner, I dried off and sat on the edge of the tub, where I smoothed on some of my favorite lotion: Be Enchanted from Bath and Body Works.

“Come on, Al,” Colton griped through the door as I was finishing up with my teeth.

After running a quick comb through my tangled hair, I turned the knob and was nearly knocked on my ass when Colton came tumbling toward me. He must’ve had his head resting on the outside of the door.

Colt, who was always quick on his feet, managed to grab hold of the counter to stop his fall. His other arm wrapped around my waist, effectively stopping mine as well. Instinctively, my hands latched around his neck. Colton held me at an awkward angle. His face mere inches from my own. He smelled of man soap and mouthwash. I felt each heavy breath he released ghost across the side of my face. Our eyes were fixed on each other, swirling with a mixture of relief and lust. My heart was close to leaping out of my chest with desire.

“Fancy meeting you here,” Colt teased. He lifted my body, as if I weighed no more than a ragdoll, and sat me on the counter while positioning himself between my parted legs. I felt the rough pads of his fingers trace a path from my ankles to the sensitive skin behind my knees. At the same time, Colton trailed his nose over one of my shoulders, up the curve of my neck, and along the shell of my ear, sniffing lightly. Goosebumps broke out over every inch of my skin. “That smell,” he groaned. “It’s been taunting me since the day you got here.”

“C-Colton,” I mewled. My head rolled back as my hips began rocking into his waist. It felt like I would explode with how badly I wanted him. It was as if the oxygen had all been sucked from the room and I needed him just to breathe air into my lungs.

Colt squeezed both of my thighs, resting his forehead against mine. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he gripped my hips, stilling my movement.

I buried a hand into his hair, tugging until his eyes were on mine. The pained expression he wore seared my heart. Colt swallowed, then his tongue darted out to wet his lips. “I’m overwhelmed,” he admitted, breathing heavily. There was a steady tick in his jaw.

I understood his hesitation because I felt it too. Desire was like a wildfire rushing through my veins, but along with it was an almost crippling fear. There was a line that we’d drawn so long ago and that line we were now on the verge of crossing served to protect a friendship we valued above all else. I’d always known that if I’d ever allowed myself to become intimate with Colton Fowler, there would be no going back. I could see it in his eyes that he knew it too.

“Just kiss me,” I whispered, running my hand through his hair and trailing it down to the middle of his back. “We’re going slow, remember?” I smiled at my boy, nipping at his chin playfully.

Colt nodded, nudging my nose with his to position my face just the way he wanted it. His mouth hovered above mine, and I could hardly breathe. As my lips parted, he dove inside, slowly mating his tongue with mine. The sensation was nearly too much. But then every experience with Colton had always been more. Every glance, every word, every touch. In the back of my mind, I knew that whatever he and I were doing with each other would either be the best thing to ever happen in our lives or the catalyst that would finally destroy us.

Just as things started to get a little heated, Colt pulled away, resting his hands on the counter on either side of my body. His green eyes bore deep into mine, his chest rising and falling rapidly with exertion. “Go wait for me in bed?” he rasped. I fell in love with the rough, gravelly tone of his voice. The helplessness in the way he was looking at me at that moment. It felt amazing to finally hold some power over this man who’d somehow always been right by my side yet so far out of reach.

“Okay,” I whispered. My head was spinning so fast that I had to grip the edge of the counter to keep from falling over.

Colton shifted, adjusting himself. The movement drew my eyes to the massive bulge in his shorts. Holy shit. I knew that I was staring, but couldn’t seem to look away. I heard a low throaty chuckle...felt his finger once again, lifting my jaw closed, and turning my face to meet his.

“Just say when,” he taunted, waggling his brows.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I shot back as my head moved slowly from side to side. It was no surprise that he was big. After all, I’d been feeling that monster poking me in the back for as long as I could remember, and even got a glimpse or two the other night. But to be that close, beneath the fluorescent lights and not having to avert my eyes, I was completely in awe of just how big. Without thought, I reached out and began feeling him up. It had to be at least ten inches in length, I mentally calculated, and thick as a fucking tree trunk. It was hard. So fucking hard. The butterflies were back, and it seemed they’d decided to set up permanent residence in my vag.

Colton hissed, and his hand came down on top of mine, effectively trapping it against the steel rod in his shorts. It was then that it dawned on me...what I was doing, and I felt my face flush with embarrassment. I swear I must’ve been in a trance. “When?” he asked, toying with the band of his shorts.

“Nuh uh.” My eyes widened as I began shaking my head back and forth, swallowing down the huge lump that had formed in my throat.

Colton bit down on his bottom lip, dipping his eyes toward the bathroom door. “Go to bed, Allie,” he rasped before clearing his throat. “I need a cold shower.” Colt released the hold he still had on my hand and scrubbed at his jaw. I yanked mine back, nodding as I began walking backward, my eyes trained on Colton’s dick the entire way.

Heather M. Orgeron's books