An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

“Do what?” Trev asked.

I looked back. “Let them kill him. I don’t care. I’m not going to be cornered by some Irish mobsters. We’ll show a greater force of power by not helping him. Think about that for a second. It’ll put Garvan and Bryant in their place. Just to show how fucked up we are. As long as they don’t go near your old lady, Prez. Or your baby.”

Jasper glanced at Trev.

Trev shut his eyes for a second. He put his hands to the table and stood. “Trent, it’s not that easy.”

“Yeah, it is,” I said. “I don’t give a shit about my father. I know you’re new up here, Prez. We can grab a beer and I can tell you some shit that will make you want to put a bullet in his head.”

“Trent, it’s the three of us alone for a reason,” he said. “I’m telling you it’s not that simple. Garvan and Bryant don’t want to kill your father.”

“Then what the fuck do they want with him?” I asked. “He doesn’t know shit about the MC. He doesn’t know shit about me.”

“Goddammit,” Jasper said. “Trent, just listen for a fucking second.”

That second turned into two and turned into another ten.

Trev stared me down. I waited for an answer.

There was no answer.

Instead, the door to the meeting room busted open and Tristan came rushing in. “I’m sorry, brothers, but we have a big problem.”

“What?” Trev asked.

“That chick Trent brought…”

“Harlee?” I asked, my mind instantly shifting gears. I was already running around the table. “What’s wrong?”

“Trent,” Jasper called out. “Wait.”

I wasn’t waiting for anything or anyone.

Tristan put a hand out. “Whoa. Brother. She’s outside looking for you.”

“She’s here now?” I asked.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” Trev growled.

“That’s not it,” Tristan said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“She’s got a gun,” Tristan said. “She’s holding a prospect hostage.”


I couldn’t believe my eyes. Harlee stood at the gate with a gun to a prospect’s head. The poor guy looked terrified and ready to cry. She was in a terrible position too. The prospect could have easily gotten out of the situation but he just sat there on his motorcycle with his hands up in the air.

I put my arms around her and told everyone to stand the fuck down and stay the fuck away from her. Nobody knew what I had proposed to Harlee. Literally. The plan was for her to stay put in the apartment until after our meetings and then handle our business. I needed to walk this thing lightly to make sure the MC didn’t want my head cut off next.

When I got close enough, I grabbed Harlee’s wrist and lowered the weapon. “What the hell are you trying to prove?”

“I need to talk to you,” she said.

“Give me the gun.”

I took the gun and gave it back to the prospect. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him away, letting him stumble as I kept walking. When I was far enough away I swung him around to face me. I pulled him close, putting us nose to nose.

“She was supposed to stay,” I growled.

“She pulled a knife on me, Trent. She demanded. I was worried she would sneak out and try running. I figured it was easier to bring her. To keep her safe, like you wanted. I had four of us and made sure nobody was going to hurt her.”

“You let her put that gun to your head, didn’t you?”



“My only move was to attack,” he said. “I’m not going to attack a member’s old lady. I’m not going to touch her.”

“She could have shot you.”

“That was a risk worth taking.”

“Why, prospect?”

“Because she seems scared and pissed off,” he said.

“Maybe she’s coming to shoot me.”

“If so, then there’ll be an opening at the table.”

“Are you being a fucking smart ass with me?”

“Yes, I am, sir.”

I pushed the prospect away. “Thank you for keeping her safe. Thank you for not making her jumpy. Now go inside and get a beer. Get your dick sucked by a reliever. You did good, prospect. You have a thirty minute break. Move.”

I never saw a prospect run so fast in my life.

I set my sights back on Harlee. I walked right up to her and grabbed her by the waist. I lifted her up and walked her to the gate. Her back hit against it and she gasped. I could feel the monster building from deep inside me.

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“Are you?” she asked back. “That’s your plan?”

“I gave you two choices, darling,” I said. “I’m not being kind here. I’m not trying to be your knight in shining armor. I’m a dirty fucking outlaw. I’ll never be anything but that. But you can stay and become my old lady for real and have protection and family or you could ship your ass into Canada and hide out. That’s what you’ve done to yourself. Not me.”

London Casey & Karolyn James's books