An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

“Trent wants an answer from me and I’m not waiting any longer,” I said. “If you don’t take me, then I’ll walk. And if I get hurt, what do you think Trent would do?”

His faced turned white. He grabbed for the railing and pulled himself up. He put his hands out and waved at the knife like he could make it disappear.

“Put the knife down,” the prospect said.

“Take me to see Trent.”

“Okay. I will. But put the knife down.”

I tossed the knife into the apartment and shut the door, staying outside.

I fully expected the prospect to charge after me or something, but he didn’t.

He listened to me.

I was in control of him. Because of my affiliation with Trent and Back Down Devil MC. I was higher up in the MC than the prospect that gave me his bucket helmet to wear. That was power.

And it had nothing to do with me personally.

It was because of the diamond ring in my pocket.

The prospect started his ride and three more appeared.

I was getting a full escort to the biggest decision of my entire life.



“Rocco’s been in touch,” Trev said as he sat at the head of the table. “Night Soul is shaken up bad over this.”

“They know about Mays?” I asked.

“They left May’s body outside the clubhouse,” Jasper said. “So they fucking knew.”

“I told them we have the head,” Trev said. “They can come get it and make arrangements to bury their brother as needed.”

“Seems a little nice, Prez,” Xavier said.

“No matter what, having those close to you fall, it hurts,” Trev said. “We didn’t order that hit on Mays. I made that clear to Rocco. I also made it clear that Ripper was far out of his element when he was dealing and that the O’Nuall family is one you don’t fuck with.”

“What’s the next play?” Austin asked.

“Rocco wants his guns,” Trev said. “More than ever. I’ve been arranging more meets and something was brought to the table.”

“Jesus Christ,” Jasper said. He looked right at me. Then to Trev. “Right now with this?”

“It’s a play,” Trev said.

“What is this?” I asked. “Is this about Harlee? Because if it is…”

“It has nothing to do with Harlee,” Jasper said. “It’s about your father.”

“Shit,” I said. “What did he do now?”

Trev stood up. “Our play is to keep both sides of this transaction happy until we can strike. That means Night Soul has to think they’re getting guns. And it means the O’Nuall family needs to think they’re getting paid for guns. We’re in between holding all of this together.”

“Why not let the O’Nuall just wipe out Night Soul?” Duke asked. “They take out our enemy, then we make arrangements for payment. We get the guns, Night Soul is gone, and we can start small dealing on the side and earn back and then some. Shit, it could let us take a breather up here, Prez.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” I said.

“I would vote on that,” Hudson said.

“Me too,” Cash said.

Trev just stood in silence. He slowly nodded. “Tell you what. There’s a lot of emotion and opinion flying around here right now. I said I wouldn’t drop my dick on the table and command too much. I respect all of you up here and all you’ve done, even when Ripper was trying to destroy all of this. Let’s take a break and think all this out. Everyone think about what they feel is right for the club. Right now, we’re in a small bit of calmness and all parties accept what’s going on. Take advantage for the moment. I’m calling this dead for now.”

Trev quickly smacked the gavel off the table.

To put it simply: it was fucking weird.

Trev wasn’t the type to just end a meeting. And he wasn’t really the type to talk about respect. He showed it.

The room slowly started to clear out, but I kept my outlaw ass right in my seat. I wanted to know what the fuck was going on with my father.

Trev and Jasper sat in their seats also. They knew what they were doing by clearing the table. They were giving me the respect to some privacy to talk about my old man.

“Want a beer?” Jasper asked.

“No,” I said. “I want the truth. Right now. What the hell is going on?”

“Bringing you to the O’Nuall meeting was a mistake,” Trev said. “I should have done more intel on everyone.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Garvan and Bryant pegged you the second they saw you,” Trev said. “They made a connection and knew how to dig their claws in us.”

“I’ll keep it simple,” Jasper said. “Your old man still has some bad habits.”

“Drugs or gambling?” I asked.

“Everything. He’s in debt.”

“Shit,” I said. “Shit.”

I quickly stood up, sending the chair flying behind me. I rubbed my forehead and came to a swift decision on it. A decision I made a long time ago when it came to him. He never took care of me. He let me get my ass beat up. Shit, I was lucky nothing else happened to me with some of the people that showed up.

“Just let them do it,” I said.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books