An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

I gave it another few breaths and then stepped out into the hallway. I walked down the hallway slowly, gun up and ready to fire. I wasn’t going to stand for any bullshit. Whoever this was…

I grabbed a picture frame off the wall and that was going to be my diversion. When I got to the corner of the hall I tossed the picture forward toward the kitchen and then jumped out. The plan was to have the intruder looking at the flying picture frame so I could get a shot off at the son of a bitch.

In reality the picture frame hit the counter and shattered. I turned, gun ready to fire, and saw Cash sitting at the dining room table.

He had a beer in his hand and looked left to right a few times.

“Was that your plan?” he asked.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Does that work for you?”

“You know what we’re up against here?” I asked. “And you’re fucking around right now like this.”

“I’m not fucking around, brother. Jasper had been blowing up your cell for an hour with no response. I grabbed Kye and shot over here to check on your ass.”

My fucking cell was on silent and in my jeans on the floor in the bedroom. While Trev was calling me I had been face down in Harlee’s pussy and then jerking off on her fine ass.

“Goddammit,” I said and put my gun down. I grabbed a chair and pulled it out then crashed to it. “You fuck, Cash. Fuck.”

“Sorry, bro. Wasn’t sure what you were doing. Was hoping you’d hear me and finish up with your girl. I didn’t want to walk in.”

“Yeah, right,” I said.

“No, really. I have this problem… if I walked in and saw you two fucking, I’d either have to join in or jerk off. Right on the spot.”

“What did your parents feed you when you were a kid?” I asked.

“Mostly macaroni and cheese. Chicken nuggets. Found my old man’s porn stash when I was really young. Shit, I still can’t eat chicken nuggets without getting a raging stiffy.”

I shook my head. “Cash, I’m fine. Nobody’s been here. Harlee is in bed, sleeping. I’m going to the couch. End of discussion.”

“Whoa, whoa. You’re sleeping on the couch?”

“To keep her safe. If someone breaks in…”

“Where were you just now?”

“Taking a shit,” I growled.

“Bullshit,” Cash said. “I’ve smelled your shits. You weren’t taking a shit. You were in there with her. What is she… gagged and tied? Is she a freak? She’s got to be a freak, man. Running with a MC, even if it is a bunch of pussies in Night Soul. Oh, man, tell me something good about her.”

“I’m not talking about anything with you, Cash,” I said. “Enjoy your beer and go the hell back to the clubhouse and unload on someone.”

“There’s someone right here,” Cash said with an evil grin.

I jumped up and pointed at him. “Don’t fuck with me. Stay away from Harlee, man. She’s been through a lot of shit.”

Cash put his hands up. “Damn. I was just putting it out there before she splits. Heard Trev and Jasper talking about how to get rid of her.”

“She’s not…”

“Don’t worry. They’re not going to kill her. They’ve been arranging for a trip up north. Across the border.”


“She’ll be fine up there, eh?” Cash asked and laughed.

The apartment door opened again and Kye came in with a gun. “I chec… oh, hey Trent. Everything good?”

“Great,” Cash said. “Trent has that chick tied up and gagged in the bedroom with some toys in her tight little ass.”

“What?” Kye yelled.

“Fuck off,” I said. “Both of you. Fuck off. Harlee is goddamn sleeping. We’ve got four prospects circling the apartment. Get out of here. I’ll be at the table tomorrow.”

“Good,” Cash said. He stood up and finished his beer. He pointed at me. “Prez wants to review everything. Haven’t heard from Night Soul yet. My guess is they’re out searching for their missing member.”

“We can give them the head,” Kye said with a grin.

“Speaking of head,” Cash said. “How’s the chick? Her mouth doesn’t look wide enough to take me, but you, Trent, you’re good, right? Little pencil…”

I reached back for my gun and pointed it at Cash. “I will do it.”

“I know,” Cash said. “Kye, give us a minute.”

“Take it easy, brother,” Kye said to me. “See you tomorrow.”


Kye left and Cash didn’t back down, even with a gun pointed at him.

“I’m fucking with you, brother. You bring some chick to the clubhouse and fight for her life. You and Duke haven’t settled up yet on what happened. You’re treating her like she’s your old lady when she’s not. I know the monster is inside you, Trent. I hope you’ve got things figured out because when Prez says it’s time… she’s gotta go.”

“You think I don’t fucking know that?” I asked.

“I’m not sure you do. Get it together. Don’t let a little good pussy take down the monster.”

Cash walked to the door, reached back without looking, and threw me the finger. He had a large ring on his finger of two women with their legs spread, almost touching, making a X.

Once I was finally alone, I grabbed my gun and went to the couch. The movie channel that Harlee had on was still on, playing another chick flick. I muted the TV but didn’t turn it off.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books