An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

When he turned away, I touched my jaw. I felt like I needed an ice pack. Hell, if he expected me to do that again to him… I needed some serious practice.

Trent left the room and I was all alone. Right there in this clubhouse, right in Trent’s room. It oozed of bad boy biker, smelling of old clothes and hot sex. That part made me a little jealous. I wondered how many had been in the same position as me. I wondered if he used the same moves and words.

Then again, what did it matter?

He was the one licking me the other night, right? I was the one he wanted to wear his ring, right?

I took a few minutes to scour the room, snooping. Yeah, so what? I was intrigued by Trent. He didn’t give me much to run with. On his dresser he had some old pictures. They were of him and other guys in the MC I recognized. A younger version of Trent and Jasper standing together, smiling, beers in hand. Jasper was totally boyish while Trent had the same thick build and wild eyes. There was a picture of him clean shaven and super short hair. He looked like a model. I expected there to be a bottle of cologne in his hand. And if there was, I would buy a hundred bottles.

I snuck a peek in his drawers and found nothing exciting.

However, the night stand was a whole other story.

I pulled open the drawer and stepped back at the sight of the gun. Surrounding the gun were condoms. Lots of them. When I opened the drawer more I found small bottles of lube. My cheeks reddened and my jealousy fired up again. I would never need lube with Trent. Nothing on me would dry up for him. Then again, if he wanted to put himself somewhere that didn’t get wet…

I felt my face burning even hotter.

Then I saw something else.

Another picture, face down.

I took it out of the drawer and turned it around.

It was Trent, on a motorcycle, with a beautiful woman with her arms around his neck. She had long black hair and sexy eyes. She was cheek to cheek with Trent and the smile on his face was completely genuine. He was in a cut off t-shirt, showing off his muscles and tats. The woman looked so clean and innocent.

I instantly looked to the diamond ring and wondered if I was the wrong person wearing it.

There was a sound at the door and I hurried to put the picture away. I slammed the drawer shut and spun around as the door opened.

I thought it was Trent.

I was wrong.

It was Duke… the biker I tried to kill…



The prospect put three beers on the table and then stood there.

I gave it a few seconds and saw Trev getting pissed.

“Hey, asshole,” I said. “What do you want? A fucking tip?”

“I, uh, no…”

“Get out,” I yelled. I reached for my knife and whipped it out. “You’ve got ten seconds to disappear or I’m cutting off a finger.”

That got the prospect moving.

I swear - some of those guys were only in it for the image. And when they did something for us they expected something in return. That’s what a lot never learned. You never, ever expect a thing in return. What you work for and what you earn is respect. I would take a bullet for Jasper not because I would expect him to do it in return. Fuck no. I would take a bullet for Jasper because I respected him. And because if a bullet were to come at me, he’d take it because he respected me.

“What are we doing here?” I asked Trev.

It was me, him, and Jasper.

“First off,” Trev said. “I guess we owe a congrats.”

“To the monster for settling down,” Jasper said. “I don’t believe it.”

“I don’t think many of us do,” Trev said.

We eyed each other again, knowing it was all bullshit. But I respected Trev for keeping his head on straight for the moment with this thing.

“So I guess she sticks around,” Trev said. “Good for her. We’ll keep her ass safe.”

“Keep her ass away from Cash,” Jasper said. “Christ, I heard him last night telling some chick that he was money. That’s why his name’s Cash. What a frigging moron.”

“As much fun as this casual chat is, can we get serious?” I asked. “I’d like to settle up with my bride-to-be. She really didn’t have a chance to explain herself yet as to why she pulled a gun on a prospect. Her mouth was preoccupied.”

“Good for you,” Jasper said.

“Takes guts to do what she did,” Trev said.

“That’s why I’m marrying her.”

“Right,” Trev said. “Right.”

“Okay, back on track,” Jasper said.

“My father.”

“He owes the O’Nuall family a lot. More than we could ever think of helping with. From pussy to gambling to drugs, it’s full circle. He was either too dumb or just didn’t realize that he was in debt three ways with the same group.”

“He’s a complete asshole,” I said. “I wouldn’t save him if it was offered to me.”

“Good,” Jasper said. “That might make this easier.”

I slammed my beer down, sending bubbling foam up and over the top. “Fuck. Someone tell me what’s going on right now.”

Trev looked at me. “Fair enough, Trent. The O’Nuall family wants him dead. They’re willing to work with us and negotiate on this gun situation. But your father is a big pawn.”

London Casey & Karolyn James's books