Billionaire's Lies: A Novel

But curiosity got the best of me. "How can you tell from here, anyway? Don't tell me that you believe those bullshit myths?"

"No, I'm not into the big feet, big hands, nonsense. There's just an air of confidence a man with a huge penis has." She practically sighed with satisfaction just at the thought of it.

"What?" I asked, staring at her blankly.

"Don't ask me how I know these things. I just know." She laughed. "And I think that guy is about 7.5 inches to 8. Well, maybe 9 inches when he's erect." She smiled and we broke out in giggles.

"Ladies, would you mind joining us?" It was the quarterback who asked.

All eyes were on us and you could feel the lust emanating from the men spread through the room.

"I don't know if there's room," I replied nervously, suddenly regretting my decision to go with Vanessa.

"We'll make room." He locked his eyes on Vanessa, and I knew right then that we were stuck at this table for the rest of the night. We lived by the never-leave-a-sister code and I knew that she'd want to see the night through with the quarterback. And where did that leave me?

Sitting with the guys was awkward at first, but it quickly turned into friendly banter. Their charm made it feel like we were among friends rather than strangers, and suddenly I didn't feel so uncomfortable. Vanessa was hitting it off with Sean, aka the quarterback. It wasn't long before they left the table to talk to each other by the bar.

The rest of the guys and I just ate and had a good time. Next thing I knew, the quarterback's blond friend Adam and I were seated alone. I learned that he's an architect and had three buildings built in his hometown, Seattle. He mostly concentrated on helping construct buildings for shelters and affordable housing here in New York. As he spoke, telling me about himself, he stared intensely into my eyes. I felt guilty because Adam had done everything right--he'd acted like the perfect gentleman, asking the appropriate number of questions, buying me a drink, showing interest without being pushy. Yet, no matter how perfectly he did things, I felt guilty because I felt absolutely nothing for him. I could have been talking to a wall.

"So, tell me something else about you. Aside from being an account executive, what else can I know about you? Do you have kids? Are you divorced?"

"No kids and I've never been married," I responded, taking a sip of my wine spritzer.

"So, you're completely single?"

"Yes," I paused for a second after to give it thought even as my heart sank. "I'm single."

"That's good to hear." He smiled warmly at me, but all I could muster was a tight-lipped smile in response.

The night went on, and Adam continued probing, trying his best to break down my wall and get to know me. He's a great guy, handsome, and the perfect gentleman, I tried to reason myself as we walked through the city streets. We chatted about our hobbies as he walked me home, wanting to make sure I arrived safely.

He's a good distraction, I thought as my apartment building came into view. He'd kept my mind so preoccupied with meaningless conversations that I hadn't even noticed that twenty blocks had gone by, high heels and all!

"I can't believe I'm home," I said, looking up at my building. "It feels like we were just leaving the restaurant."

"I know. I thought we were just going to walk halfway there and then I would have gladly put you in a cab, but here we are."

"Here we are," I repeated, smiling at him.

"I know, being at the front door can be super awkward."

"It can?" My brows knit together.

"Yes, because you're wondering if we should kiss or not."

"Am I?" I asked, smiling. Not because he was charming me, but because it felt like I was talking to a love stung puppy. One that I sadly could never imagine as more than a friend. But you should try to get over Blake, my mind coaxed me desperately.

"Because it's crazy how this feels like a first date, but it's not."

"So, what do you propose?" I asked while fishing through my purse for my keys.

"I propose this." He took my hand and brought it up to his lips. "I've had a lovely time tonight. To think that I was going to stay home and just watch the game is unfathomable."

"Truly atrocious," I giggled as his lips tickled my hand.

"I would love the chance to take you out on an appropriate date. You know: wine, food, flowers, and scheduling something on purpose. That way, when we come back to this door, we can really do the front door dance." He kissed my hand. "May I take you out on a proper date?"

I gave him a small smile while my mind worked its gears. What's the worst that can happen? And if you change your mind, you can always cancel. It was settled.

"I think I'd like that," I replied.

"Now we end on a hug." He hugged me. "You have a great night."

"You too," I said while preparing to go inside.

"I already did."

Chapter 17

Kendra King's books