An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

I let myself slip into deep thought.

Harlee would have to go. If the Prez wanted her ass gone, she was gone. Probably for the best because when the blood started to spill it was going to get bad. Really bad. Shit, times like that, just sitting there in need of a voice, it took me back to my childhood. Abandoned by my mother and my old man constantly scrambling to get off his crutches of booze, pills, powders, and cards. So many times guys would show up and beat him up for not paying. A couple times they came after me. That’s what pushed me in the outlaw life. The need for protection and family.

“Family,” I whispered.

That’s when it hit me. I looked toward the hall and started to nod.

There was one way to keep Harlee around.

Christ, I’d have to take it to the table and get everything in order, including her willingness. But it could work. It would work. Then she’d have full protection from me and the MC.

“Family,” I said again.

I rose up and thought about my top drawer. Tucked away, hidden behind an old pair of socks. A perfect little diamond ring that I never got to use.

Until now.

I was going to claim Harlee.

It was her only chance at surviving.

She’d have to become my wife.



I walked through the apartment and couldn’t find Trent. My body was still feeling him from last night. And that was from just his hands and mouth. Everywhere I looked in the apartment he was nowhere to be found. The couch was empty and I touched the pillow, wishing he was there. I wanted to repay plenty of favors to him.

The lingering smell of coffee hit my nose and I stumbled my way to the kitchen. I poured a cup of coffee long before I saw the note on the table. When I did see the note, I sat down and sipped the coffee, reading it.

My life was about to get insane.

Harlee -

Table meeting. Not sure when I’ll be back. Do not leave the apartment without an escort from the prospects. I need you to make a decision and then come to the clubhouse so we can talk. I haven't lied to you yet and I don’t plan on starting now. When you’re done reading this, burn it. Then go into the bedroom and open my top drawer. There will be something there for you. It’s your decision to take it or not. If you take it, you’ll be protected and you’ll have a family. If you decide not to take it, I will do everything I can to help you get out of this town and out of this war in one piece. The second we hit the border, you’re then on your own.

Make your decision.

I’ll be waiting.

- Trent

“My decision?” I whispered to myself.

I had no idea what Trent could have been talking about. I stood up from the table and saw a lighter on the counter. I did as the letter said and set it on fire. I dropped it into the sink and watched it fold up into itself until it was just ashes in the sink. Then I turned on the water and it was like the letter never existed.

In the bedroom, I feared what I’d find in the dresser.

I wanted to trust Trent. I wanted to really believe in him and take it for what it was worth that he hadn’t lied to me. But now I had to choose between staying and going? I had no intentions of leaving, at least not right then. Unless the club wanted me to go. Daxton thought I was dead, right? There was no purpose for me anymore. Except to fool around with Trent. And even that… the way he held back off from me, that was just pure torture. Having his cock so close to my body and he finished himself off. Torture, but wildly hot. So wildly hot.

I slowly peeled open the dresser drawer.

I half expected to find a gun.

What I didn’t expect to find was a diamond ring.

An engagement ring…

Trent wanted me to marry him?


I opened the door and a young prospect stood there. He had a toothpick in his mouth and quickly spit it off the balcony.

He was clean cut, too boyish for the life he thought he wanted to live.

“Do you need something?” he asked.

“A ride to the clubhouse,” I said. “Right now.”

The prospect checked his watch. “Not yet. I’ll let you know when it’s time.”

I went back into the apartment.

Then it struck me.

I’m not fucking kidnapped.

I dove forward and ripped open the drawers until I found the one I wanted.

I grabbed a knife and walked back to the door.

I was done with this shit.

Trent wanted an answer? He would get an answer from me.

I had the ring in my pocket and the answer in my heart.

When I opened the door again, the prospect smiled at me. I sliced the knife through the air, coming too close to him, actually startling myself. He ducked and fell to the right, tripping over his own two feet. I bit my tongue and kicked his ass, literally, and sent him to the ground.

I pointed the knife at him. “Take me now, prospect. Do you know who the fuck I am?”

The prospect stared at me, shocked. “I… Trent said…”

London Casey & Karolyn James's books